The Convincing

Love & Guilt

Kyuhyun was nervous, he had been thinking about what to say to his boyfriend the entire flight. He was trying to calm himself but the host announcing that the plane was about to land, didn’t quite help.


Kyuhyun went down to the parking lot where he knew his manager would be waiting. He thought it was good that fans didn’t know about him coming to Taiwan or else they would be lining up at the gate.

So he was looking around for a van or Manager hyung’s car that would be taking him to Siwon. Siwon … whenever that name came across his mind he would feel broken and on the verge of tears. He thought if he felt this way just by the idea of seeing him what would happen if he actually saw him. 

Unfortunately, he was about to find out. Siwon was standing next to his car a few feet away from him, hands in his pocket and he was giving Kyuhyun his dimply smile. Kyuhyun literally froze in his place and his eyes widened. He missed Siwon. At that moment he only wanted to run to the guy and keep kissing him and hugging him like there was no tomorrow. How he wished he could forget everything and jump on him right there, but something in his head stopped him.

Before he realized it, a hand was caressing his cheek. That made him snap out of his thoughts and stare at the man now standing in front of him. Faces inches apart.

“Baby I missed you” Siwon clearly had no idea about what Kyuhyun was feeling right then or the fact that he remembered everything. He was just happy that Kyuhyun was there. When Manager hyung told him that he would be picking Kyuhyun up from the airport, he couldn’t suppress his happiness. He, of course, wondered why Kyuhyun didn’t tell him, but he was too excited to think about that. It was his day off and he wasn’t going to waste any single second of it without his baby.

“S-Siwonnie … What are you doing here?” Kyuhyun should’ve guessed that Manager Hyung would tell Siwon that he was coming but he would’ve liked a warning. That way he could’ve prepared himself.

“What? I thought you’d be happy to see me” Siwon was pouting his lips. Oh how Kyuhyun liked him when he did that. Of course he thought he didn’t look cute and he always told him that, but still he always liked to kiss that pout away.

”It’s not that. I-I just didn’t know you would be picking me up”

“I’m not planning on wasting any second without you. This is my free day, and I’m goning to do whatever I want with you. So just be prepared” Siwon moved his face closer to kiss Kyuhyun but the latter turned his face which made the kiss land on his cheek

“Siwon, someone might see us” That was a big fat lie! Kyuhyun wanted nothing more than to kiss the man in front of him and let their tongues play together.

Siwon was kind of disappointed, he missed those plump lips. It was only a week since he last saw Kyuhyun but he missed him. And because he had been busy, the closest thing to a talk between them was the voicemail.

“Come on, let's go” He held Kyuhyun’s hand in his and walked him to his car.

Just those few feet that they needed to reach the car, made Kyuhyun’s heart on the verge of exploding. The heat of Siwon’s hand holding his, sent a jolt through his heart.


The drive to the hotel was kind of quite. Siwon did the asking part and Kyuhyun could only answer with a nod, a ‘yes’, a ‘no’ or a smile. A fake one.

But the awkwardness didn’t go unnoticed by Siwon. He felt something was wrong with his baby Kyu and he wanted to reach the hotel fast so he could ask him about it.


They were both in Siwon’s hotel room. Kyuhyun walked to the window and Siwon followed him. He hugged him from behind and started kissing the younger’s neck. Kyuhyun always felt vulnerable against Siwon’s touch but he knew he had to focus on what he came to say.

”Siwon, stop” Kyuhyun said with a calm low yet determined tone, but that didn’t stop the older from abusing his neck even more.

”Siwon, I said STOP” That didn’t come out the way Kyuhyun wanted. His tears started falling down his cheeks and one hand was on his mouth to block his sobs. But the way Kyuhyun’s back was shaking made Siwon worried. He stopped what he was doing and turned Kyuhyun to face him.

”Hey, hey what’s wrong?” Siwon took Kyuhyun’s hand off his mouth and hugged him

“H-How can you still be like this?” Kyuhyun murmured in the crook of Siwon’s neck but the latter still heard him

“Baby I don’t understand” Siwon was always weak in front of Kyuhyun’s tears. Did he do something wrong? He was starting to get worried.

“Y-you almost died because of me! How …” Siwon didn’t let him finish because just the first words was enough for him to understand that Kyuhyun regained his memory. He pulled back from the hug and cupped Kyuhyun’s cheeks until their gaze met up.

“I don’t EVER want to hear you say that”

“B-but …”

“No buts! I chose to save you and I would do it again if I have to. You are the most important person in my life and I wasn’t going to let you leave me”

“You don’t understand” Kyuhyun was crying his heart out while Siwon’s thumbs were drying his tears. He had a lot of things to say, but at that moment standing in front of the only man he loves, the man he couldn’t imagine his life without him, the words he planned to say vanished from his brain.

”I understand that you’re feeling guilty. I understand that you THINK it was your fault. I understand that I almost died. I understand all of that and I also understand that you LOVE me and I LOVE YOU and we were giving another chance. That’s why I don’t want you to waste it by feeling guilty. I LOVE YOU Cho Kyuhyun, always have, always will and I could never forgive myself if I didn’t save you back then. And you know what? You already saved ME by falling in love with me and accepting my love for you. Now all I’m asking is for YOU to understand. IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT”

Kyuhyun was very touched by what he just heard that he could almost believe it wasn’t his fault. He clenched Siwon’s shirt and pulled him in for a kiss …

Readers, I know it's short but i tried my best because i have exams and a lot of things to do!! 
So Leave a comment ^^

wubukyu Here you go .. Do you think Kyu is now convinced that it wasn't his fault? :P

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Chapter 24: omg guys you are so precious, im like die looking your make a love hahhaha so passionate and hot.
Wow siwon bcm a bottom. So rarely. Kkkk
be happy always xD
Chapter 23: kyuhyun in there??
Omoo please catch up kyu again.
Chapter 22: miserable siwon's day without kyu. Ofc. Kyu was like his life so even no kyu no siwon's life also.
When is he comeback? 3 month is so long to break all members heart .
Chapter 21: even they separated but their sould and heart always connection each other.
I hope their situation not being awkwards a long. Back to warm again
Chapter 20: hope you could be fine kyu TT
welcome back as soon.
Chapter 19: the hot night of them.. Is really full of lust. I love it when they meet each other ^^
where will you go kyu?!! Don't leave siwon.
Chapter 18: OMGGGG siwon.. How could you said those beautiful words like tho? IM DYING HEARING IT.
All of siwon spoke is true kyu. Please don't felt guilty anymore.
Chapter 17: make it all clear pls !!! It make siwon shocked even he knowing the truth about kyu's take a break time :(
take care kyu.
Have a good time with siwon
Chapter 15: why you want take a break kyu?
How if siwon knowing it?
It would be suffering him TT
i know you were hurt but you shouldn't do it kyu :(
Chapter 14: yes, this is not your fault kyu.
Don't blame your self.!!!