
Love & Guilt

“What the hell just happened? Henry, do you have any idea why Kyuhyun suddenly wants to leave?”

After Kyuhyun left them shocked and confused without a fair explanation, the members were looking for some answers. And from the look on Henry’s face, Eunhyuk could see that he knew about what was going on in Kyu’s head. Unfortunately, he didn’t like the answer

“H-He remembers” Henry knew the fact that Kyuhyun regained his memory, but he did NOT know about his decision. If he knew, he would’ve done something to prevent this.

“What? You mean about the accident? Is that why he wants to leave?” Eunhyuk suddenly stood up from the couch, one hand was covering his mouth that was slightly open from the shock and the other one was on his hip. He hoped Kyuhyun wouldn’t remember because he knew how vulnerable the maknae is when it comes to Siwon

“He’s not leaving Hyukjae, he’s only taking a break” Sungmin blurred out

“Well it’s the same!”

“Is he mad at us? I mean for lying to him” Said Ryeowook, tears already flowing down his cheeks

“He was at first, but I think his guilt is bigger than our lies”

“Wait, is he blaming himself for the accident?” Said Zhoumi

“He must be feeling awful by now. Does Siwon-ah know? We should tell him” Sungmin pulled out his phone to try to call Siwon but he was stopped by EunHyuk.

“We need to talk to Kyuhyun-ah first. There’s no need to worry Siwon, well not yetHe walked out of the living room and went straight to Kyuhyun’s room.


Kyuhyun was lying on his bed legs crossed, his favourite game 'Starcraft' was showing on the computer screen in front of him but his fingers weren’t moving, they were just resting on the keyboard.

Eunhyuk walked closer to the younger’s bed, he closed the laptop, put it aside and climbed up to the bed to sit in front of Kyuhyun.

Normally Kyuhyun would get seriously mad if someone disturbed him while he was playing but he didn’t have the energy to even talk, so he just hang his head low not daring to look up.

Eunhyuk held both Kyuhyun’s hands in his ”Now, tell me exactly what’s on your mind”

“Hyung I already said …”

“Yes, you’re taking a break. I got that” He held Kyuhyun’s chin and lifted his face to meet his own “What I wanna know is why? Henry told us that you regained your memory. Don’t you think talking it through would be better than leaving?”

“I’m tired of talking”

“Okay. Let me just ask you something. If the roles were switched up, Siwon was the one who was going to have an accident and you were standing twenty feet away from him. What would you have done? You wouldn’t have saved him?”

Some tears made their way down Kyuhyun’s face “I don’t know hyung, I think I couldn’t have helped him. I’m not as strong as he is. I don’t think I could’ve saved him”

Stupid Hyukjae, you’re going to make it worse. Eunhyuk sighed. He cupped Kyuhyun’s cheeks and wiped the tears with his thumbs. 

”Kyuhyun-ah, what are you planning on telling Siwon about this break? You seriously think he’ll agree to it?

It was Kyuhyun’s turn to cup Eunhyuk’s cheeks and look him straight in the eyes, it was like he wanted him to understand clearly what he was about to say

“Hyung, I need to do this. Lately, all I have been feeling is pain and it hurts. I already explained everything to Teukkie Hyung and I really really don’t want to say it twice because Hyung, I’m tired of crying and feeling miserable. Whenever I’m with the members or Siwon I feel happy, really happy but lately I don’t. I feel suffocated. It’s not because of any of you or because of me for that matter, it’s just how I feel. And to add to that, this whole accident thing is making me go crazy, because I can’t stop thinking ‘What If’. I know I should believe that it wasn’t my fault, and I know I need to. That’s why I need time. The management gave me six months break, but I hope it won’t take that long until I can go back to you. I really hope so, and I’ll try my best. Okay?”

Apparently, Kyuhyun managed to get through to Eunhyuk since the latter’s tears were flowing down his face and on Kyuhyun’s hands. He kissed Kyuhyun’s forehead and hugged him tight

“I’ll always be here for you, you know that right?”

“I know hyung, I know. Thank you”

“What are you going to do about Siwon?” Eunhyuk pulled back from the hug so he can look at Kyuhyun’s face

“I was actually thinking about what to tell him when you barged in to the room… Pabo” Kyuhyun chuckled. He was glad Eunhyuk understood him and he felt relieved about that. He hoped the other members would understand him too.

“Evil maknae, who’s going call me monkey now?” He said while ruffling Kyuhyun’s hair

“Oh, I have an idea. I’ll set up my phone so it would send you a text message saying ‘Stupid Monkey’ everyday! How about that?”

”Yaaah” Eunhyuk pushed Kyuhyun’s shoulder slightly and they both started laughing. Eunhyuk was glad he could see that smile on the maknae’s face. He sure was going to miss his devilish pranks.

Kyuhyun on the other side felt relieved. But it didn’t last long once Siwon’s name was brought up again

“So, about Siwon … What were you thinking?” Eunhyuk hesitated before asking, he wanted to see Kyuhyun laughing a while longer but he wanted to help. He was very close to Siwon and he knew he would be very mad when he would find out.

“I think it would be best to tell him face to face. But when I think about seeing him, my heart breaks”

“I also think it should be done face to face”

“But he’s in Taiwan now and he won’t be back until a week or so”

“Well good thing you’re on a break. You can always fly to Taiwan to see him”


“Hey, I know it will be hard to face him because of the guilt you’re feeling. But maybe everything will fall into place and you won’t be needing the break after all”

“I don’t think that’s going to happen. But I think you’re right, I should go see him”

Eunhyuk patted Kyuhyun’s back as to assure him that everything’s gonna be okay.

“Hyung, can you call Hae hyung and ask him about Siwon’s schedule please?”

Eunhyuk trembled. Apparently, neither him or Donghae mentionned to the members that they broke up, and it wasn't obvious because they broke the night before Hae left for Taiwan. They weren’t talking to each other. But he didn’t want to make Kyuhyun sad about that. He thought he was already sad enough.

”Oh yeah, sure” he barely smiled and he was glad Kyuhyun turned around and wasn't looking since it was clearly fake.


After the heart to heart talk with Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk went down to the living room and was surprised to see the other members sitting in the same position as before, just waiting for him to come down. He walked closer to them and explained what happened. He didn’t tell them the whole details, but the important ones.

Not all of them approved of the decision, but Eunhyuk assured them that it was indeed what Kyuhyun needed at that moment.


”Come on in”

“Kyuhyun-ah, I talked to Hae. He said they have the day off tomorrow”

“Really? That’s good. I think”

“If I didn’t have a schedule tomorrow I would’ve gone with you. I don’t want to leave you fly there alone”

“Are you making me as an excuse so you can go see Hae Hyung?”

“N-no that’s not it” I’m not even sure he wants to see me after our last fight.

“It’s okay hyung, I’ll be fine. This is something I have to do alone”

“You’ll call me when you get there?”

“I will” Kyuhyun got off bed and walked closer to Eunhyuk who was sanding next to the door and hugged him. It wasn’t usual for the maknae to initiate such affection around his hyungs, so it took Eunhyuk a few seconds before hugging him back. Kyuhyun muttered a 'Thank you' under his breath but Eunhyuk heard it anyway.


At The Airport

“Yes Teukkie hyung, I have everything”

> Good. Manager hyung will be waiting to pick you up <

“Ok, thanks hyung”

> I only agreed to this because I know Siwon will be there. So don’t make me worry about you. Arasso? <

“Ne Hyung”

> Call me if you need anything. And don’t be hard on yourself! Listen to what Siwon has to say okay? <

“I’ll try”

> Promise? <

"I promise. I’ll be boarding the plane now, take care Hyung”

> You too, Kyuhyun-ah <

Hello Pretty People, It's me again ^^

For you who are wondering about EunHae's break up, well I already mentionned them in the first chapters and since I don't like mixing up couples in the fic, I decided to make it seperate. So i'll be posting EunHae TwoShots after L&G is done. It will be related to this one of course x)

Again, thanks for all the love and support that L&G got.

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Chapter 24: omg guys you are so precious, im like die looking your make a love hahhaha so passionate and hot.
Wow siwon bcm a bottom. So rarely. Kkkk
be happy always xD
Chapter 23: kyuhyun in there??
Omoo please catch up kyu again.
Chapter 22: miserable siwon's day without kyu. Ofc. Kyu was like his life so even no kyu no siwon's life also.
When is he comeback? 3 month is so long to break all members heart .
Chapter 21: even they separated but their sould and heart always connection each other.
I hope their situation not being awkwards a long. Back to warm again
Chapter 20: hope you could be fine kyu TT
welcome back as soon.
Chapter 19: the hot night of them.. Is really full of lust. I love it when they meet each other ^^
where will you go kyu?!! Don't leave siwon.
Chapter 18: OMGGGG siwon.. How could you said those beautiful words like tho? IM DYING HEARING IT.
All of siwon spoke is true kyu. Please don't felt guilty anymore.
Chapter 17: make it all clear pls !!! It make siwon shocked even he knowing the truth about kyu's take a break time :(
take care kyu.
Have a good time with siwon
Chapter 15: why you want take a break kyu?
How if siwon knowing it?
It would be suffering him TT
i know you were hurt but you shouldn't do it kyu :(
Chapter 14: yes, this is not your fault kyu.
Don't blame your self.!!!