seoul,south korea

present time ~

` it's been years since i left my first ever girlfriend in states , i've been missing her for the past six years already.. we do contact each other but lately we got busy with our own studies , so it's been a month since we have contacted each other.

" taengoo-ah "- i heard my bestfriend called me , i look at yuri and smiled.


" you still have fever "- yuri sighed and check my temperature , we were just having a dinner date with her girlfriend last night when i ate nuts.. i didn't eat it on purpose but my dish have some nuts on it, that's why im here in the hospital.

then suddenly i felt my stomach turning upside down , i was making some noise.. you know, i need to throw up.. yuri look at me and grab a plastic bag , she gave me the plastic bag as i vomit inside it , i just throw up the food that i ate this morning.

my throat is burning and yuri gave me a warm water, she help me to lay down comfortably on my bed.. she sat beside me and hold my hands , i know she's also hurting because she can't see me in pain.

" sorry for being this way yul "- i apologies, she look at me.. everytime i got this sickness of mine, she will be the one taking care of me.. she doesn't know i have allergies , the only person who knew about this is my girlfriend, but yuri find out this morning about my allergies in nuts.

" you should have told me about this allergy of yours , i should have check the ingredients "- she scolded , i look down feeling guilty.

" im sorry , where's sica btw ? "- i ask her suddenly , she look at me.

" she told me she will be picking her bestfriend in the airport this morning , they should be here right now.. "- yuri replied , her bestfriend... my girlfriend to be exact , sica told me her name last night, so the only person who named tiffany hwang is my girlfriend and sica also grew up in states.

" tiffany hwang right ? "- i ask yuri , she smiled and nodded.

" SEOBANG "- we suddenly heard her cute voice , we both look at the door and i saw my miyoung looking at me.. i hope she doesn't recognize me , cause if she did.. she will scold me big time once yuri and sica leave the room.

" sicaaaaaaaaaaaa "- yuri excitedly greeted her girlfriend , sica walk towards my bed and kissed me on the forehead.

" baby tae , you still have fever "- sica told me and sat on the empty spot on my bed.

" she just threw up the food she ated this morning "- yuri told sica, i look down cause sica doesn't like that.. actually she hate seeing me horrible , i mean.. pale skin, dry lips , no energy and can't talk properly because of my burning throat and red spots around my body parts.

" what's her allergies ? "- fany suddenly ask them.

" nut allergies "- sica replied , fany look down trying to hide her sadness..

" jessi, can you buy me something ? "- fany suddenly spoke, sica nodded and walk toward tiffany.. i can't heard any of it cause their whispering , sica look at me and smiled.

" seobang, im hungry let's go buy something "- sica ask yuri, she nodded and left my hospital room.

" i told you not to eat nuts right baby ? "- fany spoke once the two of them left the room, i look at her and nodded like a kid.

" baby , i didn't eat it on purpose "- i told her and pouted, she chuckled and sat beside me.

" i know , oh well.. imissyou "- she told me, i smiled.

" i miss you too , and wow.. you look gorgeous , sorry cause i can't visit you for the past six years "- i told her , she smiled.

" i understand your decision taetae , don't worry.. where still together right ? "- she ask me , i smiled and nodded in agreement,

" appa kept his promise "- i suddenly mumbled, tiffany look at me.

" what promise taetae ? "- she ask me.

" i told appa, when you turned 18.. he will give you that necklace, that lock necklace on your neck.. it's my gift for you , as you see i have one here.. but it's a key necklace, i bought it for us "- i told her, she smiled.

" so it's from you.. you know taetae ,  since the day i wore this necklace.. i never took it off , appa told me it's stainless so even though it's wet the color won't change.. i can tell you taetae, this necklace is expensive "- she told me, i smile.

" yep , one expensive couple necklace.. but it's worth it , i told you i don't care how much money i will cost just to buy perfect thing for the two of us "- i told her, she smiled and nodded in agreement.

" let's just keep this relationship hidden okay ? "- i told her, she nodded in agreement.

" yep taetae, don't worry.. i got your back "- she replied , i smiled.

" be a good girl , and iloveyou "- i told her, she smiled and nodded.

" iloveyoutoo hubby "- she replied and gave me a peck on my dry lips.

" why did you kiss me , my lips is gross "- i whined , she giggled and pinches my nose.

" i don't care , as long as your the one i am kissing.. "- she replied seriously, i pouted cutely.

" ayt not with that pout , will took soon enough.. loveyou , be a good girl "- she continued, i smiled and nodded cutely.. once she got sitted on the couch , the two of them finally arrived, glad they didn't see us having comfortable conversation with each other.

" food arrived "- yuri told me, i smiled and nodded.. and that aroma, i know that aroma.. my honey lemon tea , the drink that tiffany like to do everytime i get sick or feeling down , the tea that will cheer me up in a matter of time.. and tiffany is the only person who know to do this for me , and i know if she's the one who made it.

" HONEY LEMON TEA "- i squeal in excitement, i know tippany suggested this.. the three of the giggled while yuri handed me my own tea for lunch , i look at tippany.

" tiffany-ssi, i know your the one who suggested this to them, so i just want to say thank you "- i told her, she gave me her gorgeous eyesmile.. that's the reason why i fell inlove with her in first sight , she maybe crying when i met her but when she smiled GOD, im gonna die :)

" your welcome taeyeon-ssi , i hope it would help "- she told me , i smiled.

" it's my favorite to be exact "- i replied , we tried to converse like we don't know each other.. but deep inside , were both laughing really hard.

" jinjja ? "- she ask , i smiled and nodded.

" btw , tiff why did you suggest that ? "- sica finally spoke , tiffany look at her.

" oh, my girlfriend also have nuts allergies and everytime she get sick , i'll be making honey lemon tea for her to recover fast "- tiffany replied , i look down to hide my smiling face.

" OH WAIT , GIRLFRIEND ? HOW COME I DIDN'T KNOW IT ?? "- sica raised her voice by asking , i gulped and tiffany gulped also.

" hey, sica.. don't yell at your bestfriend like that "- i scold her, she look at me and nodded.

" the day when you saw me crying on the park , that day is the day she left me "- tiffany replied while looking at me, i sighed really deep.

" but it doesn't matter , were still together and our relationship is hard as a rock "- tiffany continued , sica was thinking.

" you mean , you got your first girlfriend at the age of 13 ? and if your still together, you've been in a relationship for 6 years ? "- sica got the conclusion , tiffany smiled and nodded.

" you know, we weren't supposed to be together at the first place.. but i introduced her to my parent as my girlfriend , at first she was shock but when we got time to talk she ask me if she really love me, and i told her im deeply inlove with her.. but then , she told me she feel the same way and trust me.. our family isn't the family we used to have right now "- i can't believe this , she told them our embarassing story

" where is she now ? "- yuri ask , tippany look at me but i think they caught her glance.

" NO FREAKING WAY "- yuri exclaimed and look at me , i was shock..

" eyy, don't misunderstood my glance.. "- tiffany explained, i sighed in relief.

" SEOBANG, HOW DARE YOU RAISED YOUR VOiCE "- sica scolded her girlfriend, yuri look down.

" i misunderstood her sica, im sorry.. "- yuri apologies , sica giggled and hugged her girlfriend.

" aissh, you need some punishment for yelling at my bestfriend "- sica commanded , OH NO !! that punishment will be loud , way to loud.

" go enjoy your punishment yuri "- i told her, she stuck her tongue out to me.. once they left my room , i gave tiffany a glare for looking at me that way before answering yuri's question.

" fany-ah, come here "- i tried to be calm , once she was standing infront of me.. i flicked her forehead and pinch her nose.

" you don't know how i feel when you look at me like that "- i told her, she look down and pouted.

" i know, i kinda blew up the cover "- she apologies and lay beside me , i sighed and hugged her waist.. i can't be mad at her even in just seconds , her puppy eyes can turn everything upside down. i can't resist that.

" that's okay, but how did you know it was me ? "- i suddenly ask her, i don't know if sica introduced me to her.

" jessi told me alot of things about you , but you didn't tell me you know jessi "- she replied.

" you didn't tell me either, why would i know ? "- i ask her, she pouted again.. she hate it when i cut her , now she cant think of any..

" you , your still the same.. you still cut me , i hate you "- she whined , i giggled.

" oh no you wouldn't , are you sure you hate me ? "- i ask her, she shook her head.

" good answer "- i replied and kissed her on the cheeks

" you won't leave me now right ? "- she suddenly ask me , i look at her.

" nope , i know you'll be staying here for good.. so i won't ever leave you again "- i simply replied , her smile grew wider and peck me on the lips..

we just kept on talking , and the only thing we both know that we both fell asleep in each other arms.








oh well , for the 26 people who subscribe to my story.. thank you so much, i hope you also leave a comment :)


i'll update soon as i can , i still need to fixed all the things i need for my college life :)





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xithmeh #1
why you not update?? :((
TheCareBear #2
why is my username in the forward? XD hahahah
3kaye13minnie #3
i wonder who is the man in their relationship??please reply! :)
erik190 #4
so cute mi little Taengo!! she needs Tiff's to sleep O.O¡¡??? hehehehe
update soon!!
This is filled with so much warmth and happiness. I approve!
EMT0304 #6
xithmeh #7
yessss you're update♥
you know? i smilling like an idiot when i read you're fanfic XDD
please update soon^^
so cuteeeee
so sweetttttttt
they fall inlove snce 13 years adorable
updte more author,btw,new reader here..:))
erik190 #9
update soon!!! kyaa!! TAENY!!!!hehehehe
3kaye13minnie #10
please have a double update ur story is really really good!