Chapter One - FLASHBACK



FLASHBACK (6 years ago)

` my parents died when i was one years old , i only see them on our one and only family picture in the living room.. i grew up with the maids taking care of me , but i don't actually need them cause i can take care of myself.

when i was four years old , i know how to cook ramen and when i turned 8 years old.. i already know how to cook different kind of food , so when i turned 10 years old , i told them not to bother me anymore cause i can take care of myself already.

they simply agreed to it , even though their still sad about my decision they still followed my wish to be alone.. im not that lonely at all , i do play outside with tons of kids in the park , but i don't really talk to them.

once they ask what's my name , i don't answer them cause once they know me.. they might hate me because im not open as they are , and i don't want them to compare me to them , cause i know i grew up alone and they grew up with their parents on their side.

i was just walking around the park with a chocolate sundae on my hands , then suddenly.

" MIYOUNG , YOU CAN DO THIS.. "- i heard a girl talking to herself , i smile inside.. but i can see she's struggling to learn how to ride a bike , oh well.. i headed to her place and sat on the bench near her , she kept on falling but i still watch her.. but not avail, her knees is already bleeding.

i decided to buy some bandage for her to treat her wounds , once i head back i saw her on the bench crying..

" you okay ? "- i suddenly ask her, she look at me with her eyes red and puffy.

" who are you ? "- she ask me with a throaty tone , i sighed.

" im here to treat your wounds , see.. i bought this for you , don't worry i won't hurt you "- i told her, she nodded..

once i saw her nodded , i started treating her wounded knees.. i grab some cotton balls and put a little alcohol to clean the wounds , i look at her.

" it might sting a little , just please don't cry anymore.. "- i told her, she gave me another nod.

then i put the wet cotton ball on her fresh wound making her flinch , but once i finish cleaning the whole wound i blew some air to it so it will cool down.. and once i saw it's already dry and clean , i put the totoro bandage that i bought.

" there all patch up , sorry for not introducing my name.. im kim taeyeon "- i introduced myself to her , she smiled.. OMG , that smile is really mesmerizing.. and my heart , is beating really fast.

" im hwang miyoung , but please call me tiffany.. and sorry to bother you "- she introduced herself and apologies.

" that's okay , i don't really mind "- i replied and sat beside her, we suddeny stare into each other eyes.

is this me ?? , i mean.. i never opened up with everyone , but why her ??

" but can you help me ? "- she suddenly broke the silence, i break the eye-contact and look down.. im still on my deep thought , i never feel this kind of feeling before... ARGGGGH , it's really HARD to think right now.

" taetae , you there ? "- she spoke again , i finally look at her.. and she called me taetae , did i hear that right ?

" taetae ? "- i blurted it out , i was shock so i put my hand to cover my mouth.

" i can't really pronounce your name , im korean but i grew up in states "- she told me, my jaw dropped.

" im korean too "- i replied , she was shock also.

" jinjja ? "- she replied with a higher tone.

" jinjja , but i also grew up here in L.A "- i replied and sighed deeply , so i decided to change the topic already.

" well , you ask if i could help you "- i suddenly ask her, she smiled and nodded.

" can you teach me how to ride a bike ? "- she ask me, i look at her with a confused expression.

" i can teach you , but why ? "- i suddenly ask her, she look down and sighed.

" as you see , i grew up with a really poor family and we are sort out of budget.. and i see this competition , i bike competition to be exact and the prize is kinda big so i want to join to help them "- she told me the reason behind , i sighed.. i could help her , money is not a problem for me..

" taetae, im not here to judge you.. it's okay if you won't help me "- she continue and look at me , i was really shock by her own remark.

" fany-ah, im not here to judge you either.. i can help you , but please don't join that competition it's really dangerous "- i told her, she look at me with a confused expression.. she don't understand what im saying.

" i can help you with the thing you need miyoungie , just don't join that competition "- i told her, she sighed and look down.

" let's go to your house and i will talk to your parents "- i told her, she look at me and nodded.

i help her to get her bike on the side , we left the park and headed to their apartment.. it's just a 10 minutes walk , we've been talking with each other since we started walking , im really happy for myself cause i finally found a perfect friend for me.

we share alot things in common , she's also an athlete but the only thing she can't do is riding a bike.. she also love to sing but she doesn't love to cook, cause cooking isn't her thing, she told me story about her bad cooking.

she nearly burned their kitchen because she forgot to turn the stove off , i really laugh at her story and she just gave me a pout..

finally we arrive to their house , she grab her keys and once the door open she invited me inside and we walk towards the living room.. the house is really nice , and once we got into the living room..

i see her parents and siblings on the living room, the four them look at me.

" annyeonghaseyo "- i greeted them and bowed , it's a korean manner.. im fluent in both language , so i don't really have a problem with it.. they look at me with a shock expression , making tippany to giggle.. i nudged her shoulder to stop her from laughing.

it was an awkward silence , none of us speak.. just plain awkward , i sighed deeply..






thank you for the six people who subscribe to my story :)


the first chapter might be a little confusing , but i still hope you like it :)


i hope this chapter is a success , please leave me a comment about the chapter okay ?


next update : taeny will be together, it's kinda fast right ? but you will know it soon ♥



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xithmeh #1
why you not update?? :((
TheCareBear #2
why is my username in the forward? XD hahahah
3kaye13minnie #3
i wonder who is the man in their relationship??please reply! :)
erik190 #4
so cute mi little Taengo!! she needs Tiff's to sleep O.O¡¡??? hehehehe
update soon!!
This is filled with so much warmth and happiness. I approve!
EMT0304 #6
xithmeh #7
yessss you're update♥
you know? i smilling like an idiot when i read you're fanfic XDD
please update soon^^
so cuteeeee
so sweetttttttt
they fall inlove snce 13 years adorable
updte more author,btw,new reader here..:))
erik190 #9
update soon!!! kyaa!! TAENY!!!!hehehehe
3kaye13minnie #10
please have a double update ur story is really really good!