Chapter Three - Seungri

I'm Not A Monster


There were the voices.
Quiet, mumbled, brisk. Those voices had a job to do. A job that involved him. 
However he already knew. He'd overheard their conversation.
 They had created something. Something powerful, more powerful than he could imagine.
More powerful than he could ever dream to be.
More dangerous than any of them.
In the blindingly bright room built of the colour white, he stood face on to a mannequin made of smooth marble. It matched the colour of the room exactly and could be missed by someone struggling with their sight. Although he could see it just fine.
His eyesight was impeccable.
One swift movement of his hand across the marble, the statue split in half and clattered to the floor with a loud 'bang'.
He knew that they were planning to make him fight this thing.
As the 'Doctors' walked towards him his talented eyes flickered speedily towards them. Irises of light violet swirled around the dark pupils as he inspected everyone of them. They paused feet away from him and from there addressed him.
"RX are you finished with you training?"
A few of the men in the lab coats glanced down, noting the crumbled marble spread across the floor. 
He looked over at them with orbs made of violet, scouring their actions. A few flicked at his gaze, a horrified look briefly crossing their faces.  The one who spoke before spoke again. 
"I see you have destroyed all your training targets. Well done. ...At least you were a success." He added at the end. 
He tipped his head gently, slightly puzzled by this added statement. 
Was there more than one of him?
The 'Doctor' continued.
"You may have heard about our knew creation. 'GKs-7331'."
He under stood they were talking about a serial number, like that of his own which was 'RXn+3x'.
"Indeed." He replied gently, his voice misleadingly soft and his bright eyes still swapping from one facial features to the others.
"And I have also heard that you intend to make me fight this 'creation', am I correct?"
"Indeed you are." Came the dry reply. "Yourself and the others we have.... 'collected'."
So there are others. Of course there must be. The facility was far to big and had far to many security tweaks just to house him.
"So when do I... We encounter this creation?" He asked pleasantly, a tiny flicker of a smile twitching in his bland lips. This time he never received any answer. Instead a few of the 'Doctors' scribbled something down in the check boards the clutched then when they had finished, turned in their polished heels and stalked off as briskly as they had arrived.
He stood watching after them, focusing his advanced eyes directly on the paper than the check board held in place. His brow twitched upwards as the image of the paper became closer and now legible. Using his sniper like vision he read easily what had been written:
"Project Monster."
"Day: 234  Check-up: 236"
"Name: Project Three"
"Serial No.: RXn+3x"
"Type: Android "
"Power - 7/ Accepted"
"Understanding- 10/ Accepted"
"Cooperation - 10/ Accepted " 
He furrowed his eyebrows slightly, trying to figure out what it exactly meant. 
'It must be something to do with this new creation.' He pondered to himself. 'Especially fighting it.'
He managed to focus in other clipboards and the information they held, all though his view was sometimes obstructed.
One stated;
"Type: Vamperic"
"Power - 9/ Accepted"
"Understanding- 4/ Unachieved"
"Cooperation - 7/ Accepted"
The other he glanced at was block out so he could only read the ratings:
"Power - 8/ Accepted"
" Understanding - 2/ Unachieved"
"Cooperation - 1/ Unachieved"
"Review and Training needed."
He then knew, whatever they were going to fight was probably too strong for them to control that they we're putting their faith into other Monsters.
Sorry I haven't updated in so long (>.<)! I've been having such a horrible writers block recently and I'm just never in the mood to write =A=. But finally here is the next chapter! Sorry it so short! But I hope you all enjoy! ^______^
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Chapter 3: Your description is beautiful and detailed. I can almost imagine the setting. Very beautifully written but sadly you have not updated in a year. I hope you will finally get inspiration to write. It is such a waste that a amazing story like this was left incomplete.i support this story 100% pls do update.
LiziAnne #2
Update!! This is awesome D:
Love this story! Please update soon!
bigbangisawesome6 #4
Awesome story~!! Plze update soon~!!!!! ^_^
This is awesome! Can't it for the next chapter :D