Chapter Two - Daesung

I'm Not A Monster

The voices were coming closer, so close that he could hear the hearts beating like drums.

'Ba-thump, ba-thump, ba-thump...'

Human heart's seemed extraordinarily weak indeed.

Inside the pitch blackness of the rectangular room, his body was spread out across the stone floor. The darkness was where he thrived, he knew every inch of his surroundings in the inky black. He felt the safest when hidden away in the deep shadows.

But that day he was not allowed to wallow in it.

The huge heavy door swung open and the men he had heard being called, 'Researchers' let themselves in. It wasn't new to him though,they came in frequently to check many aspects of him. His blood levels, his breathing rate, his eyes...

Usually they never shared a word with him, but today they decided the speak to him.

"We're going to show you something." A male with a clipboard stood forward. He could hear his heart rate racing. Racing in nervousness.

"Thump, thump, thump, thump.."

"....-thing we have just finished creating." His eyes flashed up, catching the end of the sentence. With his interest caught he listened intently.

"It..." the male paused, put off by the sudden stare directly at him.

"Thump, thump, thump...."

"'s s-supposed to r-replace you, and the other's around here.." the male 'Researcher' looked at the right wall and then the left, as if he could see the two neighbours that existed in the rooms behind them. A grin appeared on his face and his eyes began to glow brightly. The other 'Researchers' all took a deeper take of breath, a light gasp at the sceptical before them, their accelerated heartbeats booming in his ears. 


A chain was slid around his neck before he was allowed to fall the 'Researchers' out from his black room. With his eyes flaring, he looked around himself. Everything, doors, floors, ceilings, walls... were all a chrome grey. Great doors were set up along each side of the walls, only a three meter gap between them. He could hear hearts beating behind them.

That was until they came to one.

It was silent.

No beating, no breathing, no sound.

It wasn't alive.

Another smile crept onto his lips, knowing exactly who it was that harboured in the grey room.

They soon stopped suddenly. The chain around his neck jerked forward and his body followed. His white eyes flicked to the wall beside him. On it sat a huge gate, probably made of iron. It filled up the whole wall, from floor to ceiling and look particularly heavy to move.  From behind this gate too, he couldn't hear a heartbeat.

Whatever was behind it didn't need one.

One of the 'Researchers' took a card from his pocket and stood over to the gate. Only then did he notice a small keypad built into the iron. The man slid it across a slot on the top of the pad. The red light that was there quickly changed to green, which obviously meant the gate was now opened and accessible to move. He was pulled by the chain onto the room beyond the gate. It looked no different from the corridor he had just walked down, apart from the strange looking box-shape cage at  in a far corner.

"What's in there?" He questioned.

His answer was met by the door of said cage jerking upwards and a loud siren sounding. He winced and squeezed his eyes shut, as the high pitch scream pained his sensitive ears. As soon as the door was open, a rush of sheer power hit him. Peering in, his eyes still glowing like a flame, he found the source of the extreme power.

A body, covered in dark black leather and pierced with an uncountable amount of cables. He stood back and swallowed almost audibly. 

No way could they have created this, could they? 

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Chapter 3: Your description is beautiful and detailed. I can almost imagine the setting. Very beautifully written but sadly you have not updated in a year. I hope you will finally get inspiration to write. It is such a waste that a amazing story like this was left incomplete.i support this story 100% pls do update.
LiziAnne #2
Update!! This is awesome D:
Love this story! Please update soon!
bigbangisawesome6 #4
Awesome story~!! Plze update soon~!!!!! ^_^
This is awesome! Can't it for the next chapter :D