ChunJi's Plan

❤Be Ma Girl❤

The school day ended and the students quickly ran back to their homes. Unlike others, i took my time at my locker and went to my stupid house.

I packed my things and looked at the time. 5:30. Time to set foot to go to Neil's house.

I looked at the address in my binder and walked there. I ended up standing infront of a big house, just like mine, but bigger. "I guess this is Neil's house?" i say really confused.

I knock at the door and a very messy haired ChangJo appeared. "OOPS WRONG HOUSE!" i shouted and tried to make a run for it. But ChangJo was too fast, so he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me inside. "AHHHH!!!!!! HE'S GOING TO KILL MEEEE~"

ChangJo threw me on a random couch. Despite me knowing that im his noona, he's really strong. O_O. I sat up and glared at him. "What do you want from me," i say really scared.

"Stay there, and you wont be on my bad side." I nodded and watched as his scary aura left the room.

He was scaring the hell out of me. How can a guy like him scare a girl like me? It was abnormal....

"YAH! L'JOE! YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS DOWNSTAIRS!!!!" I heard ChangJo scream up the stairs.

"What?! Sun Hee is downstairs?!?!? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT SHE WAS COMING EARLIER!!!!!" i hear L'Joe shout at the younger, along with bangs and thumps. Within a minute, L'Joe was downstairs by the doorway panting. "Hey~" L'joe half smiled.

"Umm hey, where's Neil?"

"Neil is at a photoshoot, why did you ask?"

"Wait, Neil lied? Yoo Chang Hyun---"

"You mean Ricky."

"Whatever. Well, Ricky asked me if i could tutor Neil for history..." I continue but with more hope to my voice, " Is the rest at home?"

"Well yeah..."


"Have fun, Ice princess!" I hear ChangJo scream. I turn to look at the door, as four guys make their exit.

"Sorry Noona! Its ChunJi's fault! He made me," Ricky screamed.

"You have three hours to have some fun.....alone. Have fun!" ChunJi winked at L'Joe and I.

I ran after them, but it was too late. I fiddled with the doorknob but i somehow couldn't open it. Still full of hope i continue to try open the door. "Umm, you need a key to open that," L'Joe said, breaking my hope.

I turned to him with worry written on my face. "Gimme the key." 

"There's only two keys for this house, but I guess those four guys have one..and Neil has one himself. So i guess we'll be alone for three hours, huh?" L'Joe said with not one hint of worry in his voice.






^_^ Hehe! Three hours with L'Joe...wonder what'll happen! Love? Fighting? Or Suicide? XD   

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Stupid School =__=


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Chapter 27: Chunji and the dog's pee.. LMAO
jkmistygirl #2
Chapter 27: Awww... poor L. Joe :<
Don't give up now! There's still hope! Here, *hands over some cash* go buy yourselves some handcuffs, you'll go through alot together xD
Chapter 27: Awww... L.Joe!
Chapter 25: LOL~...
why so cute oppa...
you know sangie ljoe oppa is a puppy for me...
he's sooooooo cute and adorable....
hmm jonghyunnie what's wrong with you baby boy..
update soon..
thanks for your update sangie...
the poster is jjang and I don't know puppy type T^T.....
jkmistygirl #5
Chapter 25: Lol, chunji's so cute ^^
Seriously? Hitting on 'susan'? Just by looking at her? xD
Chapter 25: Aw, shih tzus are my favorite kind of puppy! ^_^
Chapter 24: Changjo is so cool in this story LOL handcuffs.......and its cute that he fed her <3
jkmistygirl #8
Chapter 24: Awww, I didn't think you'd actually use it allyson-sshi :D
I'm really thankful ^^
Handcuffs, the most romantic bracelet any soon-to-be-boyfriends can use XD
Chapter 24: It's your birthday? WELL THEN HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
And I really like the fortune cookie's fortune :3
Chapter 24: OH. OH DANG.