The Carvings On The Tree

❤Be Ma Girl❤

I hugged Ricky to calm his kindness down. He was extremely generous. "Thanks Ricky." He smiled and got off my lap. He bowed and walked away to get to his room.

"Hey Sun Hee, you could leave if you want to....Or do you want to stay here and hang out with L'joe?" ChunJi winked.

"No thanks, i'll be taking my exit now. Bye Bye," I say while waiting 'till ChunJi opens the door with a key. I walk outside with my bag and phone.


When i got home, i quickly unlocked the door and locked it again when i went inside. I looked around to see if anyone was awake. No one was. I ran up the stairs and into my purple room. I changed into my purple pajammas and feel asleep almost right after i hopped on the soft bed.



The stranger stopped and called out my name. "Ahh~ My sweet cuddly teddy bear, you're here already?"

"Cuddly teddy bear?" I say confused.

"Did you forget about me," he said with a sad tone to his voice. "I guess i should go back to the states, since you don't know who i am anymore."

I widen my eyes when i realise who it is. I run up to him and extend my arms around his waist. "I thought you wouldn't come back." I relase tears as i continue to speak. "Oppa..."

He patted my head and hugged me tightly. "I would never break a promise...especially since its between us."

I cry even harder and bury my face into his chest. "Oppa why did you have to leave me........"

"I'm sorry Sun Hee, i had to."

I hit his chest over and over again. "Don't leave me ever again!!"

"But i can't stay, Umma said I have to leave. She doesn't want me here." He sighed, "Appa's nice. He loves me in every way. Join Appa and I, we could make a perfect family! Especially since Appa found someone better."

"Oppa! Don't say that. Umma had a reason to leave Appa, but not you. Appa stole you away from Umma and I! We love you, not Appa, " I say almost choking on the word Appa. "Appa took you away. He never loved us! And i doubt he loved you."

Oppa pushed me away harshly and looked straight into my eyes with his own. " could you say things like that?"

I grabb his arm and tears escape my eyes. "Its true."

He roughly ripped his arm off my grasp. "Get away from me."




"OPPA NO!" I shout when i woke up. I looked around only to find the bright moon shinning down on me through my window. 

I face palmed myself and decided to go down to the kitchen to drink some chocolate milk.

I recalled the dream again in my mind and frown sadly. "That could that feel so real?"

The chocolate milk went down my throat and I noticed that it was 7:47. "Aish, why am I even awake at a time like this during a weekend?" I sighed and decided not to sleep again for the day. 

I ran up the stairs, to my room to get a jacket. I unlocked the front door and headed outside.


The soft September wind blew through my hair as the moon reflected off my eyes. I made my way to the park, my special place. 

No one was in sight at the park, since it was early in the morning. I take small steps towards a tree. I look at it and smile. There on the tree, was carvings. The carving had a heart with two letters, and a plus sign seperating them both.

"Oppa," i whisper as i run my fingers on the carvings. I trace the S and then the K. "Will we ever meet again?"

I took another sad glance at it and walked to a small playground. There was two lonely swings, so i decided to run and sit on one. I push forward and lean back. 

A shadow fell infront of me, as it occupied the swing next to mine. I look at the stranger quickly and notice it was a guy that looked around my age. He swinged back and forth too. 

He must've realised me observing his every move because he started to chuckle. I raised an eyebrow and asked, "What?"

"No nevermind," he said as he started to chuckle again.

"YAH!!" I shout as I punch him on his arm. 

He acted as if he was hurt and said, "What's wrong with laughing?"

"Aniyo, why are you laughing?"

"No reason..."

I rolled my eyes as i slowed down on the swinging. 

"So...your boyfriend is a tree," he asked.

I punch him harder on the stomach. "My boyfriend is NOT a tree!"

"So you're saying that there was someone else you were talking to?"

"You're an idiot. You know that," I told him.



My phone rang and i answered it. "Hello?"

"Kim Sun Hee! Where are you?!?!"

I smiled a bit when i realised it was Mother. "I'm at the park."

"On a weekend?!"

"You forced me to take walks anyway~" I trailed off.

"Ok fine. But are you okay being by yourself at a time like this?"


"Umma needs to go to work now, bye!"

"Ok bye."

"Love you."

"Bye," i say quickly and hang up.

The reason why i hate saying i love you to Mother and others except Oppa? You'll know soon enough ;)


I looked at the boy and got off my swing. "I'll be going now...Enjoy yourself with the swings."


After i left the playground, my legs somehow brought me to a busy street full of people and stores. It was a street i haven't seen ever. The stands were selling jewerly, games, clothing,

My stomach growled so i ran over to one of the food stands. "Can I have one of those?" I asked, trying to sound not impatient.

"Yes, will you like a flower too?"


"Just my kindness, so would you like one?" the man asked.

"Deh thankyou."

He handed me my paid food, my pepsi can, and a beautiful flower. I bowed and continued my way down the streets. I threw my trash out in a random nearby disposal, and stumbled upon a large group of people.

There was a mini performance going on. I looked above all the tall people's shoulders and smirked when it was a mini talent show. "Must be for these people's amusement?"

Right now there was a magician doing the card trick. I mumbled, "Boring," which cause a few not so happy people to turn to me. 

I smirked at them and gave the most serious/i-don't-care look back. 


"Aigooo~ They're soo cute!"

"And hot!"

"I wish he was my boyfriend~"

Screams of delightful girls echoed around the crowd. I looked at the people performing.

"L'Joe?" i say as i widened my eyes some more when i see all six of them dance and sing. "They sing and dance?"

"And rap," a girl smiled at me.

I stared at her and faced my attention back to the six teens.

"The most precious thing in my life is you, who is always right next to me," CAP rapped.


'You've been my strength in my lonely life,

I look at you and look at you again,

But i still miss you.'


"The dream that i dreamt since i was young is you," CAP rapped again after L'Joe.


'You shined a light on my tired dreams,

I look at you and look at you again,

But I still miss you'


"Tell me why, Oh tell me why~" they sang.

When they finished, the crowd bursted with clapping and shouts of compliments.

"Kamsamnida!" the six smiled.

L'Joe grabbed the mic and shyly talked into it. "Kamsamnida~ Well, this song was dedicated to a girl...she's very special to me and i love--"

"Hey! Isn't that noona?" Ricky shouted like a child and pointed my way.

L'Joe met my eyes and he smiled. "Come up here."

I shook my head violently and began to step back slowly. "Come back Noona~" Ricky giggled as he jumped off the stage and got a hold onto one of my arms.

By the time Ricky and ChangJo pushed me beside L'Joe on the stage, there was no turning back. I bowed and smiled a fake smile.

"This is the girl that this performance is dedicated to~ Introduce yourself," He eye smiled me.

"Hello, I am...."

Suddenly a wave of uneasyness flowed through me. Eyes glared at me and smiles creeping me out a ton. I clenched onto my flower.

"This is Sun Hee," L'Joe announced, saving my .

"OK! Thankyou for watching, our lovely crowd," Niel smiled.

The seven of us went off the stage. I punched Ricky in the stomach for noticing me in the audience. "PABO!"



Annyoung! So how was the late chapter? Good? Long? That morning was full of surprises and punching wasn't it? :P

I'll update soon~ :D

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Stupid School =__=


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Chapter 27: Chunji and the dog's pee.. LMAO
jkmistygirl #2
Chapter 27: Awww... poor L. Joe :<
Don't give up now! There's still hope! Here, *hands over some cash* go buy yourselves some handcuffs, you'll go through alot together xD
Chapter 27: Awww... L.Joe!
Chapter 25: LOL~...
why so cute oppa...
you know sangie ljoe oppa is a puppy for me...
he's sooooooo cute and adorable....
hmm jonghyunnie what's wrong with you baby boy..
update soon..
thanks for your update sangie...
the poster is jjang and I don't know puppy type T^T.....
jkmistygirl #5
Chapter 25: Lol, chunji's so cute ^^
Seriously? Hitting on 'susan'? Just by looking at her? xD
Chapter 25: Aw, shih tzus are my favorite kind of puppy! ^_^
Chapter 24: Changjo is so cool in this story LOL handcuffs.......and its cute that he fed her <3
jkmistygirl #8
Chapter 24: Awww, I didn't think you'd actually use it allyson-sshi :D
I'm really thankful ^^
Handcuffs, the most romantic bracelet any soon-to-be-boyfriends can use XD
Chapter 24: It's your birthday? WELL THEN HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
And I really like the fortune cookie's fortune :3
Chapter 24: OH. OH DANG.