
The Howling - Part I: New Beginnings


With a blush still on his cheeks, Joonmyun gave Sunny another smile before following Jongin out, keeping his head as low as he dared so as to hide his still pink face. He wasn't sure about the reasoning behind why he was so embarrassed, but perhaps it was the way that the younger had looked at him, or maybe the way that Jongin had seemed just as flustered; the color in the boy's cheeks only seemed to highlight those features that Joonmyun found intriguing. 
As they walked, the elder side-glanced Jongin every few seconds, not taking notice of the action, and before he knew it they had reached a small door at the end of the hall. Joonmyun slid past the boy and brushed ever-so lightly against him, pausing for half a second to look up at him before slipping out into the fresh air, cheeks burning despite the cool morning temperature. 
Once outside, Joonmyun was taken away by the sight that lay before them, just at the bottom of the staircase they stood at the top of. Just as Jongin had said, it was beautiful, thriving with life and color, and the elder boy's eyes widened with every descending step he took. It wasn't until he reached the bottom that he came back to reality -- kidnapped, werewolves, no escape, the boy protecting him -- and he remembered Jongin. 
"It's amazing, Jongin," he murmured, taking a deep breath and letting the fresh, heavenly smells around him fill his senses. Joonmyun loved this, and he felt priveledged knowing that Jongin had brought him here when this place seemed so special to him. 


A soft hum left the wolf, and he glanced down at the basket curiously before he looked up, skin almost burning where Joonmyun brushed past him. He in a sharp breath and looked away, almost stumbling over himself as he followed the boy out onto the small balcony that led down as a staircase. 
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" he replied, smiling warmly as he gazed out across the garden, before he lightly pressed the basket into Joonmyun's back. "Come on, you're holding us up. Move your adorable , hyung."
His voice ended in a soft tease as he carefully stepped past Joonmyun and onto the path that led out into the winding garden. He glanced back at the elder male, giving him a small smirk before he walked ahead, listening for the boy's footsteps on the stones behind him as he led him out through the roses and the petunias and god whatever those pink and red and purple flowers were called, to a section of pleasant smelling plants, herbs and flowers.
Jongin eyed one particular group of plants, and he carefully stepped around them, making sure not to let the leaves touch him before he stopped in a small courtyard filled with fresh grass and surrounded by the same plants.
"Here we are..."


A soft squeak left Joonmyun as Jongin nudged him with the basket and he stepped to the side, blushing like mad at the boy's words as he let him pass; the elder had only ever heard one person comment on his , but that one person, Baekhyun, was shameless in almost every way thinkable and had only shrugged when Joonmyun had sputtered and denied it. 
Much like he wanted to do now, but he didn't want to embarass himself further in front of Jongin, so he blushed and impossibly dark shade of red as he followed the boy, thankful that the other couldn't see him. The heat in his cheeks faded as he walked, his attention gradually being stolen by the many flowers and plants that surrounded them. 
It wasn't until they'd reached a clearing that Joonmyun turned his attention back to Jongin, just in time to notice the way he avoided one particular plant before stepping into a fairly spacious courtyard. The open area was surrounded by more of the flower that Jongin had avoided, but it didn't take long for the older male to realize why. This plant was aconite, better known as wolfsbane; stories and tales and legends made it out to be poisonous and even deadly to werewolves, but only the more severe reactions coming to those who ingested the bright violet plant. 
"It's beautiful here, Jongin," Joonmyun said quietly after looking around, turning to face the younger male. "But I'm not stupid; I know what these are." He paused and let the tips of his hands cup one of the small flowers, fingers brushing over the soft petals for a brief moment. "We should go somewhere where it's safe for the both of us. I'd hate to see you get sick while trying to do something nice for me."


Jongin eyed the purple flowers carefully. He was young, and as he resisted the turn every full moon - save for the three times he had turned since he hit his 16th year - aconite wasn't as lethal to him as it was to some of the older wolves. But it still burned when he touched it. He looked up at the elder male, and smiled gently, before he set the basket down and spread the blanket out across the grass.
"Don't worry about it, Joonmyun," he murmured softly, giving him another look before he glanced towards the flowers. "It's plenty safe here. Until I touch them. And it only burns a little bit. But being in the vicinity of them won't hurt me. Trust me, I'm here all the time."
He glanced at the flowers again, and stepped up beside Joonmyun, his fingers hovering just above one of the purple petals. "It's fine...You should eat something..."
After that, he pulled away and dropped down on the blanket, leaning back on one arm as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes, hair falling away from his face as he let the warm sunlight soak into his tanned skin.
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Dear followers, you are awesome! Thanks for the comments and we hope to keep bringing you quick updates! Can't promise they'll be close as the recent two.


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TheDarkHero #1
Chapter 38: This is so sweet! I'll go read the next part now
andromeda_eiz #2
Chapter 39: Help, How do I link to PartII? My stupid mode's on effectivity again...T_T
BaekJo #3
Chapter 31: New reader. Gosh this is so awesome. Can't wait to read the other parts.
fluorescentsmiles #4
Chapter 2: okay, because i'm an absolute nitwit, i read part two through five before this. :|

and ideky, but since i'm not good at words: i'll just leave with a 'asdfghjkl;'

(random, but bc i love the subtitle for chapter two! dismantle. repair. = my favorite anberlin song. 8D)
imagreenturtle #5
Oh my god, this story is so awesome! Time to read part 2!

Thank you so much for this story <3
wow just read everything
reaaallly reallllly realllllyyy like this story *____*
At first I was a bit apprehensive because A) roleplayed fic wuutu and B) at the couple, since. even though i ship it. i don't really go for fics that feature suho/kai as its main couple.
but it was wolf themed. and that's a really soft spot in my heart and i just had to try it. and i'm sooo glad iidiiiid
ugghhh alskdjfas.kdfhj
i love how, even though not much time has actually really passed in the fic, their relationship is slowly and slowly getting better. one step at a time ands sldkfhsgldkfj

seriously jongin, you just slipped and fell against the tub lmfao you so stooopiiidd

and when sunny made the comment that she wanted to eat him <3 <3 <3 he reacted to fast <3<3<3 and how kai had calmed down at joonmyun's touch <3<3
and lsakgflsdkfh i really love suho and baekhyun's friendship ;_____________; baek-ah must be really suffering his best friend is... god knows where for all he knows uasighjasoldfihj
Oh my god! You guys are so fast. I love you so much. The updates are perfect! ^^
Do you guys mind if I suggest this fanfic to my subscribers? It's so good ._.
OMG! Thanks for another awesome update. You guys are really amazing and the plot is well-built. Thanks again! ^^
faith3_13 #10
I love how often you guys update its great since I can't get enough of this story. Can't wait for the next update