Chapter 38

One Roof, 3 Group Gangsters, 6 Boyfriends


Reina had long finished her ice cream but Himchan didn’t let her carry any of the groceries. ‘Why are we buying so much groceries as if there’s no food in the house?’ Reina asked without much thought.

‘Because there isn’t.’ Himchan answered. ‘Mwoh?!’ Reina looked at Himchan with surprised.

Himchan smiled ‘We hadnt cared about grocery nor food ever since you’re gone. It doesn’t matter if we eat or not since there isn’t any purpose left for us in this world’ Himchan attempt to make it sound like nothing but Reina could see the pain in his eyes.

*They had been suffering while I was gone..* Reina felt a pang of pain in her heart when she saw the hidden pain in Himchan’s eyes.

Himchan saw the change in Reina’s face and thought that she was tired. ‘Are you tired? Do you want me to piggybag you home?’

*How can he be so nice to me? I don’t even remember anything about him* Reina shook her head and gave him a small smile ‘Im fine, we’re home soon right?’

Himchan smiled at the word home and nodded ‘Yeah, we’ll be home soon’

The moment they reached home, Yongguk helped Himchan with the groceries. Reina followed them to the kitchen and watched them placed everything into place. The fridge and cabinets were just like what Himchan had said, empty. ‘Why are you standing there? Go outside and rest, you must be tired’ Yongguk smiled as he pushed Reina out of the kitchen.

Reina stood where she was and looked around awkwardly not knowing what to do. L smiled as he approached her, ‘Don’t just stand there. Come’ L took her wrist and took her up the stairs. Reina felt her heart raced again just because of L’s simple touch.

Instead of stopping in front of her room, L walked to his room. He opened his room and motioned Reina in. Reina warily stepped inside while L closed the door behind him. ‘Sit,’ L pulled out a chair and placed it in front of Reina.

Reina sat down and curiously watched what L was about to do next. L pulled out his guitar and held it beside him ‘Shall we continue your guitar lesson?’

‘Guitar lesson? I know how to play guitar?’ Reina looked at L surprised.

L chuckled, ‘Of course you know. You asked me to teach you ever since I showed my guitar skills.’ Reina shook her head ‘Impossible’

L held the guitar to her and encouraged her to take it. Reina warily took the guitar in hand and placed her hand on the guitar strings. Reina casually strummed the string on the guitar and a note was heard. ‘What note is it?’ L asked.

Reina turned to look at L and asked backed ‘I don’t know, what note is it?’

‘Think Reina, you know it. You learn this before so you’ll know it’ L sat down on his bed and folded his arm as he waited for Reina’s answer.

Reina shook her head ‘Its impossible, I cant even remember any memories of the past, there’s no way I’ll remember what this note is’

L placed his hand on Reina’s and looked into her eyes ‘You might not remember us, but you wont be able to forget what you have learnt before. Try Reina, listen to the note one more time. You’ll know it’

Reina strummed the string again and listened to the note. She focused on the sound and strummed the guitar again. She thought hard and tried to think of the note ‘G?’ Reina asked as she looked at L for answer.

L mused and smiled ‘See, you remember’

‘I really got it right?’ Reina squealed, happy.

L chuckled and ruffled Reina’s hair ‘Yeah, you managed to remember the note sweetie’ L smiled. Reina eyes’ slightly widened by surprise *He called me sweetie?*

L didn’t seem to notice Reina’s surprise and encouraged her to continue. ‘Go on, there are a few other notes that I have taught you’

Reina nodded and played a few notes. L then taught her a new note. ‘Is it like this?’ Reina strummed the guitar like what L had taught her. Reina looked at L for confirmation. L smiled and nodded ‘Yeah you did well’

Reina squealed and clapped. She strummed it a few more times and smiled in satisfaction. She looked at L and an idea came in mind. Reina held the guitar out to L. L raise a brow, confuse at Reina’s action.

‘Play, play a song for me. I must at least know how good my teacher is at playing the guitar right?’ Reina’s eyes sparkle with anticipation as she held out the guitar to L. Somehow she felt like listening to L play instead of learning the notes on the guitar.

L took over the guitar and carefully strummed the strings on the guitar. It had been months since he last touched the guitar. ‘Alright, but I might disappoint you. I hadnt play this in awhile.’

Reina clapped her hands instead ‘Hurry hurry’ she motioned. She was starting to get comfortable around L unknowingly.

A knock was heard on the door, Reina and L looked towards the door. Chunji opened up the door and heaved a sigh of relief ‘So this is where you have been? Come on, dinner is ready’ Chunji walked in and took Reina’s hand. Reina just numbly followed behind as her heart beats crazily once again because of the simple touch. 

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Chapter 67: HAHAHA; poor woohyun xDDD glad they're in good term althought i was feel bad for sehunniee
LadySyndra #2
So jealous of Reina hahaha
Chapter 67: Poor woohyun 6 already stopped him from getting close to Reina but now add another 6 to that if he touch a piece of her hair I'm sure he will die right at that second
honeybunsugarplum #4
Chapter 1: I was listening to Missing You by 2NE1 while reading the first chapter.
Chapter 10: Okay the flashbacks in first few chapters just made me feel like crying....
Jellybeancan #6
Chapter 67: Lmfao. Woohyun is something else
NickHippo #7

A bit sad that exo-m only appear that little but still LOVE YOU STORY!!!
Chapter 67: I love it!!!!
PrincessKitty #9
Chapter 67: Wahh!!!!!!! I love this story>.<
Chapter 67: Just finished reading. It was lovely :)