Welcome to the Show; The Midnight Circus

Ah! My 9 Angels!

Tired from yesterday's adventure, Heaven woke up past lunch. He went down and saw Miyoung, Hyoyeon and Sooyoung at the living room. Coughing and coughing, they have a cold. Heaven went to the kitchen to eat, Yoona serves him his lunch. Heaven asked "What happened to Miyoung, Hyoyeon and Sooyoung"? Yoona replied "Actually we didn't know what illness or virus they got". Seohyun, did you finished researching it?

Yes. And according to my research, they are caused by Luna's blackhole smoke yesterday. Eventually, they are the nearest from the explosion so they accidentally breathed the tiny molecules called "Piribra". Seohyun stated.

Hmmm... Then will we continue our trip today? Cause not all of us will be able to go" Heaven said.

Taeyeon barges in "The Evangelist Research Center send a report about people who are unknowningly missing after the show's performance. So we will go there and investigate.

Ok. After I eat my lunch, I will get ready and go there." Heaven said

Heaven continued to eat his lunch. Taeyeon and Seohyun are researching, Yoona and Yuri are cleaning the kitchen, Miyoung, Hyoyeon and Sooyoung are being assisted by Sunny.. While Sica..... *view goes to the room upstairs, is sleeping... They gathered at the living room. Seohyun said "I will join up with you later. In the meantime, I will make Miyoung, Hyoyeon and Sooyoung's medicine.

So, Yoona, Yuri, and I will be going together with Heaven to the midnight circus. If anything happens, we will send you an urgent message." Taeyeon stated.

They went out and headed to City Plaza. While walking, they saw bunch of people gathering. They are infront of the midnight circus.

Many people are going to watch it because it is said that Midnight Circus is the very first travelling circus to visit their city. From the outside, Taeyeon and the others can feel the evil aura on it. They headed to the ticket booth and went inside a large tent, where the main show will occur. They sat on their places. Taeyeon is observing the surroundings. There are no mysterious things happening yet " Taeyeon said.

Wait, I'll Be back. I will buy us some popcorn!" Heaven stated.

A voice from the speakers begins to speak "Welcome everyone! Welcome to the show! This is Abra, and welcome to the Midnight Circus! You will experience a never before seen performances and beyond reality stunts. So sit back and Enjoyyy....." Heaven came back with the popcorns. Then they watched. *fastforward, performers came out and performed they skit. There are clowns, acrobatics and lions doing tricks.

Now, the main performance will start! I present to you, the Midnight Circus! *the lights turned off. Then it came back. Girls are on the stage with their pose.

Then they performed.Taeyeon and the others felt the evil aura. And it became stronger and stronger. The performance continues. Then it ended. The lights turned off again. Then a voice stated "Now welcome, the master of the Midnight Circus, Abra!" A big clock slowly goes down from the roof. Then it moved left and right slowly. A voice came back again "Now people, amazed my power, I am Abra, your master. Your master!" The people seems to be hypnotized by it. Taeyeon, Yoona and Yuri wasn't effected because they covered their ears. Meanwhile, Heaven was affected, but got concious again because Taeyeon woke him up. The people stood up. One by one, they went down. They compressed on the center of the stage. Then a big cage fell down and trapped them. Then it went inside. Heaven and the girls were the only people left there. A voice barges in again

You. How did you all manage to avoid the power of the hypnotism!" Abra said.

Who are you!? And what will you do to the people? Taeyeon shouted.

They will be my next masterpiece for the midnight circus! Wahahaha

Not this time! We will stop you! Yuri said.

If you can!" Midnight Circus, Attack!!" Puppets suddenly appeared one by one around the area. They surrounded Heaven and the girls. Taeyeon shouted "Evangelists, transform! *girls transformation.They put there hands up. Yuri and Yoona both shouted "By the power of the Evangelist Hunter! Yuri shouted "Evangelist Holy Dual Pistols!

Yoona shouted "Evangelist Hunter Pistol Canon!


Taeyeon shouted "By the power of the Evangelist Fortress! Evangelist Fortress Staff! *a staff was summoned on her hand.

They formed in a circle, back to back, while Heaven is in the center. They start to attack. Yuri used her swiftness and agility, while flying in the air, using her dual pistols, she destroyed the puppets. Yoona used her pistol to blow up large numbers of puppets in an area. Taeyeon used her staff and casted a spell, "Evangelist Defense Fortress!" Puppets can't move. Then swords surrounded Taeyeon then pointed to the puppets and flew to them. The puppets were all destroyed.

They came back to Heaven's place. Yuri said "Its all done now. They are all destroyed." Taeyeon pointed and said "No. Look at them." The puppets came back and fixed their broken body. Then they attacked them. *fastforward the girls are fighting with the puppets. But in no time, they became surrounded.

We need back up!" Yuri shouted.

Send and urgent message on Seohyun!" Yoona stated while holding on her guard.

Taeyeon jumped back. Then she summoned a butterfly and let it fly outside. The butterfly went to Heaven's house. It went inside. *fastforward back to the circus. The girls are still holding their guards. "I can't hold my guard any longer!" Yuri shouted. Just wait a little longer, I'm sure they are on their way." Taeyeon replied. The suddenly, a voice from above "Evangelist Blast!" The puppets flew because of a laser beam then exploded. They look above and saw a Red Robot flying above. It was Seohyun!

Sorry I was late guys! It took me a hard time to force Hyoyeon and Sooyoung to eat their medicine *view back to home, Soonkyu is innocently feeding the a squishy and greenish jelly. Hyoyeon and Sooyoung are struggling to avoid it but they are wearing strap jackets. *back to the circus. Seohyun flew to Heaven and the girls. Taeyeon asked "How can we stop them? They are just coming back to their original form" Seohyun said "There must be a source of power and control so they will just come back to life. Their body are just being used but their life is from the controller."

But just then, the puppet gathered and transformed into a big monster. They can see the dark aura surrounding eat. Then the monster opened its mouth and charging a big ball of power. Then it blasted it to them. Taeyeon urgently casted a shield spell. She is holding unto it. But in no time, the shield was destroyed. They all flew away. Then Yuri and Yoona stood up and fought the monster. They shouted "We will hold this one, now go and find the one controlling it and stop him!" Seohyun said "I tracked the source of power. Lets go find it!"

Go with Heaven. I will help Yuri and Yoona fight this monster! Taeyeon ordered. Seohyun lifted Heaven and flew into the inner part of the circus. Taeyeon, Yuri and Yoona are holding the monster. But then, the monster released two big tentacles on its back. The tentacles expanded and goes to Yuri and Yoona. They run around the area to avoid it. But they got caught. Taeyeon used her staff and casted swords to cut the tentacles off. It was effective. But unfortunately the tentacles grew again and caught the three of them.Meanwhile Seohyun and Heaven are going further and further from the scene and went to the inner circus. They stop infront a large door with. They opened it and went inside. It was dark and nothing to see. The door closed by itself. Then a light appeared a mile away from them. It was Abra! He is waiting for them.

I've been waiting for you... "Abra whispered.

Are you the one behind all of these? Seohyun asked.

Haha..Haha..Hahahaha. Then suddenly Abra charged unto them *view of his face infront of you...



To be continued...

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/flips Kota/ OH LOOK IT'S SUNNY HILL <3333333333
Chapter 4 Updated! New Characters Updated!
I'am Kaaboom! And i'm the one controlling the bears using this remote control! The only solution to stop them is to destroyed this! Hahahaha... He suddenly stop. And looked to Miyoung. "I shouldn't tell you that right? With a blank face. Miyoung slashed the controller and it exploded. Kaaboom flew far far away. *Like team rocket. The field is back to normal again.

^ OMG THIS XD HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! XD I love the plot! ^^ Update soon!
@achel12 Maybe later or tommorow :D Hope you stay tuned till the end :)
OHHH!!!! It's cool!!!!
Update soon!!!! :)