Another common day for.... Wait? Whuuut?

Ah! My 9 Angels!

Ahhhh,, Ughhh, Haaa,,,, Heaven is running onto nowhere. Can't see whats in store in front of him. "Wahahaha!" A big evil laugh that comes from all direction. Run! Run! he heard from the back. He stopped and looked behind. He saw Red Big Evil Eyes. And a Sign that can't be explain that is between the eyes. Darkness covers the other parts of the face so the eyes are glowing brightly but has a strong feeling. And then, a big mouth opened between the darkness. It tried to eat Heaven. So he ran and rand as he could.

Why are you following me!?! I don't know you! With a scared expression on his face.

Who am I? Said timidly by the darkness. I am... I am... YOU!

Then Heaven fall into a vortex and just falling and falling into darkness. When.... *Bugh!* Ahhhh!! Said Heaven. He fell into his bed.

Oh my. What a dream. Thank God it wasn't true. ( While scratching his aching . He stood up and opened the curtains. Sun Rays blinded his sight)

What a beautiful Morning! Heaven said. He turned around and looked at the clocked.

Its 7:00 AM!?!?!? I'm late for school!! He immediately get his uniform and went to the bathroom. *a fastforward event. He went to the bathroom to wash. Came out to get towels, back again to brush and then wore his uniform. He ran downstairs and went to the door hurriedly. He got into his bike and went to school. He arrive at the gate of SM University. He hurriedly jump off his bike and ran into the field of the school. Then he got into the corridor. While running he saw the BB Gang.

The leader, GD, tried to stop him but Heaven swiftly passes him. Behind him were the rest of the group. They tried too. But Heaven jumped into TOP's face, passed into Daesung by faking his left turn into right and ran between Taeyang and Seungri that resulted of getting their head bump to each other.

Heaven reached the room. He opened the door joyfully and Shouted " Yaay! I made it!"

The whole class was looking onto him including the teacher who is somewhat writing something in the board with confusion in their faces. So Heaven put his head down and walked to his seat shyness and embarrassment on his face. He sat on his chair and put his bag onto his front. He looked onto his right and saw Byul looking at him so akwardly so he asked her.

Whats the problem Byul? This isn't the first time that I came late to school." Then put a smile on his face. But Byul is just looking onto him. The door opened again. He turned his body to look at it. The BB Gang entered. with angry expression, GD entered. Slowly he lift up his head. Heaven can't hide in his face that he is scared. Then suddenly GD whisphered..

Heaven. You little brat......." *silence for 5 seconds* .. You..... Heaven. is no wearing any pants!!!!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!

Heaven looked down onto his pants and saw that he is not wearing his pants! The whole class laughed and laughed. But Byul is just looking onto him with embarrasment. So Heaven ran outside to his locker and get his Jogging pants.
*Fast Forward to recess

Byul and Heaven are ordering their food at the cafeteria. Heaven told Byul about his weird dream. While Heaven is talking, Byul is somewhat listening to him but is imagining. Heaven is the prince and Byul is the princess. Riding on a beautiful white horse. While Heaven is driving it, Byul is hugging him from the back. They stopped. Then Heaven turned his head onto her and said..

Byul.. Byul...

Yes? Said by Byul

Will you...

Will you????

Will you......... Will you order a banana milk too? Cause i have two coupons on me. Byul's imagination started to fade. Ummm.Yess." She said. They went to the cashier and find themselves a chair.. They ate. *Fastforward in class studying until last class.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingggg!!!! All the students stood up and went home. Byul and Heaven are always together when they go home. But they will be seperated after the lake because their house are in different ways.

Bye! Said by Heaven. Bye !! Be careful on your way home! Said by byul. So they started to go. Heaven looked into the sun set while holding his bicycle..

What a Beautiful Sun Set" He said.
Yeah! Beautiful my . Hhahaha" it came from his back. He turned around and saw BB Gang.

Give us your leftover money cause I'm thirsty!" Said by TOP.
But i don't have any left! Said by heaven. "are you trying to fool us?!? Said by Taeyang while grabbing his collar. Heaven kicked his nuts and tried to ran away. But Daesung and Seungri is blocking his way. He turned back. The three is also there. They beat Heaven. *Beating scene.Fast forward. He opened his eyes, and his cheeks started to ache. He got so many bruise.Then he realized its already night. He stood up and grab his bike. Walking while dizzy. Because he can't open his left eye and his right is not that good, he entered the wrong street. He walked onto it. It was dark in there. Only the brightness of the moon makes light onto his way. He stopped. He looked at the ground 3meters away from him. There is a small ball of lightning starting to build. Then it goes bigger and bigger. Then BOOOOM! And flash of light occured. He tried to opened his eyes. And in his suprise, there are 9 Shadows of girls walking onto him. But because it its so bright , he can't open his eyes and the surroundings started to become dark......

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/flips Kota/ OH LOOK IT'S SUNNY HILL <3333333333
Chapter 4 Updated! New Characters Updated!
I'am Kaaboom! And i'm the one controlling the bears using this remote control! The only solution to stop them is to destroyed this! Hahahaha... He suddenly stop. And looked to Miyoung. "I shouldn't tell you that right? With a blank face. Miyoung slashed the controller and it exploded. Kaaboom flew far far away. *Like team rocket. The field is back to normal again.

^ OMG THIS XD HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! XD I love the plot! ^^ Update soon!
@achel12 Maybe later or tommorow :D Hope you stay tuned till the end :)
OHHH!!!! It's cool!!!!
Update soon!!!! :)