Start of Extraordinary Adventures with The 9 Angels

Ah! My 9 Angels!

*Darkness in all surrounding. Heaven opened his eyes. He was in his room. Looking on his room's ceiling. He blinked 3 times and he remember what happened. Still staring at his ceiling. Suddenly...

Are you ok? A voice of a girl from his left side. Are you awake now?

Heaven can't move his body. He is paralyzed because of what happened. Then the girl look onto him from above. Heaven got shock. Witch a smile on the girls face she asked " Are you ok?" Heaven's stood up ( half of his body ) while getting up, the girls face is still in front of him. He looked above the girl. Then to her left and right. He then looked unto his body and saw a mysterious clothing. Like it was from the future. He stared for 5 seconds on her face. Then because of his suprise, he shouted! Waaaah!

Shhhh! Don't be afraid. I'm not a bad person. " Who are you? What are you doing in my room?? And why is your dress like that?"

I'am Pink Evangelist Miyoung, one of the members of the 9 Angels. We are so called "The Order of the Evangelist" We were assignend to go here in EXO to fight evil and protect you from Commander Jinyoung.
Co..commander Jinyoung? O..order of the Evangelist? Whuuut?!? I' cant understand. Are you in some kind of Halloween Party?

You will understand it later on. But now, get into yourself and eat your dinner. "Miyoung smiled

Heaven looked onto her face with confusion and went to the kitchen lead by Miyoung. When they got down, Heaven looked up onto the kitchen and saw a flying book. His eyes widened and doesn't know what to do. *Slow motion* the book is getting nearer. Then it hit him. He stumbled. He scratched his head where the book landed. What was that?!? He said. Miyoung shouted, " Sooyoung! Hyoyeon! Stop it! Are you ok? She grabbed Heaven with one hand and stood him up. Heaven can't believe she carried him by one hand. What a power! He said to himself.

Hyoyeon threw it! Said by one of the girls. No Sooyoung did! Replied by the other. Then another girl entered the scene and glared at the two and they stopped. Heaven and Miyoung continued to walk into the kitchen, He saw one girl cooking and then looked onto him and smiled. He began to become flustered. Then one of them is crying. Another is reading a book. He went onto the table and sat on the chair.

Dinners Ready! Shouted by one of the girls. One by one the girls responded and came to the table. Heaven is still mazed about what is happening. Eat up! Said Miyoung. And so they eat. And then Heaven asked "Who are you? What are you doing here?" Just like what i have said, we are the nine evangelist.We came down to EXO to save it from evil forces. But before that we will introduce everyone.

This is Seohyun, the youngest among us. She is the "brain of the group.

Then meet Sica, our Ice Princess. She likes to sleep. and sleep.. and sleep. So you can expect to rarely see her awake . Hehe..

These two people are the ones responsible for the flying book. There are the Joker Duo Hyoyeon and Sooyoung.


*Someone began to cry

Waaaaah!!!! My carrots!!!

That girl crying is Soonkyu. She is our baby. She is easily scared even by a bit of wind or dark places. So we always take care of her...

By the way... *Heaven's eyes are stuck on two gorgeous ladies.. who are they?
Oh them? They are our Beautiful Evangelists Yuri and Yoona. Yuri is athletice and sporty. She can beat any guy in wrestling.

*Yuri shouted while eating. NO I"AM NOT! *causes laughter to everyone..Heaven noticed Yoona laughing timidly. I thought they are duos? So why is Yoona not that active? Heaven asked..
Eventhough they are friends from childhood, there attitude are opposite to each other.. By the way , Yoona is the one who cooked our dinner today..
Really! *Heaven ate a spoonful as big as a basketball..

Then meet our leader. Taengoo.. She is always quiet and doesn't talk too much.. But when she eat peas, she became like those two *points on hyoyeon and sooyoung who are fighting because of ham...

And then theres me!

But why did you come to me?  Heaven asked. *Because you are believed to hold the greatest power of mankind. You are the only one who can defeat the unforbidden one..

The unforbidden one? Who is it? And how did i became the holder of that power?!? I'm not strong... I can't even protect myself against bullies in school...

Strength is not because you can fight others, but it is because you have the will to protect the ones you loved.. Remember, from now on, we will be always on your side. *heaven look onto them , they look to him with smiling face. and continued to eat. Miyoung continued to explain about there group. *Fastforward.

The night dissapeared and the sun rose. Another school day morning for Heaven. Eventually he woke up an hour earlier than before. His uniforms are arranged. He washed up and got dressed. He went down and find his breakfast ready. The other girls are doing there things while Yoona, Miyoung, Taeyeon and Soonkyu was with him eating. Taeyeon is feeding Soonky. While Yoona and Miyoung are happily watching him to eat. He remembered something and asked...

How about you? Aren't you going to school?

We already surpass the intelligence of humans here in EXO. So we don't need to study anymore.

So, what will you do?

Soonkyu suddenly asked. "Can't i go to school too?!?? Can't I? Can't I? *with a crying face.

Good Idea! Heaven said. But you need uniforms for you to go..

No problem! Miyoung said... With a clap on their hands , their dress became SM Universities girl uniform. Lets go!" Shouted by Heaven. They all went out. Hyoyeon and Sooyoung went first and flew. While Yoona and Yuri went to go shopping and groceries. Heaven was going to get his bike when...

Get on my back! Said Miyoung. Heaven got confused. But Miyoung grab him onto her back and ran! She ran with the speed of lightning! Papers, Things, Birds ( and even the skirts) flew because of her speed.

They arrived at class. And sat on their chairs. Miyoung, Taengoo, Soonkyu and Seohyun eventually sat on the furthest back. While Hyoyeon and Sooyoung are goofing around the campus.. Byul asked Heaven, "Who are they? They are my new friends! I will explain later! Then the class begin.(Recommend background song: Hi-Fi Camp *Fastforward, they study, Byul helps Heaven on something. Then Heaven asked Miyoung's help. Byul got jealous. Happened three times. School bell ring!!!!! Its lunch time! They Happily went to the cafeteria. But they bumped into BB Gang

. Heaven was talking to Miyoung then he crashed onto GD.. Heaven stumbled. Miyoung helped him to get up. Right after that, GD tried to grab his collar, but Tiffany swiftly grab his hand and throwed him far away the corridor and landed on the other side of the corridor ( GD' body is embodied in the wall) With the daze on Heaven and the others students, they continued. But Byul was at the back, following them. They happily ate there lunch and  chat.* Background scene: Hyoyeon and Sooyoung starting a Food Fight". Theye bumped into BB Gang, but instead of beating him, they knelt. Then continue to class. Until the end. (Stop of background song) School Bell Ring!!

All students stood up. Heaven too. When he was going out, Byul asked him..

Are you going straight to your house?
No. We will go to the department store to buy them clothes and other household things. Sorry! Gotta go now! Heaven left while Byul was there waving to him. The girls were waiting him outside the room.Miyoung asked him, where are we going?

We will go to the City Block. We will buy you clothes cause your outer space thingy is so weir hehe .. Then Miyoung grabbed him again and run. *Fastforward, Shopping and trying out some of the outfits. They came home. ate dinner, with the same and usual atmospere, then Heaven slept.

He closed his eyes. Saying to himself, I wish everyday will be like this... Another adventure tommorow.. And slept.. *the view: Coming out of the window, a shadow on top of the tower, a Fat guy, laughing.. WAHAHAHA! Be ready for my chaos!! WAHAHAHA!

To be Continued.


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/flips Kota/ OH LOOK IT'S SUNNY HILL <3333333333
Chapter 4 Updated! New Characters Updated!
I'am Kaaboom! And i'm the one controlling the bears using this remote control! The only solution to stop them is to destroyed this! Hahahaha... He suddenly stop. And looked to Miyoung. "I shouldn't tell you that right? With a blank face. Miyoung slashed the controller and it exploded. Kaaboom flew far far away. *Like team rocket. The field is back to normal again.

^ OMG THIS XD HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! XD I love the plot! ^^ Update soon!
@achel12 Maybe later or tommorow :D Hope you stay tuned till the end :)
OHHH!!!! It's cool!!!!
Update soon!!!! :)