

*note: All of Exo are going to appear in here, but they are not of the famous Exo. They just play as Xiumin's friends in here. ^^


It was the evening time by the time Chaehwan finally came out of her bedroom. Her eyes were slightly swollen from crying. Her umma was about to call her down for dinner but Chaehwan was already seated at the dinner table. She frowned as she saw her daughter.

 Mr. Park had come out of his office and looked at his wife. He peered behind her to see her staring at their daughter. He sighed, ‘That brat better apologize soon or else his sorry isn’t allowed in this house anymore.’

“Chaehwan ah…” Mrs. Park called.

Chaehwan looked up at her umma, “Ne?”

“Gwenchana?” All Chaehwan did was look at the floor. That obviously answered her question.

Just then, the doorbell rang, signaling that someone was there. Mrs. Park quickly went to the front door to answer the door. Once she opened the door, she quietly giggled and smiled at the person. The person quickly put a finger to their lips and handed her box of treats. Mrs. Park nodded her head, accepted the box, and nodded her head towards upstairs. The person smiled and quietly made their way upstairs.

Mrs. Park came back to where she left her husband and daughter. “Who was that yeobo?” Mr. Park asked.

“Just the delivery boy.” She held up the box of treats. “From a friend of mines. Now, let’s eat dinner now, shall we?”

The adults chatted during dinner as Chaehwan stayed silent the whole time. She didn’t really have an appetite so she pushed her food back and excused herself from the dinner table. “Could I go back to my room now?” Her umma nodded in agreement.

Once Chaehwan was out of sight, Mrs. Park lightly kicked her husband’s foot underneath the table. “Ignore Chaehwan screaming.”

He gave her a confused, “What screaming?” And right on key, Chaehwan let out a scream. He jumped up in surprise as Mrs. Park just continued to eat. He looked at his wife, “What’s going on?”


“Ohhhh….” He answered.

Chaehwan glared at Xiumin as he was staring right at her once she opened her bedroom door. But before she could yell at him more, she couldn’t help but look at what he was wearing. “Why the hell are you wearing that?”

Xiumin stood up and spun around, modeling his costume. “Like it?” He was dressed up in tiger pajama costume. “I wore it just for you babe. Aren’t I adorable?”

Chaehwan didn’t want to admit it, but he absolutely did look adorable. She held back a giggle and still had her angry face on, “Aniyo. You look ridiculous. Get out of my room now. I’m not in the mood.”

He pouted, “But it’s our anniversary…”

She glared at him, “ONLY NOW YOU REMEMBER?!”

Xiumin shrank back from her yelling but put on a brave act, “Mianhaeyo Chaehwan for forgetting. It’s just that I have been really busy with working to help my parents out and to make some money to take you out to some nice places.”

Chaehwan softened as Xiumin kept rambling on about how sorry he was. But she didn’t want to easily fall for his apology. She sat on her bed, back against the bedframe and knees propped up. She reached for the novel she was reading a few days ago on the nightstand right next to her lamp. “But still… We went out on a date today and you forgot. That hurt oppa.” She opened her book and started to read, ignoring Xiumin’s presence.


He pouted and sat on her bed, slightly bouncing up and down to get her attention. “Hwannie~” He looked up at her, her face being covered by the book cover.

As much as she wanted to ignore him and continue reading her book, Chaehwan put her book down, “What is it no-“

She didn’t finish her sentence as Xiumin started doing cute faces at her. He did poses with pouty faces, blowfish cheeks, slit eyes with the help of his hands (look at right side of page of the story’s background. He’s sooo cute >.<), and just various types of smiles that made Chaehwan squeal.

Xiumin continued to make Chaehwan giggle with his faces and got one of her stuffed animals and started making it do a little dance. He smiled as he saw his lovely girlfriend smile. Just then, there was a knock on her bedroom door. Chaehwan’s umma popped her head in, “Am I disturbing something?”

Chaehwan finished her laughter and faced her umma, “Aniyo. Xiumin was just acting cute.” She smiled at her boyfriend, who couldn’t help but kiss her cheek, making her blush.

“I told you it would work Xiumin.” Mrs. Park smiled. He smiled back.

Chaehwan gave them both a confused look, “Huh?”

Mrs. Park ignored her daughter’s confusion. “Well, your friends are here Xiumin. I think they prepared something.” Mrs. Park couldn’t hold back a fit of giggles.

“Exo oppas are here?!” Chaehwan smiled brightly.

“Oh yeah! I almost forgot about them.” Xiumin sheepishly said. “I have to show you the grand finale of my apology.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her downstairs.

Once they arrived in the living room, Chaehwan couldn’t help but laugh out loud, causing the Exo boys to look at her. They all wore different types of animal pajama costumes as well. Some looked happy and most of them looked embarrassed and annoyed. “All of you guys look adorable!” she squealed as she began to hug each member.

“Chaehwan mei mei!” Tao called her over as he held up open arms. Chaehwan gladly went into her arms, “I bet it’s your first time to be hugged by a giant panda, huh?” He held up his fist to his cheek and winked, “Buing buing~”

“Ne, it’s my first time Kung Fu Panda Tao. You’re so cute Tao.” she chuckled.

Then Chaehwan looked at Kris, who had his arms crossed. Chaehwan walked up to him, “A giraffe suits you quite well Kris.”

He rolled his eyes, “They all ganged up on me to make me use this ridiculous outfit.” But he smiled, “But if it’s to make you forgive Xiumin, I’ll do anything to help my favorite dongsaeng.” He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “You’re my favorite dongsaeng, not Xiumin.” They both chuckled.

“What do you think about me noona?” the frog dressed Sehun asked as he popped out of nowhere. “Buing buing~”

Chaehwan giggled some more, “You’re cute too Sehunnie. You all do.” She looked at every boy.

Suho, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and D.O. looked extremely happy as they kept joking around with each other. Kai, Luhan, Chen, and Lay all looked embarrassed as they all sat down on the couch with their heads lowered and blush appearing on their cheeks. Then Xiumin told the boys to quickly move the furniture as they prepared a fast apology dance.

They stood in formation, Lay and Kai in the middle as they were dancers. Of course, not wanting to do this, they kept their heads low as they all began to embarrassingly dance a cutesy dance and made up lyrics that had to be created a couple hours or minutes ago. Chaehwan smiled while clapping along to their performance.

As they finished, Kai and Lay quickly ran away while covering their faces. The others were surrounding Xiumin as it looked like they were about to kill him. “Don’t let us do that ever again!” “Don’t you dare hurt Chaehwan again!” “This better not go on Youtube.” “How can this be on Youtube when there’s no one recording us genius?”

“Awwww. You boys were adorable~” Mrs. Park said while holding up a digital camera,

The boys stared at her with wide eyes, “See! Someone did record us!” Luhan said.

“How was I supposed to know?!” Chen answered. They both embarrassingly walked away.

“Weren’t we cute ahjumma?” Tao and Sehun asked Mrs. Park, earning positive remarks from her. “Buing buing~” they said together while holding up their fists to their cheeks.

Suho, and the other members of the derp squad (Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and D.O.) continued to dance and sing to the song from earlier as Kris rolled his eyes with crossed arms at the scene. Xiumin walked up to Chaehwan as she smiled widely at him, “So?” he asked, asking for feedback from her.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, “Absolutely what I was expecting on our anniversary.” She smiled.

Xiumin tilted his head to the side, “You knew that we were going to dress up as animals that could sing and dance?”

Chaehwan giggled, “Aniyo~ I just knew that you were going to do something cute.” He blushed but then turned his head to plant a kiss on Chaehwan’s lips, only resulting in a mini make-out session.

A cough caused the two to break apart. The couple turned their heads to see Mr. Park looking at them with a disapproving look, “I could see that you guys made up.”

He wasn’t around when the others around as he was in his office. Then he looked at his living room, “Why are there so many people dressed in animal pajama costumes in my living room?” he asked. Chaehwan, Xiumin, and Mrs. Park as the Exo members looked at each other nervously.

“This is a hint of what you did back then that made me fall in love with you.” Mrs. Park told her husband.

“You’re speaking nonsense woman. I clearly don’t remember dressing up like an idiot in animal pajama outfits.” He retorted.

“Idiot?” Exo yelled, only to be ignored by Mr. Park.

Mrs. Park let out a sigh, “Nevermind…” Then she faced the boys with a smile, “You boys must be hungry. Xiumin bought some snacks.” She led them to the kitchen. “Come on old man!” she called her husband.

“I AM NOT OLD!!!” he yelled at her.

“Well, by looking around, you are the oldest person in this house.” Mrs. Park smartly commented.

“YAH!!!!!!” Mr. Park yelled.  Xiumin and Chaehwan smiled as they shared another kiss before joining the others for snacks.


Here's my oneshot. Did you guys liked it?

I feel like I failed on this one. -____-

Couldn;t really think of more cute things to put in here.

Did I disappoint you guys? PLease comment and


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Chapter 2: so cute~! i can imagine them being embarassed and being cute~! :))
Aww that was so cute... I want to see them wearing animals costumes.

I liked her father.
This is so cute :"3
Awww. Thank you for the comment. ^^
Thank you guys for reading and your comments ^^
wait up fort next one ;)
koreankendi #6
Hahaha the father is cute. Hahahaha
guess what?? i like Chaehwan parents..LOL
OMG! This is so cute! Kris in a giraffe outfit. Hahahaha!
Xiumin's aegyo is so adorable! :) Great oneshot!
wait I know! Aegyo~! haha