Inhale, Exhale


Yong Hae Mi has always been an outsider for as long as she can remember. She's the girl that remembers everything. Basically, she has an eidetic memory. She can remember everything, with an exception. She can't remember anything that happened before she was nine years old. Something happened that made her forget, but that's still a mystery to her. One day, a stranger comes into her life, busting open wounds that have been trying to heal for the past 15 years.


“Mommy? Daddy?” 

A gust of wind blew through the open window. Although, the window looked like someone had punched right through it. The little girl didn't know that though. The cool air made her shiver. She pulled her blanket around herself tighter. 

"Mommy! Daddy! Where are you?"

When they didn't answer, she started to cry. Clutching a stuffed bear in her hand, she sunk to the floor. Her tiny body shook with each sob. Close to inaudibly, she whispered, “Mommy, Daddy, I’m scared. Where are you?”

Suddenly, a bloodcurdling scream echoed through the house. It was coming from the basement. The little girl had been startled by the scream. She was sitting up now, staring at the basement door. Driven by pure curiosity, she stood up and opened the basement door. After contemplating whether she should continue or not, she started down the stairs. She was meticulous about her movements. Footsteps like a mouse. Now at the bottom of the stairs, she peeked her head around the wall separating her from the basement.  Her eyes widened. A shrill scream echoed through the night. It wouldn’t be the last...


Author’s Note:

Hae Mi is a fictional character, but her personality is based off a part of mine. It’s the personality that no one knows, which fits Hae Mi perfectly because no one really knows her. As you go through the story, you’ll find out more about her and her personality. 

Writing again. Updating eventually.


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Chapter 7: waaah!!!!hes going after her!!!!yay!!!!but awww...he misses her...and omg!!!!those images are sooo freaky!!!!and no matter what they will not get rid of themselves...sadly...i wonder whatll happen next!!!!YAY!!!!YOU UPDATED DONGSAENGGIE!!!!
um...question...i dont know if im remembering right but her nightmares are when she sees her parents lying dead somewhere right????yay!!!!you updated!!!!happy happy!!!!and eeekkk!!!!the romance part is showing up a bit!!!!and yay!!!!one mystery solved!!!!another to go...luved the update!!!!
DulciaSomnia #3
Edicius, thank you, really. it means a lot <3

singaporetwins, ha, yeah. go dongwoon! really? piercing? you really think so? hm, thanks.
...blink blink...woah...some harshness from dongwoon!!!!...which i luved!!!!save the swearing...but then again...but waaah!!!!as always dongsaenggie...your writing is really piercing!!!!luved the update as always!!!!and btw...the ending with dongwoon...luved it!!!!
this fic is so beautiful ;_; sobbs
you're capturing the depressive emotion really well, which a lot of writers struggle with; well done and i hope to see more from you in the future ^u^
DulciaSomnia #6
singaporetwins, yes, I do indeed have an inner horror writer. I'm just incapable of letting it go on for too long, otherwise I end up scaring myself. It's funny how people tell you to be yourself, but once you are, they judge you.

hellhathfury, I'm loving the melancholy, to be honest and Mir's just dumbfounded. The mystery is officially going to start unraveling....
Yay!!!! And update ^^
Wahh... Another melancholy chapter... She's so pessimistic about the world, but I can't really blame her. You can always hope for the best, but time and time again you're proven wrong.
Hmmm... I wonder what Mir's thinking about????
I'm happy the mystery is finally starting... *Gets out sleuthing gear*... ^^
Update soon!!!!

BTW... Miss you!!!! Hope you have fun in New York!!!!
teehee!!!!inner horror writer out????...didnt know you liked writing stuff like that!!!!learning new things all the time!!!!teehee!!!!
...sigh...its true though...most people cannot understand you at all so its better to keep stuff in rather than have everyone judge you...sad people cant leave their judgements aside and try to help others...sigh...but yay!!!!dongwoon and mir are different from others!!!!and yay!!!!theyll help her piece together her past!!!!luved teh update as always!!!!update soon!!!!