» invalid reasoning

Playboy, Flowerboy




The next day began normal, following your regular routine and new school schedule. The pimple had subsided to a small pink dot, and so you still used your fringe to cover it. The first two periods passed as as you expected, nothing too unexpected or fantastic. Though you figured Lee ssaem would be the teacher that got the easiest off track. P.E. was P.E., but it was bearable.

Third period, well, that was the "class" you had with B1A4. With they way they were, you figured it would always be interesting. Especially after hearing BaChan's (that's the nickname you decided to call them since no combination of Sunwoo and Chanshik sounded cute) conversation from last night. Surprisingly enough though, nothing too extraordinary happened.

Sunwoo and Shinwoo were writing something, a rap maybe? They kept rehearsing something before going back to edit it out or continue writing. Jinyoung and Sandeul were talking about something and going back and forth between each other and the laptop. Meanwhile, Gongchan sat at one of the desks trying to finish an assignment. That left you to yourself. And even though watching the five of them was entertaining, last night was exhausting (having to prevent a fight between your relatives wasn't easy -- at all -- and you knew their offered help would be needed) so you propped your feet up and slept until the bell rang.

After fourth period ended, you told Seungyoon to say hi to Jimin and Hyunjae for you since you promised Chanshik you'd sit with B1A4. He looked a little surprised by that, but he told you, "Have fun!" anyways before waving bye.

"I'll be back tomorrow," you promised, waving to him as well.

"Are you ready?" Sunwoo asked, leaning against your desk comfortably.

"Yeah, are you guys?"

He nodded, then looked at Junghwan. "Deul, are you ready to go yet?"

The other nodded and walked past your desk and out the door. "Come on, hyungs are probably waiting for us with Channie."

The three of you walked out, and you noticed something. "Are Miyoung and Hwayoung not eating with us?"

"They always go to the bathroom before we eat," he explained as he led the way upstairs to the senior classes. "They'll meet up with us. And don't worry about Hwayoung, I told Jinyoung to keep her in check."

"Oh, thanks? I can handle her myself though."

"_____, she's kind of the queenka. Not a lot of people go up against her."

You chuckled and smirked to yourself. "Then why don't you kingkas bring her down? You're not really keeping the peace if you let someone like that do what she wants, Mr. President."

"She's like that for a reason," Junghwan interjected. "Baro, do you think they'll have cake at lunch?"

You bit back a scoff but said, "Fallacies. Your arguement is based off of those so they're invalid. The first one is appeal to pity and the last one is a red herring."

You reached the senior classes where the maknae of B1A4 and the hyungs were waiting.

"Nooooonaaaa! You remembered!" Puppychan said and bounced towards you. "Good thing too, I would have had to kidnap you if you didn't~." He hugged you quickly. He looped your arms and led you to the front of the small group, and to the other set of stairs. "We have to wait for hyungs' girlfriends before we go eat, you don't mind, do you?"

"Nah, it's fine with me," you replied as the two of you walked back to the main floor. 

He gave you an eyesmile. "So how was your class, noona?"

"Fine, how about yours?"

He let out a sigh. "I barely finished my assignment, and I still got a detention! I couldn't believe it. Oh well though."

You smiled at how cute he was. "Don't worry, Puppychan. Detention isn't that bad -- I've had them plenty of times!"

The boy's eyes widened, somehow shocked that his noona of all people would be in a place like that. "But what about hagwons? Didn't you have to go to those?"

You shook your head. "I didn't need to. I studied at home and my parents or friends would help me if I needed them. I'm usually the first person to be done with things in class, so I just stopped paying attention. That's what got me in trouble," you explained with a laugh.

"Ohhh, I see. . . Noona! You must be smart then, right?"

You nodded. "People seem to think so."

"You should be my tutor then! The one I have now -- aish!" he ruffled his hair, clearly upset. "I don't like him. You could help me though, couldn't you? I'll even pay you~!" He turned to you and gave you puppy eyes.

"Sure," you replied with a smile. "Why not? I can't tutor you on Fridays though, family thing." So you didn't exactly tell the truth, it didn't really matter. Besides, it wasn't a lie. No, not lie per se, more like excuse. Yeah. It was an excuse -- no one needed to know about your after school life anyways.

You reached the bottom floor before the others, so he led you to the double glass doors to wait by. Outside, you could see the other students finding tables to sit at with their lunches, and could spot a few couples feeding one another. How cute. "Hey, Channie," you said, turning to him, "don't you have a girlfriend too?" It wasn't really any of your business, but it didn't add up. How did he -- one of the most popular people at Y.A. -- not have a girlfriend, when the others did?

He shook his head cutely. "Noooo, the girls I like, I don't like like them, you know? They all see me as a friend or a little brother anways. And I'm fine with it! Relationships seem too dramatic for me, so I'm fine like this~!" he grinned.

You heard the other four make it to the bottom steps as the sound of high heels echoed through the empty space. Overly cute "Oppa!"s followed, and the boyfriends greeted them happily. If they feed each other I'm out of here. Sorry, Channie.

"Who's by Channie?" you heard behind you.

The two of you turned and he had another grin on his face as the others walked towards you. "Shinyeong noona!"

Shinyeong? Wasn't that the girl that--

"_____, right?" she asked, interrupting but confirming what you thought.

You nodded and smiled. "Hey."

"You know each other?" Dongwoo asked, motioning with one hand between the two of you. You noticed that the other was interlaced with Shinyeong's.

She nodded and made a "yes" sound. "Oppa, I met her yesterday. She's a friend. Omo -- is this the girl you were talking about?"

You gave him a strange look, and one of  your brows arched but were hidden behind your bangs.

"He didn't say anything bad, don't worry," Shinyeong added with a smile. "But what he said made me want to be friends with you."

You smiled in return. "I thought we already were."

Again, the sound of high heels against marble could be heard; this time though, "Jinyoung oppa!" came after.

"Oh, jagiyah, there you are," he replied. You saw him give her a kiss on the cheek before holding her hand. They walked over to the doors where you all stood.

"Why are we waiting, let's go eat I'm sooo--" She stopped midsentence when she saw you standing in front of the doors.

"Hey, Hwayoung," you greeted with a wave.

You saw her expression contort with a desire to be spiteful and make you leave mixed with the need to keep her cool. "What are you doing here. . ."

"_____," you filled in.

"So?" the other asked sharply.

"Puppychan invited me." Was it bad that you were enjoying her being so irritated by the current situation? No, of course not. She probably socially tortured other students anyways.

"Let's just eat," she told everyone, her tone still off.

Chanshik and you pushed open the doors and started walking. Immediately, you heard the same uproar as yesterday. One thing was different though; you could hear something else.

"Who's she?"

"Why does she get to sit with them?"

"Is she new?"

"She has to be -- I don't know her."

You all kept walking though, and you waved to your three friends. "I'll be back there tomorrow," you mouthed.

"Noona," your dongsaeng whispered in your ear. "I wish you an Jinyoung hyung would date. I don't like Hwayoung."

Your eyebrows perked up at the new facts: Puppychan didn't like a noona, and he didn't even use honorifics.

"I can't decide that," you whispered back.




Cue the screams.



omg guys i didn't update in a week! ; n ; sorry about that. this chapter is kinda shorter due to all the dialouge, hope you don't mind^^ remember that comments are really really really really appreciated ; u ; anyways, see you in the next update!♥

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New reader here! Please update! I'm loving this story (;
changbabyjo #2
LOL!im guessing pooh hyung is cnu(?)
mirrah_97 #3
hi.... plzz update soon... i wanna know what happen next