» better than expected

Playboy, Flowerboy



After Seungyoon's phone vibrated with the new message, he stayed, moving the empty chair next to your desk. You guys started to talk, and he found out that you were a Seoul girl and he was a Busan boy. You were a bit surprised since he didn't have the accent.

"Years of practice," he replied with a proud -- but trying not to be proud -- smile. "So have you traveled anywhere?"

"Besides to the ocean? Nah, not really. You?"

"A few places, China mostly. I'd like to go to Europe or Australia -- or the States even. But the language barrier is a pretty big one."

"But don't we have English next."

"I never said I was the best in that," he laughed. "If anyone could be a transfer student here, it's probably those three." He nodded his head in the direction of three guys and two girls on the right side of the room.

"They're the best?"

Seungyoon nodded. "A few of their parents taught them some and they're into Western music on top of it. Makes sense that they picked it up that way."

"Then why don't you listen to Western music, couldn't you find something you liked?" You were very capable of giving him the names of artists from all over, but he would have had to prefer music over lyrics. Maybe a few rappers or singers with decent lyrics too.

He shook his head. "Not really. Heh, I guess that just means I'm meant to stay in Asia."

The female English teacher walked in then. She was a short Causasian woman with dark brown hair and fair -- but not too pale -- skin. She dressed in a black pencil skirt and matching blazer, with a black and white dotted shirt to match with her shoes. She looked like one of those business dolls.

"Hello everyone!" she greeted warmly in English then sat on the chair in front of the podium. She scanned the room as everyone went back to their seats, Seungyoon pushed his borrowed chair back to its desk and tapped yours goodbye, before keeping her eyes on you. "Ah, you must be my new student, right?" she spoke in Korean, her native accent was undetectable.

You nodded. "Kang _____, ssaem."

She gave you a warm smile. "Call me Gwen or Miss Ryan. Our class is still a bit. . .remedial as a whole, so I'm sure you'll be fine." The class laughed at her "remedial" comment. Either they thought they were pro at English or they were just that bad. You'd find out soon enough though.

"Let's go over introductions," she said to the class in Konglish. She began calling off the names of students at random, and they in turn introduced themselves in English with a few sentences following. You winced at some of your classmates. You couldn't even understand what they were saying while others started out promising but ended up reverting to Korean.


Okay, you weren't the best in English. But you had picked up some from the foreigners and on shows alike. But still, you were shaky on a few things. "Hey, I'm _____. I really like ramyun and sleep. Music is good too." Apparently Gwen thought you were doing fine so she nodded for you to continue. "Uh. . . I am not from here. As in, this school. . .I can't speak English okay?" You smiled awkwardly at the end and a few people chuckled at your quote.

"You did well," your teacher encouraged. She brought out a stack of packets and handed them to the people in front of the rows. "We'll be covering food and colors this unit."

She stayed out of her seat the rest of the class, going over each word and their meaning. A quarter of the time she wrote the English to Korean translation on the board and showed us how to say them correctly. The other three she spent walking through the rows, listening for correct pronounciation and helping us with the work on the backside of each page.

"A paragraph is six sentences, but if you can't reach that limit, shoot for three or four. But I don't want to see any less than that."

The lunch bell rang, and everyone left their bag before walking out the door.

"You did good today," Miss Ryan commented as you left with Seungyoon.

"Yah, where did you learn English?" he asked when you were outside.

"Shows and stuff, it's not like I study it."

"You pick up things quick then," he decided. "Hey," he greeted another guy with -- by the way they were holding hands -- his girlfriend. "This is _____," he introduced.

"I'm Jimin," the girl said with a wave and perky smile.

"Hyunjae," her boyfriend said with a two-finger salute. "So you're eating with us today?"

"Yeah. You two don't mind?" Even if they did Seungyoon would've persuaded you them to let you, he was really friendly in spite of his intimidating appearance.

Jimin shook her head. "Boys, you get the food, I'll be at our table with _____~" She took your hand and led you towards the table. The courtyard of Y.A. looked like an expensive patio with its cushioned chairs and couches and polished wood tables, each with its own white umbrella.

The two of you were talking about make up -- one of your more girly conversations, but also one that was interesting -- when B1A4 and their girlfriends came out to the courtyard.

Everyone went out of their way to say hi or wave to the group, while Gongchan was like a too excited puppy waving and greeting his hyungs and noonas with hugs. Jimin paused the conversation to call out and wave, and Puppychan there ran up to you to give you a hug that nearly crushed you.

"Ah noona~ you and your pretty friend should sit with us today! I'm sure hyungs' girlfriends would like you~"

You would've said yes, but you saw Jimin tense up at the thought. You nodded towards her. "Tomorrow, Puppychan," you promised. "And you better go, they're leaving without you!"

"If you don't come, I'll make my strong hyung kidnap you!" he teased. You thought. He waved goodbye to the two of you before bouncing away.

"Thanks," Jimin told you with the same perky smile. "But you could've gone."

You shook your head. "Nah, I couldn't have. I already told you guys I'd be with you today. There's plenty of me for everyone~"

She laughed. "Good, because I expect you back at this table in two days!"

"Of course," you said with a smile. "Now what were you saying? Mixing moisturizer with what is a good lipgloss. . ?"



hey guys, so i kind of forgot something. . .i meant to put songs in front of each chapter but i'm stupid and forgot. :| i'll be editing the past ones to put a song in them. ^^ also, aksjgdkjsgaksgjaksdg WHO SAW B1A4'S JAPANESE MV!? ;AAAAAA; i loved it so much /sobs ♥ i won't give you a paragraph of fangirling, but if you haven't seen it, GO SEE IT. (ah, so proud of cnu & baro for rapping in japanese :'D it sounds a bit hesitant, but i like that the song is all in japanese + english and not japanese + english singing then korean rap cx) here's the link! :)

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New reader here! Please update! I'm loving this story (;
changbabyjo #2
LOL!im guessing pooh hyung is cnu(?)
mirrah_97 #3
hi.... plzz update soon... i wanna know what happen next