» drama rules

Playboy, Flowerboy


ngl, these lyrics don't really have anything to do with the chapter, but i couldn't find an instrumental version. sorry! ;^;

All of you stopped when you heard the ridiculous statement. The two of you whispered to each other and that was it, and why would the content of it have anything to do with being a couple? Besides, Chansik wasn't looking for a girlfriend, and you weren't looking to be one. Though even with all of that in mind, the majority of students took it seriously.

Wow -- what the hell. Is this a KBS drama now? You rolled your eyes.

"We're not dating so calm your ," you told everyone loudly in an irritated tone.

Another drama moment hit, and everyone became silent, time stopped, and all eyes turned to B1A4, their girlfriends, and you. You looked around -- Come on, is this really happening? The silence couldn't have been from what you said though; the saying was used so much it was practically cliche. Or were they surprised that you could talk and didn't have the same social status?

Jinyoung clapped his hands together once, as if to set everything back in motion. "Let's get back to lunch, today's food is really good," he told the students charismatically. And like that, everything returned to normal. The familiar hum of conversation came back, the sound of footsteps heading towards seats, food being placed on the porcelain plates -- like the scene before never happened. Ok cool.

The ten of your reached your table, a large circular plate of glass supported by a marble stand with cushioned thrones of chairs. Clearly their area was elite. It's not like the other tables weren't upscale though, they were just expensive looking patio furniture. Still, it was much different than what you were used to. Yonsei Academy was on a whole other level when it came to high schools.

"We'll get the food," Dongwoo told the five girls, motioning for his four friends to join.

You stood up too, you didn't need someone bringing you food when you were perfectly capable of doing it yourself. "I'll get my own."

Sunwoo laughed. "Don't worry, we won't do anything to it -- promise."

"Oh I trust you, but I don't see why I shouldn't do it myself," you reply simply.

"_____-ah, but I want to get you your food," Chanshik pouted, tugging on your sleeve even though he was taller. "So you sit and I'll get it for you, okay~?"

Before you could argue against it, he gently pushed your shoulders down and rushed off with the rest of his hyungs. You sat down and turned to the rest of the girls, three of which were already in the middle of some sort of conversation.

"Hey," the girl sitting across from you said. Since she was sitting next to where Sunwoo stood up, it was safe to assume that she was his girlfriend. "I don't think we've met. Kwon Jihyo," she introduced, extending her hand out towards you. "And you?"

"Kang _____," you replied, shaking her hand lightly.

She sat elegantly and proper with her ankles cross and back straight, as if she was having tea with the Queen. The aura around her was formal, definitely, but not snobbish -- more dignified if anything. She matched her boyfriend nicely.

"So what school were you at before?"

To be honest, a small part of your pride was dreading this question. You already saw how the student body acted in a drama-like manner, and for a second you thought that the girls would (possibly) discriminate you for not coming from a priveleged home like theirs -- that's what happened in the dramas you and your sister watched. It was practically law. But then you came back to your senses -- who cares? Really, just because you came from a struggling middle-class home, did that make you any less of a person than them? Hell, maybe all of the sneaking in and out of your house to pay for tutition made you better than them.

"Seoul High School," you replied. Your old school wasn't that bad, several of its graduates held high positions in the government after all.

"Really?" Jihyo shifted her position, leaning closer. "I've heard about it. Is it nice?"

"The teachers and education is, and most people are friendly. The campus is always clean and everything, but nothing like here, of course."

She nodded. "I see. If you don't mind me asking, though, why did you come here?" Her tone made it sound like Y.A. was lower than a public high school like SHS -- or maybe it just meant she didn't want you there. Either way, you were there to stay.

"My teachers wanted me to apply for this semester, so I did," you replied simply. "They said I should be challenged, you know?"

Jihyo blinked a few times. "So you're that new student that the teachers were anticipating?"

You shrugged. "I dunno, maybe."

"The scholarship one -- Yonsei Academy rarely gives out money to students."

You blinked in surprise. Y.A. giving out money did seem rare since it was so prestigious --  and they couldn't be doing that often if they wanted the school to look like it did, maintinence for a place like it must be expensive -- but the way Jihyo said it made it seem as if it almost never happened. "Yeah, that's me then. But don't think I act like everyone expected, actually." Maybe that was the reason you weren't outcasted on the first day. At least that's what drama rules would dictate.

She smiled, a light chuckle escaping her lips. "Probably, but I like it. And the guys do too -- if they didn't, you wouldn't be sitting her. No matter how badly Channie begged them."

You smiled back. "Good to know most of the people I met like me."

She leaned in closer and motioned for you to do the same. Once you did, she covered the side of that faced the other girls. "And don't worry about Hwayoung," she whispered. "I'm sure she'll come around soon."

"I'm not exactly looking for her approval."

The other girl grinned back at you. "I think we'll be good friends."

"Same here," you replied with a half-smile and nod.



skjdajksdgajskd i am so sorry to all of you again. :c rl problems seriously. :||||


shorter update than normal, i'll try to make it up tomorrow and the rest of the week because i'll be gone for most of next week due to a trip. thanks for subscribing! ♥ x 

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New reader here! Please update! I'm loving this story (;
changbabyjo #2
LOL!im guessing pooh hyung is cnu(?)
mirrah_97 #3
hi.... plzz update soon... i wanna know what happen next