» you're really something

Playboy, Flowerboy




The whole idea of it was simple enough. You learn how much your body can take in a single period of time while moving more muscles -- whose names you don't know and won't use on daily basis -- than you would in that time frame. That's all. But the actual activity was what caused more useless trips to the nurse's office than anything else. After reluctantly changing into the manditory shirt and your own gray sweats and sneakers, you walked out and joined the rest of the class on the track. The coach kept introductions between you two brief ("I'm Coach," was all he had to say) then blew the whistle to get everyone in formation for roll. After giving out a warning of ditching, the shrill whistle sounded again and everyone began jogging.

You didn't put much effort into it, your "jog" -- if it could even be considered that -- was a cross between jumping and dragging your feet. At least the activity wasn't too strenuous. The only problem was the frames sliding down with each movement. Really, you didn't even need them. Your eyesight was 20/20 and you could put in lenses easily when needed. The sole purpose for them was because they made you feel like Clark Kent. Your day life and night life were two different things and you prefered to keep them that way. Besides, there were a few overly-loving guys that came just a bit too close -- literally and figuratively. So large frames were the best disguise that was both functional and fashionable, and therefore perfect.

As you passed Coach you gave him a grin and nodded as if to say, "Don't worry, I'm doing fine!" before continuing on. You didn't catch his expression, but he didn't tell you to speed up so you just kept going along at the same pace. When you finished, everyone was dispersed into their own soccer teams of eleven. You looked around to see if maybe there was a team needing a member or even an uneeded alternative. Towards the end of the field there was a team of ten versus eleven, and you hurried over to join them.

The guy who looked to be the captain told you to stay in the net and, "Stay cool, I got this." And really, he did. The guy dominated the field and whenever he didn't have the ball, it was being passed to him or shot in the net. If anything, the other players were like elves that touched the ball no more than ten seconds. By the time he -- who you thought introduced himself as Seungyoon -- scored the tenth point, Coach signaled everyone to go in.

"Told you I got this," he said as he walked towards you leaning against the goal post.

"I never said you didn't, but thanks to you I didn't need to move at all." You nodded in approval of him. The only time movement was necessary in this class was if you were timed anyways.

After changing back into your uniform, there was a small break between classes. You used that to find your third period, since it seemed like no one you talked to knew where it was. It wasn't in the same room as all of your others since it was the free-choice class. You had to find the B wing's first floor to begin with, and from there you needed room A4.

By the time you found the room, you were late. Eh, it was your first day and this was a big campus. If the teacher got on your metaphorical about it then they needed to calm down. You let yourself in and surprisingly enough there were just four guy students.

"Hey, it's _____," Junghwan pointed out as he toyed with the mic wire. "I didn't know you were taking our class!"

Your eyebrow popped up at the "our." It sounded more possessive than it should've, like they literally ran the class. "This is art and music appreciation?"

"Hyung I told you we should've named it something else, it actually attracted people," he complained to person with a Macbook in their lap. "I'm not trying to say I don't want you in here but this is more of an us thing, a B1A4 thing~" he added quickly.

"Excuse me what?" you replied, unsure about what he was talking about. What did he mean? Obiviously it was a B1A4 thing -- this was the room!

"Deul you're confusing her," his hyung said and closed the laptop. "He means that this is just our five person class. "B1A4" is what people call us around here. In case you haven't noticed we just use this place to do nothing. I didn't think that anyone would really want to take an appreciation class though," he laughed. "I'm Jung Jinyoung -- YA's senior class president. Nice to meet you."

The way he emphasized senior made it seem like he had been thought to be a lower classman. Really though, he looked like a total flowerboy -- more so than Junghwan. If you saw him passing by you'd think he was a first, maybe second, year student. "Same. And I'm _____. And "five person class"? There's only four of you, you know."

The boy next to Sunwoo hit the drum cymbal as he laughed. "Of course we know how to count, silly noona. Pooh hyung is just running late like you."

And as if they timed it -- who knows, maybe they did -- the door clicked open and "Pooh hyung" walked in.





hello everyone that subscribed! :D thank you for doing so, and i'll try to update often since i really have a muse for this lately = u =

haha, well see you in the next update! :D 

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New reader here! Please update! I'm loving this story (;
changbabyjo #2
LOL!im guessing pooh hyung is cnu(?)
mirrah_97 #3
hi.... plzz update soon... i wanna know what happen next