"Memories are nice, but that's all they are."

Exchange Student in B.A.P.'s Dorm

Wonder Girls - Wishing On A Star

Saga yawned as she sat up on the bed and stretched. She looked around and smiled as she noticed you next to her, sleeping soundly. A smirk made its way onto her lips as she bounced the mattress up and down. “Wakey! Wakey!” she yelled into your ear playfully. You jumped up into a sitting position, hitting your forehead with hers in the process.

“Aw, my head…” you cried out in pain as you rolled down off the bed. The door opened, revealing concerned faces of Yongguk, Daehyun and Jongup. “We heard someone scream. Are you guys alright?” Yongguk asked as he tried to understand what happened.

“Help…” you whimpered from the floor, lifting your hand into the air so that it could be seen from the door. Daehyun rushed up to your side, lifting you bridal-styled. *She’s become lighter again…* he thought as he placed you back onto the bed.

“How in the world did you end up on the floor?” Jongup asked as he sat down on the bed, brushing some hair from Saga’s eyes behind her ear. She leaned into the touch, blush slowly creeping onto her cheeks.

“That devil!” you pointed at Saga. “She woke me up, we hit our foreheads and I rolled down.” you explained fast as you crossed your arms over your chest.

Saga shrugged. “As simple as that. It happens all the time, so don’t worry.” she smiled sheepishly. Daehyun chuckled as he leaned closer to you to lift some bangs from your now red forehead. “Are you alright, still?” he asked as he softly brushed his fingers over the bruised area. You nodded as a small smile formed onto your lips, your heart beating faster.

Yongguk leaned against the door, his arms crossed over his chest as he smirked at the sight. *Those four are so obvious.* He cleared his voice, gaining your attention. “Put some clothes on and come down to eat some breakfast, Junhong absolutely wanted to go to the beach for a swim, even during this time of the year.” he informed before walking out of the room.

You four nodded before Jongup took Saga on his back and gave her a piggyback ride downstairs. Daehyun held his hand towards you, waiting for you to take it. You placed your hand in his before he gently pulled you up and led you to the kitchen, his hand still holding onto yours.


With your heels buried into the dark sand you stared at the open sea. You saw sailboats with their sails, full and proud with wind, filling the sky together with a few lone seagulls that were looking after something to snack on. Salty breeze blew some of your silky hair away from your shoulders.

Zelo ran down the shore as soon as it was in his sight, letting his inner child out. Playing with the waves, he ran back and forth at the line where the waves hit the sand before returning to the sea. Every now and then he let out a small yelp between his giggles as the water got dangerously close to his bright red sneakers. Just the thought of touching the chilly water made you shiver.

Walking closer to the shore to reunite with the others, you inhaled the slightly sour air as a small smile formed onto your lips. It had been a while since you last saw the powerful sea calm down for winter. *That’s right, winter’s on its way.* you thought as you stopped just behind Youngjae, who was busy taking pictures of the playing maknae. With your mood slightly saddened, you felt yourself get lost into the sound of waves rolling against the soft sand, Zelo’s laughter and the salty scent. You closed your eyes as started to daydream, or more like remember.

It was near the beginning of December when Joon asked if you would tag along him to a gallery he wanted to visit. After you two had walked around the hall with its crisp white walls covered in pictures and paintings until your feet felt sore, Joon had pulled you out of the gallery and far away from your home, simply just strolling around while holding your hand, a comfortable silence surrounding you. After a while of walking, you two had somehow arrived at the sea. Waves hit the shore before rolling back into the sea, big ships passed by at the horizon. Joon held your hand tighter as you two walked on the beach, avoiding arriving waves and turning it into a game.


Yongguk waved his hand in front of your eyes as he called your name again. “_________-ah?” You blinked as you focused on him instead. He let his hand drop by his side as he stared at you worriedly. “Are you alright?”

You nodded your head, your eyes locked onto the sea again. “Last time I was at the sea during winter was with him.” you said, your voice a bit lower than it usually was. He nodded understandingly as he knew who you meant. “Do you miss it?” his voice came out just as quiet and serious as yours.

You gave it a thought. *Do I really miss it?* you sighed before opening your lips to answer. “I think I do.”

He nodded. “Memories are nice, but that’s all they are. He may have treated you well at that time, but he changed and played with you. So, no looking back, no turning back, just look ahead. It will be worth it.” he said, glancing at the giggling Zelo. A small smile formed onto his lips. *After all, there isn’t much time for us anymore, right?* he thought before patting your shoulder comfortably and pulling you closer to him.

“Noona! Don’t let them throw me into the sea!” Zelo screamed at you as he did his best to keep Himchan, Daehyun and Jongup away from him. With a chuckle, you two walked towards them.

I'm back! I don't know if any of you saw my message, but I had to go on a mini-hiatus due to my 3½ weeks trip to England, and I just couldn't clear my thoughts before I left, so here's a chappie that I wrote half before I left and half after my return :) Also, my high school life starts on tuesday, so I really wish you guys keep waiting as patiently as you have until now, I'm sorry that I always let you guys down :( I'm going to do my best to update more often, and write better chappies for you guys!

As always, thank you for reading/subscribing/commenting, it really means a lot to me :) *passes a lot of cookies*

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Guys I have to go on a mini-hiatus for a month due to a language trip and I had problems with my internet so I wasn't able to post anything, sorry :(


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Chapter 35: Ahh, I'm back and there's not a lot of chapters to read :(
I guess I have to wait a little more~ :)
Chapter 35: Update please! ❤
Chapter 35: This was awesome. . .. .almost just almost there . . .they almost kissed. . HIMCHAN OPPA SARANHAE BUT IF U INTERUPT ANOTHER SWEET MOMENT IMMA TAKE AWAY ALL YOUR MIRRORS lol ^^
Unni Fighting ^^
IkkleLau162 #4
Chapter 34: Saga and JongUp are so cute seriously~! >.<
Her and Daehyun are so sweet too~~~~~ I'm going to get cavities reading this!! Haha. I really love your story . Did you have a nice trip to England? I live there kekeke.
Update when you can~ I'll be waiting :)
sam098 #5
Chapter 34: Welcome back^^
I'm so Happy to read your story again ^_^
MaruraM #6
Chapter 34: So excited you're back! Can't wait for the next chapters to come! You're doing an awesome job (:
Chapter 34: Been waiting for an update! Tks. :D
Chapter 34: You're back!!!! YAY!!!
geum-byul #9
Chapter 34: OMG YEAH!! YOU'RE BACK!! I missed you! Good luck with everything at high school! Wish you the best! And update soon dear author!