Chapter 41

Stylish Kiss

"Would you just give me a chance to talk aish you silly girl. This is very important and it is going to affect you. I want to tell you that..." AJ looked at me closely, "Ahh why is it so hard to tell you."

"Because you can't resist my cute face and my adorable charm." Yooah smirked as she stuck her tongue out at him. "Yaaahh Kim Jaeseop how many times have I told you that you can tell me anything? Are you an idiot of something?"

"But what I plan on telling you might hurt you." AJ tried to avoid Yooah's gaze. "I do not want to hurt the cute Yooah!" AJ pinched her cheek.

"I already have been hurt by many people in my life one more person wont hurt me. I am used to it and don’t really care what people say to me anymore. I can handle what you plan on telling me." Yooah said with a cold tone.AJ looked at her with a shocked tone.

"Wait who has hurt you?" AJ asked as he pushed Yooah slightly against the wall and he leaned closee to her face.

"Who thinks I would tell you." Yooah looked at him as he smirked."Even if you force it out of me I still would not tell you a thing."

"If you want to get the information I know out of me than you have to tell me what you mean. How have you been hurt before?”

"Aish I'm still not telling you." Yooah said coldly.

"Well then you give me no choice. I might have to force a kiss on you!" AJ leaned closer and was centimeters away from Yooah's lips. AJ raised his hand and put it on her cheak and moved her hair out of her face.

"You think I would let you?" Yooah said in a smooth voice. She grabbed onto his tie and tugged on it and looked directly into his chocolate brown eyes.

"It's not like you are stopping me." AJ said but before he could kiss her someone yelled and AJ pulled away from her, but still was inches from her face. "Hey Xander hyung what's up?" AJ was trying to act innocent.

"You should not treat our stylist like that." Alexander said as her walked over to us. He pulled AJ away and looked over at Yooah's slightly red face.

"Xander we were just joking around with each other. AJ is just being his playful self." Yooah smiled at Alexander. “You do not need to protect me from this babo I can handle him myself.”

"Playful or not, I will not let anyone force a kiss on you like that bastard Gabe keeps trying to do." Alexander said in a cold tone. He never acted that way and never used terms like that before. Alexander rarely yells and when he does it is normally him messing around and acting childish.

"Wait whose Gabe?" AJ asked with a confused look on his face. "Wait that guy from LUCKY7!"

"He is someone from my childhood when I lived in the states. My parents set up an arranged marriage for me. I was supposed to marry Gabe and take over my parents company once I finished college. They wanted me to study business. I applied secretly to fashion school and ran away. I am on slightly good terms with my parents now. I am more on good terms with my father. He said that I should do whatever makes me happy. My mother is another story." Yooah crossed her arms and took a deep breath. "They were in Korea recently to check on my sister who is staying with us. My older brother also came and they let him do what he wants. My parents have been a bit over protective since someone kidnapped me when I was ten. That is why I am afraid of thunder."

"Wait Yooah this is the first time you mentioned you were kidnapped before." Alexander looked at me with a worried expression.

"Since it's not important and it is in the past. I do not like talking about the past because it is unimportant to the person that I am today!" Yooah looked at both of them with a gaze that had no emotion in it.

"Yahhh it is important! Yooah why didn't you ever tell me these things?" AJ looked at Yooah with a worried look on his face.

"I do not want any sympathy!" Yooah pushed both AJ and Alexander aside. I looked at my phone and noticed I got a text form Hoonie.

Can you meet me at are usual place. The place we went when we first met.

Sure I will be there soon.

I looked backed at the two boys, "Xander I will meet you back at the dorm. I have to take care of something."

"And what is that something" Alexander asked.

"None of your business." Yooah said loudly.

"Just keep in contact and don't talk to strangers." Alexander yelled after me.

"I'm not five Xander. I will make sure I talk to a bunch of guys and go to a bar with them." Yooah said sarcastically.

"Yahhhhh!" Alexander and AJ said at the same time.


"AJ you cannot tell her what is really going on with me Kibum. She might try and prevent it from happening. Kibum is trying to avoid her because his emotions might be shown in front of her. The same goes with the boys. They cannot know because we do not want them to get hurt. Things will change once March comes. That is when everything changes."

"I really hate what is happening hyung. I do not want to replace you!" AJ said. "I would rather be nine!"

"You’re not replacing me. These things happen for a reason and in my eyes God chose this for me." Alexander looked up at the sky. “We should help the others clean up.”

Authors Note: AJ has been getting alot of love from me in many fics I been writing lately hehe. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter is like half done. hehehe I should have that chapter up soon too. ENJOY and I have returned from a short break. Finals took over my life now im free for like a month. ^^


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Continuing from the last feed! I want to promote my other stores


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Chapter 61: Love this story!!!!! <3 <3
Amazing story! Keep Writing awesome stories! Fighting!
Rianne2580 #2
yayyyy!!! Happy ending :) hehehe <3
Yay! Yooah and Kibum got their happy ending! And Hana and Dongho too! Everyone gets together with who they should. Man, Yooah's mom is just plain evil. Gabe too. But everyone is happy now, and so am I.
This was a really amazing story and I absolutely loved it! I think this was one of the first U-KISS stories that I read. Anyways, it was beautiful to read all the conflicts and finally have them resolved. You are truly an amazing author who knows how to evoke emotions from their readers.
I give you 20 stars, which is 4 suns, the rating I give to the best stories I've read! Keep writing amazing stories! :)
I loved the story umma~ thanks for a good ending~
kpopmusiclover #6
Update soon pls!!! I seriously can't wait!! ^^
Casandra #7
Update soon!!!!!!
suspence! oi its killing me.... also have i mention i really dont like her mom ... or gabe for that matter..but please finish soon!!!!
Rianne2580 #9
Oooh.. :) PLAN :) <3 hheeheh :3
Casandra #10
Update soon!!!!!!!!!!!