Boss's Orders



“Mom! Please speak English, you’re talking too fast!”

                I had no right to complain, I know. But I could not stand it when my mom started fussing in Korean. She always wanted to talk in lightning speed. I couldn’t blame her for being mad, though. Not only am I suddenly moving apartments next door to a bunch of guys, but I quit my original job and failed to tell about the guy at the school or even do anything about it. Not to mention I didn’t contact my great Aunt this entire time.

“Well.” Mom sighed. I finally was able to get her off her Hangul spazzing. “At least tell me why you didn’t contact Auntie.”

“Ma….she hates me and you know that.” I rolled my eyes.  

                It was true. Mom’s side of the family really resented her….mostly because she chose to run away to America, fell in love with a Black man, and had a child with him. Somehow she was able to convince her grandmother’s sister to keep an eye out for me while I was in Korea. However, Auntie and I were on the same page. She didn’t want to talk to me and I definitely didn’t want to talk to her.

“Jamison, don’t say that.” Mom’s voice cracked a little.

                Ah great, I thought to myself, now she’s upset.

“I’m sorry, mom….okay?” I spoke softly. “Mom, call me tomorrow night. I have to finish moving in.”

“Alright. Good Morning, Jamison.” Mom joked.

“Good night, Mom.” I replied before hanging up.

                I picked up the suitcase standing beside my now old apartment doorway and headed for the elevator. As I traveled down, my thoughts began to get away from me. Taecyeon kept his word at pulling some strings with JYP. I would be living on the same floor as the boys and, because of the convenience, I’ve been assigned to tutor Junho full time. Everything seemed to be happening so fast. The guys seemed to like me. And Junho did too. Although I really wasn’t sure where we stood. I knew their company had strict rules about this kind of thing. Who knows? Maybe it’s just a physical attraction. Yeah that’s it, I thought to myself. It’s just a physical attraction. It’ll go away….I know it will.

                My thoughts were interrupted by the ‘ding’ of the elevator. I quickly made my way out of the elevator  and towards the exit. Outside awaited a familiar white van and a familiar little man as well. I smiled to greet him.

“Hello ahjussi.” I watched Hyo (and Nothing Else) open the door for me.

“Ah, Ms. Jamie, I heard you will be staying in the apartments now.” He said happily before closing the door and heading for his side of the car. I responded after he got himself settled.

“Yeah, I guess it turned out that way.” I chuckled.

“Jin-Young-ssi is a very kind man. I knew he would be willing to help you.”


“Of course; you’ve become a very important part of the family.” Hyo smiled as he began to pull off.

                What did he just say? I thought to myself.

“The…family?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yes.  You befriended Junho-ssi and you’re even teaching him English so that he can better himself. And it seems like the rest of the group has taken a liking to you, too.”

                I didn’t know what to say, but it didn’t stop me from hiding the stupid grin forming on my face. I had no idea I was that important. But it was like the guys said; Junho really needed a friend. I decided to change the subject.

“Hyo and Nothing Else…what do you do at the company?” I was curious.

“I’m one of the drivers. I usually drive around 2pm or miss A members to their schedules. Sometimes Wonder Girls and 2am but usually someone else is driving them.”

“Oh, so you’re very close with the guys?”

“Yes,” Hyo chuckled, “They really are something.”

                I smiled. Everyone around here really cared for each other. How could I be so lucky to end up working for such great people? I don’t know what it was, but being around them just made me feel safe.

“You know,” Hyo started, “You should think about working as a translator for the company. We’re always in need of those.”

“Me?” I found his suggestion laughable. “You know I’m not good enough for that.”

“I’ll admit,” Hyo laughed, “Your Korean is still very awkward and you get some words wrong from time to time.”

                I gasped.

“Ahjussi! If my words are wrong, why don’t you tell me?!”

“Because a lot of times it is very funny.” Hyo giggled. I playfully rolled my eyes, still hoping that all this time I haven’t been saying weird or awkward things.

                It wasn’t long before we had reached the apartments. However, unlike the other times I visited, there were fans standing outside of the building with signs and what not.

“Hyo….can’t they get arrested for that? I mean, other people live here too and not just the guys.”

“Well, almost the entire building is filled with our workers.”

“What?! Really?” I asked astonished. True, the building wasn’t that big. But everybody there was a JYP worker? I thought these guys didn't make serious bank like that. 

“Yes. JYP and the management own it. He knows that it will upset the fans if they are told to leave. And by ‘upset’ I mean violent. As long as they aren’t causing harm to anyone or themselves then it’s alright.”

“Oh.” I replied. This really didn’t ease my mind. These girls had to be familiar with the faces that come in and out of this building. How would they react to me coming in there? A random black girl who didn’t look old enough to have any of the jobs at the company. Hyo must have sensed my worry because it was then that I felt him pat me on the head.

“It’s going to be alright,” He smiled softly, “Just stick close to me.”

                With that, Hyo got out of the car and immediately came to my side to open the door for me. I clutched to my bag full of notes  and my luggage as I hesitantly stepped out of the car. As Hyo encouraged me before, I stuck very close by him as we began to walk towards the front entrance. I could already tell I had caught the interest of the fans. Some looked on with curiosity…..others with pure hatred.

"Who is that girl?"
"Is she a coordi? She looks too young…"
"Maybe she’s a trainee…"

"Why would they pick up a negro?"

                Okay, they had to know that word wasn’t cool. I was about to turn my head to figure out who made the comment but Hyo stopped me. It was a good thing too…there was no point in all of that. But negro? Really?



“Hey, why aren’t you helping her with that box?”

“No, it’s alright, sir. I’ve got it.”

                JYP was trying to get one of the movers to help me carry something as he himself was talking on his cell phone. Obviously he didn’t know what kind of strength I had. I put the box down in the middle of the living room and tried not to get into anyone else’s way. The boys were at different schedules, except for Junho who was in his own apartment. JYP had showed up for a moment to see me get settled in. When I think about it, it was quite nice of him. It's not like he had random free time on his hands. There weren’t a lot of things I could bring to Korea with me in the first place so there wasn’t much to do. However, he insisted on getting some people to help with the little amount of things I had. JYP finally finished his cell phone conversation and turned to me with a smile.

“I hope you will be comfortable here, Jamie.” He spoke in English.
“I will……thank you very much for all you’ve done.” I expressed my gratefulness with a bow, making him chuckle.

“It really is no problem-“

“No, no, it is.” I protested. “I mean, you really didn’t have to-“

“Jamie,” JYP cut me off, “There was nothing okay about what happened to you. Trust me. It’s fine.”

                I sighed. He was right about that, but it was still awkward for me. The guy was nice to the point of discomfort; who buys an apartment for someone they just met?! How was I supposed to repay him for this? Would he have done this for just anyone?

“Oh, before I forget.” JYP stood in front of me and pulled in envelope out of his coat jacket and handed it to me. I stared at it for a moment before realizing what it was.

“Oh…oh! Thank you!” My voice shook as I bowed again. I didn’t know why, but getting the first paycheck was just so exciting. Within all my excitement, JYP caught my attention once again.

“Jamie, there is something else I wanted to talk to you about.” His tone became solemn. What could possibly be wrong?

“First of all, I want to thank you so much for teaching Junho. And supplying him with a close friend other than his hyungs.”

                And that 'but' is right around the corner, I thought to myself.

“But…I just want to be sure that everything is being done in a professional manner.” He sighed.

                What was he talking about? Did he know that Junho and I kissed?

“You see, Junho talks about you a lot.” He explained. I had to resist the urge to smile.

“Oh….he does?” I tried my hardest to act nonchalant about it.

“Yes….but not in a way a student would talk about his teacher or admire his teacher.” JYP gave me a look. I really didn’t know how to respond to this. What was I supposed to say? JYP continued.

“Now, it shouldn’t come to a surprise to you that the boys have not been permitted to date yet. I just need to make sure that this friendship between you two is nothing more than one with a teacher and a student." JYP sighed heavily, seeming to try to find his words. "Jamie....these rules aren't just for the's also for your own safety as well."

“Of course, sir!” I assured him. I guess it wasn’t necessarily a lie. Though Junho and I had kissed and he kind of made it obvious that he likes me, we technically weren’t dating. I guess if things had to end with me and him they had to end now. JYP smiled.

“Good. I trust you will adhere to this. I have to leave now, but I’ll send Junho over on my way out. It’s about time for his lesson. He told me Wooyoung has returned from his schedule so he will be over as well.”

                I just nodded and smiled. So you trust me but you’re going to send over Wooyoung (aka a chaperone) to be safe? Right.  Mr Park, along with the movers, then took their leave. I was left alone with my boxes and suitcases. There was no time to waste here; I emptied out my books from one of my bags first. One of Junho’s quizzes dropped out of it in the process. I couldn’t help but smile as I picked up. He was so proud of himself; after all, verbs weren’t his strongest subject. As I was about to move on to the next bag I heard a knock on the door. I guess it’s time for our lesson, I thought to myself.  I adjusted my shirt a little so there wasn’t any cleavage showing before making my way to the door to answer.

“Hey, guys-“

                I was thrown off a bit. First of all because Junho was wearing a wife beater instead of a real shirt and, second of all, Wooyoung was nowhere in sight.

“Junho..hi,” I said nervously, “Isn’t Wooyoung coming?”

“Yeah,” he didn’t sound very happy about it, “He’s on the phone right now. He’ll be over in a minute.”

                Junho gladly let himself into my apartment and looked around a little.

“Junho, come sit here,” I gestured toward the kitchen table that was already set. “Let me just get my papers.”

                In the midst of trying to gather my study books, I felt Junho grab my arm from behind. I slowly turned around to see him looking at me with curious eyes.

“Is something wrong, Jamie?” He asked with concerned. He sounded so adorable and he really did look worried. I wasn’t going to tell him about JYP, but I did have to make it clear that what we were both thinking about wasn’t okay……but I didn’t really know how to go about it.

“Everything’s fine, what are you talking about?” I played if off as I grabbed a textbook and headed for the kitchen table. As I took a seat Junho followed suit, still unconvinced.

“You seem antsy. You haven’t even given me a hug.” He said a little hurt. I chuckled.

“Junho, every time we’ve met I never hugged you.”

“Exactly!” He turned his chair more towards me. I couldn’t help but laugh. I just couldn’t help it, he was too cute.

“Anyway,” I chose to change the subject, “I think we were right about here last time.” I opened the study book to find the previous lesson, only for Junho’s hand to come over and close it back.


                But I was caught off guard when Junho inched his way closer to me; so close that I could feel his breath on my neck. Slowly, he placed his hand on my chin and  turned my face to him. Surprisingly, I just couldn’t find the strength to resist it. He had me looking straight into his eyes. What was wrong with me? I knew for a fact that back home I would never be in a situation like this.

“Can’t I have a kiss, Jamie-ah?” Junho whispered, sending chills down my spine.

“Junho…” I stated in a hushed whisper, not knowing whether I was protesting or urging him to do as he pleased.

“Kiss me once and I’ll leave you alone.” Junho said huskily. It was quite clear he wanted much more from me, but I paid no attention to my inner protests. But just as I was about to give in, just as I was about to completely disregard what I had just been told……..


“Hey, Jamie! Have you guys started already?!”

                Wooyoung came busting in without even a knock (a good reminder that I needed to lock the door).

“No…no, we didn’t.” Junho muttered bitterly.

“Hey Wooyoung!” I greeted him happily as I opened the study book. Thank God he came. As Junho and I began our lesson I couldn’t help but wonder how I was going to manage this. 

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