I'm Not that Kind of Girl




I was snapped out of my daydream by one of my students. Apparently it was already time for them to leave and one of the girls had to ask me a question.

“Oh, um yes? What is it?” I tried to make it less obvious that I was in a complete daze. The little girl sighed; apparently she had already asked the question a couple of times.

“How do you spell ‘admirable’? She asked me in English.

                After I spelled the word out of her she thanked me and started leaving with the rest of the students. I didn’t know what had gotten into me, I would keep spacing out and daydreaming during the school day. I found myself thinking about yesterday and how excited I was to go to my second English lesson with Junho tomorrow. However, it wasn’t all just happy thoughts occupying my mind. I also thought about his so-called injury. A part of me felt ashamed of myself and how I was being so accusatory towards people who were being so nice to me. However, another part of me was wondering why they were being so suspicious. I mean, it seemed like he didn’t even want these English lessons at first. What did he even need them for? What kind of injury did he get? Why was he talking about ‘pity’ and ‘charity’ on my first visit?

             There were far too many questions but I just didn’t want to think about them. This was my last class of the day and I had already taken care of my challenged students during my planning period. As I gathered my things I thought to dig into my purse to turn my cell phone back on. I was surprised to find that I had three missed calls. They were all from JYP. What was up with him? I thought to myself as I called him, simultaneously leaving the classroom and heading for the closest exit. I hoped everything was alright. The phone rang twice before he picked up.

“Jamie?” He sounded anxious.

“Yes, Mr. Park is something wrong?” I asked with concern.

“It seems that Junho’s other tutor couldn’t make it today. I apologize for being so last minute, but I was hoping that you could come in today.” I could hear a pleading tone.

“Well….” I hesitated.

“Please, Jamie? I can pay you extra for your troubles.” He pleaded more. I sighed. I guess I was going to stay up a little later with my paper grading tonight.

“Yes, sir. I can be over there.” I assured him.

“Great! Junho will be in the room when you get there. The kids have a schedule today so you will have the place to yourself to study properly.” JYP told me before hanging up. Still in shock, I went ahead and called for a taxi cab.

          To ourselves? I thought to myself. My heart was pounding just at the thought of it. But I guess I didn’t have much to be nervous about. We seemed to get along fine yesterday. I wouldn’t necessarily say we were comfortable with each other, but it didn’t seem all bad either. I tried to think positive as I entered the parking lot. As I showed up the taxi cab pulled up already. I climbed into the backseat and told the driver where I needed to go. I sat there during the taxi ride and quietly chuckled to myself. I guess it was pretty cute how JYP referred to the guys as “the kids”. He must really see himself as a father figure to them. They all did seem pretty close and comfortable with each other. I remembered when I used to have something like that back home. I wondered if I would ever have something like that again.

       It wasn’t long before we arrived at the apartment building. I started heading toward the door, but not before paying and being corrected by the driver about how much I gave him (apparently I almost overpaid him). I entered the building and for some reason I thought I could get past the lady at the front desk without signing in. But, of course I couldn’t. What’s with her, I thought to myself, she knows damn well she recognizes me from yesterday. After signing in and what not I headed for the elevator, reached the 4th floor and made a bee line to door 420. Just as I was about to knock on the door it had swung open.  I was faced with an unfamiliar face; he seemed surprised to see me, but he had a kind of a sly smirk on his face as he looked me up and down.

“You must be Jamie?” He asked me with a smile.

“Yea,” I smiled, “And you are?”
“Oh! I’m Junsu. I’m sorry, how rude of me.” Junsu took my hand and gently rubbed his thumb over it. I was at a loss for words. His vibe was so weird, I feel like I was supposed to be but I was really just trying to hold in laughter at his cheesiness.

“Hyung! Stop flirting with Jamie!” I heard Chansung whine. I laughed out loud as I brushed passed Junsu and entered the apartment. That’s when I noticed that everybody was decked out in fancy clothes.

“Ohh, you all look so cool.” I complimented them. Wooyoung pushed Taecyeon and Chansung aside.

“Noona, don’t I look handsome?” Wooyoung smiled trying to be cute. I began to think. Was I really a noona to these guys? How freaking old were they?

“You look nice, Wooyoung.” I said politely.

“Hi, I’m Nichkhun. It’s nice to meet you.” A guy with the face of a doll came forward and shook my head. I smiled in return.

“What are you guys up to today?” I asked. Taecyeon decided to speak up.

“Well, Nichkhun and Wooyoung are going to a recording for Strong Heart, but Junsu, Chansung and I are going to help missA compose a song for their next album.” He informed me. I nodded.

“Hey….how old do you guys think I am?” I decided to ask because I just could not shake the whole noona thing.

      The guys seemed to be drawing a blank. They all looked at each other in conclusion.

“Well, you’re like, Junsu’s age right? 24? 25?” Chansung inquired. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. What the hell?! I couldn’t help but laugh, which just caused more confusion.

“Guys, I was born in 1991! I just turned 21! I’m not your freakin’ noona!” I couldn’t stop laughing.

        Everyone’s eyes widened.

“Are you serious?” Even Taecyeon seemed pretty shocked.

“Well what made you think I was old, anyway?”  I asked them. But that’s when everyone became silent. I mean, it wasn’t like I looked like an old lady right? What was the problem?

“Well,” Wooyoung tried to start, “It’s just that you’re so…..” His voice trailed off.

“So ing y.”  Junsu jumped in for him as he his lips. He was then faced with a lot of fussing and arm punches from the guys. I was really taken aback. No one had ever called me y before and now I had a group of dudes complaining about it. My awkward tendencies began to take over as I played with my earrings.

“Ugh, what are you talking about?” I tried not to show how embarrassed I was.

“Well, you’re always wearing professional clothes too. I mean, they’re kind of…..you know.” Chansung contributed.

“But this is what I wear to the elementary school. They’re my teaching clothes!” I protested. On this particular day I wore a nice white blouse, a black pencil skirt, and short heels. Plus I wore a black beanie to cover my braids. I wasn’t much of a ‘skirt’ person but the school insisted that I wear one.

“Those boys must really like you, then.” Nichkhun joked as he raised a brow. I took a moment to think about it and it was true! My boy students were more cooperative and obedient with me! I couldn’t help but give myself a face palm, I felt so embarrassed and stupid.

“Aigo.” I sighed, not knowing what else to say.

“We have to go now, Jamie.” Taecyeon checked his watch as he spoke. The guys said their goodbyes and Chansung jokingly called me “noona” before leaving. I just shook my head, trying not to smile. They told me that Junho was in his room and to just go back there for him. I made my way down the hall and found that his door was closed. You gave a few good knocks.

“Junho…..Junho I’m here.” I called to him. Was he asleep? I tried again.

“Junho! Junho open the door it’s time to get started!” I was louder this time and it definitely worked. I could hear some fumbling and movement before the door opened.  I saw Junho in a wife beater and basketball shorts. He looked at me and gave me a small smile.

“Hey. Sorry.” He said breathlessly as he widened the door to let me in. I took my spot on the bed and began to pull the materials from my bag. I noticed Junho was a little on edge. I must have woke him up again.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“Huh? Oh, yea yea, I’m fine. Let’s get started.” He said hurriedly. I wasn’t convinced, but there was no point on staying on this.

“Alright, so picking up from yesterday….”

         We began the lesson and things were going pretty well. I was explaining the difference between English and Hangul sentence structures when he interrupted me.

“We can play game?” He asked in his English. I couldn’t not smile at his accent.

“Sure,” I responded in Korean, “We can translate sentences. You’ll say a sentence in Hangul and I’ll respond in English. This will help you learn common phrases.” He began the game right off the bat.


“Thank you.”

“Jigeum dangjang.”

“Right now.”

“Neo ireumi mwoni?”

“What’s your name?”

“Mwo masillaeyo?”

“Would you like something to drink?”

“Munje eopseo.”

“No problem.”


“Good job.”

“Kiseu haejwo.”

“Kiss me.”

    I didn’t know it but I had fallen into a trap. As soon as I said the words ‘kiss me’, Junho practically attacked my mouth. His hand was placed on my thigh as he began sliding his tongue in my mouth. I was starting to give in, but I resisted and pushed him away.

“Junho! What are you doing?!” I quickly stood up. He gently held my wrist as he also stood up.

“J-Jamie. I’m sorry. I thought you...” He just sighed, unable to find the courage to finish his sentence.

“Junho, it’s just that….I barely know you. And…I’m just not like that.” I struggled to keep my voice from shaking. I mean….I felt like we both were kind of feeling something for each other. But I still wasn’t expecting this to happen.

“What do you mean?”

“I’m not like that. I don’t just make-out and stuff with guys I just met!” I protested. It was true, I didn’t just do those things out of the blue. I wish I could say that I didn’t like it, but I did. It made it all the more awkward.  Junho just scoffed.

“Yea, maybe if it was Taecyeon hyung.” He spat bitterly. I was shocked.


“You heard me! I bet you’d do it for someone like him. Tall, strong, and cool right? That’s the kind of guy you’d do it for.” Junho said angrily in my face. What was going on? Was this the same guy from yesterday?

“It has nothing to do with that, Junho! Instead of getting mad and insecure why don’t you take a look at yourself and see what it is you’re doing wrong!”

      I had nothing more to say to him, I just wanted to be out of there.

“You know, I think we’re done for today.” I stated, thinking that this was all a big mistake. I opened his bedroom door but felt the need to turn around and say one more thing.

“And just for the record,” I looked him dead in the eye, “Taec’s definitely not my type.”

“Yea, well what is your type?” Junho asked with fire in his eyes.

           I paused and looked at him with just as much fire.

“For a moment, I thought that it could be you.”

           I saw Junho’s eyes go soft right before I turned to leave, slamming his bedroom door behind me. 

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