With the Guys



I sat there at my working desk setting up my lesson plan for next week. It had barely been over an hour since I stormed out of the group’s apartment and I was already regretting it. Should I come in tomorrow? Should I just quit? Oh God, what am I going to tell Mr. Park? It was incredibly messed up what Junho did but for some reason I just didn’t want to get him in trouble. On the other hand, what he said really pissed me off. Where did he get off making assumptions about me? No matter how cute that guy was, he didn’t need to do all of that. I should have punched him right in his injury….wherever that was supposed to be. Before I had the chance to dwell on a possible decision my cell phone began to ring. I picked it up but almost dropped it. It was JYP. Geez, what am I supposed to tell him? He must know that I dipped out early from the lessons. I hope he’s not too mad. I finally mustered up the courage to answer.


“Jamie? It’s me.” I heard a voice that clearly didn’t belong to JYP.

“….Junho? Wh-what are you doing with Mr. Park’s phone?”

“I um…asked to borrow it. I told him that I had a question to ask you about my studies.”

       His voice was very hushed, as if he was trying not to let others hear him.

“Well, what do you want?” I asked nonchalantly. I couldn’t describe how shook up I was on the inside.

“I’m very sorry.” He spoke in English. I didn’t respond so he decided to continue. To my surprise, he prepared his apology completely in English.

“I was not in controlling of my emotions. I had not a right to say such bad things to you and about you.”

      His grammar was a little off, but his pronunciation was close to perfect. My heart was slowly softening. I wondered how long it took him to get it together.

“I want you to know that I do care about you a lot. And I will do my best to get better at my English. I want you to keep helping me…..please?”

      I was so shocked I didn’t know what to say. Apart of me didn’t want him to get off so easily…..but then there was another part of me that just couldn’t see why not.

“You really do pay attention, don’t you?” I spoke softly.

“I pay attention to everything you say, Jamie.” He said with such simplicity. I smiled.

“Please come in tomorrow, Jamie. I’m so sorry.” The sincerity in his voice was perfectly clear.

“Okay, Junho. I’ll be there tomorrow.”

“Really? A-And you won’t say anything to hyung?” He asked excitedly.

“I won’t….but Junho I have a few conditions.”

“Well…what are they?” He was still excited.

“We’re not working in your room, anymore. We’re gonna work in the living room.”

“Oh, okay okay that’s fine.” Junho said.

“And spend more time with your hyungs, don’t stay cooped up in your room all the time.”

“But I like my solitude, they bother me Jamieeeee.” Junho whined.

“Hush, boy.” I laughed. “You should spend more time with them when you can, alright?”

“Okay.” He gave an exaggerated sigh. I was grinning from ear to ear. He was too cute. That’s when I heard a distant voice on his line.

“Okay, I’m coming,” He said to someone near him, “Jamie. I have to go now. You’ll be here tomorrow right?”

“Yes, I’ll be there.” I assured him. We said our goodbyes and hung up. I exhaled deeply after getting off the phone with him. I felt like a teenager with all these butterflies in my stomach. I got back to my lesson plan despite all the distractions going on within my own thoughts. I had no idea but for some reason I was contemplating what I was going to wear tomorrow to my lessons with Junho rather than what I would teach him.




      I approached door 420 and knocked confidently. Coming over didn’t seem too weird anymore. I decided to take time to change today after the elementary school let out. They weren’t going to make fun of me for wearing Levi’s and a white V-neck. I heard a lot of thumping and noise before someone finally answered the door for me.

“Hey, Jamie.” Junsu appeared smiling, speaking breathlessly as if he had to fight his way to the door.

“Hey, Junsu.” I smiled politely as he let me in the apartment. I peeked in and it seemed like everybody was in the room today, except for their cutie maknae. Apparently he had a photo shoot to go to. I sat on the shorter couch (more like a love seat) right next to Junho, while Taecyeon and Nichkhun sat on the couch opposite of us. Junsu took his place back into the Lazy Boy and Wooyoung was seated comfortably on the floor.

“No teacher outfit today?” Taecyeon teased.

“Ani.” I  playfully rolled my eyes at him.

“Hey Jamie, Junsu and Wooyoung fought to answer the door for you.” Nichkhun tattled on his bandmates, much to their dismay. I just laughed nervously, not knowing how to respond. I saw Junho in the corner of my eye, he didn’t seem too happy.

“Um, Junho did you do your homework?” I asked sweetly. What the hell, I thought to myself, was that me talking like that? He smiled.

“Yes, teacher.” He handed me the worksheets I asked him to fill out. I immediately began to check it over. That’s when the guys decided to start up some conversation.

“So your real name is Jamie-sahn?” Wooyoung asked me. Oh God, I thought, they must have seen the forms from downstairs.

“It’s actually pronounced ‘Jamison’.” I explained awkwardly. Taecyeon gave a puzzled look.

“Isn’t that a-?”

“Yes. It is. I was named after my dad. Jamison Hwang, Jr.” I confessed. My face grew hot as I tried to continued grading Junho’s work. They seemed to notice my awkwardness.

“Jamie,” Nichkhun started, “What does your hair look like?”  Everyone looked at me because of his question. I never realized it before, but I always came to their apartment in a beanie. I decided to take it off and show them my braids.

“It’s braided today.” I turned my head so they could see all of it. I heard “oo’s” and “ahh’s”. Was this entertaining or something?

“They’re really long.” Nichkhun said in awe.

“And pretty.” Junho jumped in. I’m not sure if he liked sharing his teacher like this. I was barely focusing attention on our lesson.

“Can I touch it?” Wooyoung asked excitedly. Eh, it wasn’t the first time I heard that request.

“Sure.” I shrugged. Though Wooyoung was the only one who asked, the rest of the guys joined in touching my hair. Everyone except for Junho, that is.

“Jamie, how did I do on my work?” Junho tried to gain my attention. I finished up on the last section before responding.

“Junho….have you been studying your verbs?” I asked with some sternness in my voice. A chorus of “oo’s” came from the boys.

“I have!” Junho protested a little embarrassed. Aw crap, I thought to myself, I didn’t mean to call him out like that.

“We’ll work on them more, today.”  I assured him.

“Yah! Don’t you guys get tired of studying?” Junsu complained.

“He has a point, Jamie” Taecyeon chimed in, “We don’t really know much about you.”

“You guys study all the time. Just spend time with us, today.” Nichkhun said.

“Well….I don’t know….how would Mr. Park feel about that?” I asked nervously.

“Your secret’s safe with us.” Taecyeon winked.  It was then that I turned my attention to Junho.

“What do you think?” I asked softly. Something told me he didn’t really like the idea, but I think he felt pressured to say yes.

“Okay.” He answered with a weak smile, making the guys cheer. I hadn’t been able to just “hang out” since leaving home. This should be fun.

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