Chapter 5

Talk to Me

Long chapter coming your way, so be prepared for some BaekYeolie goodness :)


The next day the rumor mill was churning out every kind of explanation possible for how Chanyeol injured himself.  However, no matter how many times he explained the track story, different versions seemed to be popping up like weeds all across the school.  The most popular version involved Baekhyun and a sinister plot of revenge.  Even though he wasn’t at school the day before, it didn’t stop people from concocting new and detailed ways of how Baekhyun ambushed Chanyeol after school and beat him to a bloody pulp.  To the rest of the student body, the tale seemed completely believable, and that caused everyone to go even further out of their way to avoid Baekhyun.  He cleared rooms when he walked in, and those who were unfortunate enough to be in closed-quarters with him huddled close to one another for protection.  Baekhyun still hadn’t heard the rumors circulating about him, so he was more than a little confused when the crowd of students in the hallway parted like the Red Sea when he entered the building and made his way to his locker, but this all changed when he made a trip to the library.


“I heard he dragged Chanyeol across the track till he begged him to let go.”


“Well, I heard that he hired a gang of thugs to drag him behind their motorcycles…”


“I always knew Byun Baekhyun was a stuck-up psychopath…who knows what he’ll do to the next person who crosses him.”


“Poor Chanyeol, I can’t believe he was subjected to all of this for giving that bastard a bloody nose.”


Standing in the aisle next to the group of gossipers, Baekhyun slammed shut the book he was quietly attempting to read.  One of the members of the group was startled by the sudden noise and turned around to see what it was.  After spotting Baekhyun through a space in the shelf, he frantically whispered to his friends and practically ran out of the library, his friends close behind him.


So this why people keep avoiding me more than normal.  They think I was the one who injured Chanyeol…


He set the book back in its place on the shelf and walked out of the library in a daze towards the music room, the one place where he knew he would be safe from the nasty rumors circulating through the school.  He knew that he came off as somewhat of a jerk, but he didn’t expect people to judge his character that harshly.  He couldn’t hurt a fly, no matter how bad his temper seemed to others.  Dejectedly, he entered the music room and softly shut the door.


On the other end of school, an exasperated Chanyeol was about to blow his top.


“How many times do I have to tell people that Byun Baekhyun DIDN’T AMBUSH ME AFTER SCHOOL??!!” he vented to Kai and Suho, the only two besides himself that knew the truth of the matter.


“They believe what they want to, no matter how many times they’re told they are wrong.  That’s why rumors are so nasty,” Suho replied, patting Chanyeol on the shoulder in an attempt to calm him down.


“This has gotten out of hand!  I hope Baekhyun is okay.  I didn’t mean for this to happen.  He’s probably furious with me…” Chanyeol slumped down in his chair and rested his head on the table at the thought of Baekhyun suffering because of him once again.


“Why don’t you go find out?  If you explain the whole situation, I’m sure he’ll understand.”


“Why didn’t I think of that earlier!  Kim Jongin, you’re a genius!”


Chanyeol flew out of his chair and sprinted, as much as a person with scraped legs could manage, toward the one place he knew he was likely to find Baekhyun: the music room.


He almost threw the door open, but he didn’t want to scare Baekhyun.  He was surprised to see that the room was empty; he thought for sure Baekhyun would be at the piano.  Chanyeol hobbled to the stage, legs sore because of the friction his pants caused his wounds, searching.  He was starting to feel worried when he heard a crash off to his left.  One of the room’s closets was open, and he could see Baekhyun’s back from where he stood.  He walked silently into the doorframe, watching and waiting for Baekhyun to acknowledge his presence, but he didn’t turn around.  Instead, he was standing on his tip-toes trying to reach a box on the top shelf.  He was too short to reach the handle, but that wasn’t stopping him.  Chanyeol watched him in silence for a few minutes before he walked up behind Baekhyun, reached up over him and pulled the box down. 


Being tall had its uses...sometimes.


Baekhyun jumped when he felt Chanyeol looming over him.  Chanyeol handed him the box and took a few steps back.


“We need to talk.”


Baekhyun ignored him and tried to exit the closet, but Chanyeol blocked his path.


“I’m serious.  I only need a bit of your time.  Please, just hear me out.”


Baekhyun tried to get around him on the other side, only to be blocked once again.  He took a few steps back toward the door, pushing the chair that was holding the door open out of the way (he almost tripped over it, and kicked it in frustration.)


“I’m not letting you leave until I’ve said what I came here to say.”


The door slowly began to close behind them.  Baekhyun tried to move around Chanyeol in a desperate attempt to stop the door from shutting, but Chanyeol was stubborn and wouldn’t move out of his way.


“Don’t let the door close!”


It was too late.  The door shut with a click! behind Chanyeol.  He backed up against the door, thiking that Baekhyun was trying to distract him and make a run for it.

“Do you realize what you’ve just done?!  The door can only be opened from the outside!  We’re trapped in here!”


Baekhyun dropped the box in his hands with a loud thump.  Chanyeol stared at him, wide-eyed.




Baekhyun advanced, a look of pure anger lacing his normally gentle features.




This wasn’t supposed to happen.  This wasn’t supposed to happen at all.


“Ah…I’m sorry…I didn’t know…I…”


“That’s because you don’t think!  Once again you’ve created a disaster!  Why can’t you just get out of my life and leave me alone!”


No matter how angry he was at Chanyeol, Baekhyun promised himself he wouldn’t lose his cool and say something stupid that he would regret, but it happened anyway.  He was never good at controlling his temper, and he had lost many friends because of his inability to filter his words when he was angry.  But this, this was a new low even for him because he immediately regretted saying anything in the first place when he saw the look on Chanyeol’s face.


“Ah…wait.  I didn’t mean…”

“I understand.  I’ll leave you alone from now on.”


Chanyeol’s voice shook even though he tried to keep it steady.  He turned around and sat down in the left corner of the room near the door, his back to Baekhyun.  He already felt humiliated enough that he didn’t want Baekhyun to see him cry too.  The tears welled up and spilled over even though he tried so hard not to let them.  His heart felt like it was ripped right out of his chest, still beating and pumping blood, stomped on and stabbed until there was nothing left.


Baekhyun stood rooted to the spot.


Ugh!  I’m such an idiot!


He beat himself up mentally, trying to figure out how to rectify the situation, when he heard Chanyeol sniff.  The kind of sniff that only happens when you have a cold…or when you’re crying.


“Are you…crying?” he took a step forward, surprised.


“What’s it to you?” Chanyeol’s small, strained voice replied.


Baekhyun took another step forward.


“Look…I’m really sorry.  I didn’t mean what I said…I’m not very good at controlling my words when I’m angry.  Please turn around.”






As the word crossed his lips (it wasn’t one he said very often), he kneeled down behind Chanyeol and hesitantly reached out his hand and placed it on his shoulder, trying to convey his sincerity through the small action.  Chanyeol quickly shrugged Baekhyun’s hand off his shoulder.


“Don’t say one thing and then turn around and do the complete opposite.  You’ll give idiots like me the wrong impression.”


In response, Baekhyun used a little more force and lightly but firmly clamped his hand down on Chanyeol’s now shaking shoulder.


“Leave me alone.”


This time, Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyun’s hand and pulled it off his shoulder.  With an exasperated sigh, he stood up and plopped down next to the box Chanyeol pulled off the shelf from him, trying to prevent himself from blowing up in frustration at how childish Chanyeol was being.


“Fine, be that way.  I’ll leave you alone now.”


Baekhyun pulled the lid off of the box and began rummaging through it.  The box was full of sheet music.  He began humming to himself as he looked to drown out the sound of Chanyeol’s stifled sniffles from the corner.  He couldn’t do anything else but use his time productively, even with his guilt of not being able to make up with Chanyeol.  They passed the time in silence; Chanyeol was no longer making noise, but Baekhyun was too engrossed in the sheet music to notice.


“I’ll forgive you…if you sing me a song,” Chanyeol’s cracked voice broke the silence.



“I said, I’ll forgive you if you sing me a song?”


Baekhyun turned and looked over at the corner.  Chanyeol uncovered his head, but still refused to look at him.


“You’ll…forgive me if I sing a song?  Any song?”


“Whatever you want.  I just want to hear you sing.  Your voice sounds like it would be nice to listen to.”


Baekhyun blushed pink from the compliment.  He cleared his throat and began singing a beautiful ballad.  He closed his eyes and sang his heart out, forgetting where he was and who he was singing to until the song was over.




Chanyeol had turned around to watch Baekhyun sing, a look of pure amazement on his face.


“I heard you were good, but hearing it live brings in a whole new meaning.”


He stared in awe at Baekhyun until his face turned a deep shade of red.


“Stop staring…it’s embarrassing.”


Chanyeol laughed.


“You definitely don’t look like the shy type, but it’s cute.”


He clapped his hand over his mouth like he said a forbidden word.  Thinking this would end up like the times before, he waited for a heated word-assault from Baekhyun, but it didn’t come.  Instead, Baekhyun turned redder than a tomato, and turned around to hide his face with his hands.  Chanyeol blushed, but he stood up and crouched in front of him, pulling Baekhyun’s hands off of his face.  Baekhyun looked tentatively up into Chanyeol’s eyes, his blush deepening every moment.


Chanyeol felt his heart begin to race.  He had never been this close to Baekhyun before.  He searched his face, memorizing every inch of it like he would never see it ever again.  Baekhyun looked away, down at Chanyeol’s hands, which were still holding his.


With all of his feelings welling up inside, Chanyeol knew they were going to become obvious sooner or later.  Even though he knew Baekhyun wouldn’t return his feelings, he felt strangely okay.  Seeing him like this, and just getting his feelings off his chest seemed good enough.  He decided it was now or never.  He let go of Baekhyun’s hands and gently held his face between his hands, and turned his head so that he was looking straight into Chanyeol’s eyes.


“Byun Baekhyun.”


He leaned forward and lightly pressed his lips against Baekhyun’s forehead.

“I like you.”

Author's Note: And here is the first confession!!!  I didn't realize this chapter was going to be so long when I sectioned it off o.O but I hope you enjoyed it!  Thank you so much for your responses to the pairings you want to see in the sequel!  I'll start that as soon as I have free time away from my math homework ._. thank you guys so much for you support and for subscribing/commenting!  I really do appreciate it <3 until next time my lovelies!

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Okay update must wait till tomorrow :/ I have to study for my test.


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-quiescent #1
I love you author xD;; <3
I want the sequel now e____e
thank you so very much again <33

-quiescent #4
I love fluffy stuff, and this was good!
Baekyeol ftw <3
menikkey #5
Owwww... Wae so cute >//<
i dunno what to say anymore bcause i really want to read the sequel like right now...
And i love you for made this beautiful story... <3
t'aaaaaw, that was completely adorable<3
omg, i'm squealing and fangirling along with channie :3
how dare you end it like that! now i have to waaaait T_____T you're lucky i reeeeeaally like this story, otherwise I would have to come up with a mischievous plan like my adorable Bacon O.o except more to the evil side, of course.(:<
well, I'm anticipating the sequel!(:
awww this was so cute <3
jessgo #8
aww well this was a cute fic.
yay for finishing it~~
subbing to your other fic ^__^