Chapter 4

Talk to Me

Baekhyun didn’t show up to school at all the next day.  He stayed home curled up in his blankets, thinking and soul searching, trying to make sense of his life and his “relationship” with Park Chanyeol, the walking-talking disaster.


“’This only happens when I’m with you.’  The only reason Park Chanyeol is clumsier than normal is because he’s with you….


“This doesn’t make any sense…why does it happen to me?  Why isn’t he like this to normal people?  And why do I lose my cool when I’m around him?”


With so many questions and absolutely no answers coming to him, Byun Baekhyun scratched his head furiously with both hands before pulling the covers all the way over his head and snuggling deep into the sweet embrace of his bed.


“Aish!  Why is it so hard to figure out an answer!  It’s not like I like him anyway!  Wait…”


That’s it…


Baekhyun threw the covers off of his head and abruptly sat up in bed.


“Like…him.  I…LIKE…him?”


The revelation hit him like a ton of bricks.


Love.  The one emotion he thought he was incapable of feeling for anything (or anyone) except music.  That would explain why he paid extra attention to Chanyeol, even though he never felt like being close to anyone at the school; how he could always pick him out, laughing and joking with Kim Joonmyun and Kim Jongin at lunch, in class, or even walking down the hallway; how his eyes immediately searched for him in a crowded room, so loud and filled with people he couldn’t even hear himself think.  Everything seemed to make sense.  Everything seemed connected to that one idea.




“How…how could this happen to me?”


The more the truth became apparent, the more Baekhyun wanted to crawl into a hole and die.  Repeatedly.  He never in a million years imagined that they object of his affections would be an awkward, clumsy, freakishly tall transfer student who had been in his life for only a few weeks.  He never thought that anyone or anything could even remotely begin to drag him away from his beloved music; he had always been prepared to make as many sacrifices as possible to make sure that music was his number one priority, but this…this reality was not one he was ready to accept.  Now he wondered if Park Chanyeol could possibly even feel the same…or anything at all.  He quickly shook his head, scattering the possibility to the wind.  There was no way he felt the same, and this thought kept his innermost feelings from exploding everywhere and making a mess that he wasn’t ready to deal with just yet.  He stuffed his “feelings” for Chanyeol into a steel, padlocked box under heavy security in the farthest corner of his mind.  After all, he was not going to act on his irrational feelings when he knew the opposite party would not even feel anything close to how he did.  Baekhyun wanted to save whatever tattered scrap of pride he had left before it was completely decimated by Park Chanyeol.



Speaking of Park Chanyeol, he was dealing with his own confusing feelings in the only way he knew how: running.  He loved the feel of the wind in his face, the burn of his lungs when he ran at top speed around the track, the sound of his running shoes slapping against the tar of the track.  Kai and Suho (who were unfortunate enough to accompany him) couldn’t keep up after a while.


“Yah…where does he get all his energy?” Kai asked, huffing and puffing as he ran next to Suho.


“Who knows…I’m too old to be treated like this,” an equally out of breath Suho replied.


They leisurely jogged to catch their breath while Chanyeol lapped them continuously, running as if he was being chased by a pack of rabid dogs.


“What’s…his…problem?  Aish!” Chanyeol huffed angrily.


“I..haven’t…been…anything…but…kind…to…him!  Why…is it…that…no matter…what I do…I…can’t…get him…to like me!”


Like…that’s it.


The shock of the answer sent Chanyeol tripping and crashing to the ground.  He didn’t even notice that his hands, cheek and legs were covered with nasty scrapes and that Kai and Suho were running over to him as fast as their tired bodies would allow them.


I like him…


The answer was so simple, yet the journey leading up to it was like climbing over a mountain.  That explained his clumsy, awkward shyness.  That explained why he couldn’t take his eyes off of Baekhyun when he was in the same room or why he was so compelled to introduce himself on the first day of school.

Park Chanyeol liked Byun Baekhyun.


He realized that an accepted it…but that didn’t mean Baekhyun liked him back.  Or even liked him at all, for that matter.


“Aww man…”


“Chanyeol!  Are you okay?!  You’re bleeding everywhere!”


Snapped back into reality, the pain of the scrapes finally registered in his mind.


“Ow, ow, ow!!!  Help!  I’m bleeding to death!  Someone, call an ambulance!”


Kai and Suho slung Chanyeol over their shoulders and helped him hobble and squeal his way back to the school so they could treat his wounds.  After a lot of screaming and yelling, Kai and Suho managed to clean and dress Chanyeol’s wounds without too much injury to themselves.


“Man, you really biffed it out there.  How did you manage that one?”


“I just…lost my focus is all.  I tripped and before I knew it, I was bleeding to death on the ground.”

Both of his hands, his knees to his shins, ad his left cheek were securely bandaged.


“How am I going to explain this one…?”


“Just tell everyone you were in a freak motorcycle accident.  Sounds better than saying you tripped over your own feet while running on the track.”

“Gee, I’ll keep that in mind.  Thanks for the help.  I’m going to go home and wallow in pain and my stupidity now…”


Chanyeol hobbled his way out of the infirmary, nursing his wounded limbs and pride.

Author's Note: SHISUS KRISUS ;-; thank you so much for subscribing!  When I wrote this story, I had no idea I would have so many of you wanting to read it!  Thank you so much!  I'm sorry if this chapter is a little short, but I'll update in probably three days and the next chapter should be a lot longer.  Keep an eye out towards the end, because I'll be posting a few details about the sequel to this story :) thank you once again for reading!  I LOVE YOU GUYS ;A;

Thank you to the people who actually went out of their way to post comments <3

I don't bite, so please feel free to comment and tell me what you think :) especially if there are typos!!  I sometimes dont' catch them >.>

Until next time!


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Okay update must wait till tomorrow :/ I have to study for my test.


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-quiescent #1
I love you author xD;; <3
I want the sequel now e____e
thank you so very much again <33

-quiescent #4
I love fluffy stuff, and this was good!
Baekyeol ftw <3
menikkey #5
Owwww... Wae so cute >//<
i dunno what to say anymore bcause i really want to read the sequel like right now...
And i love you for made this beautiful story... <3
t'aaaaaw, that was completely adorable<3
omg, i'm squealing and fangirling along with channie :3
how dare you end it like that! now i have to waaaait T_____T you're lucky i reeeeeaally like this story, otherwise I would have to come up with a mischievous plan like my adorable Bacon O.o except more to the evil side, of course.(:<
well, I'm anticipating the sequel!(:
awww this was so cute <3
jessgo #8
aww well this was a cute fic.
yay for finishing it~~
subbing to your other fic ^__^