Final Chapter

Talk to Me

This is the last chapter guys T.T *Please read the Author's Note at the bottom regarding the sequel!*

Baekhyun’s reply was muffled, but it sounded like,

“Let go!  You’re suffocating me!”


Chanyeol rolled on his side and deposited Baekhyun right next to him.  He was bright red (for the millionth time this night) and he quickly turned away from Chanyeol by rolling to face the other direction.  He buried his head in the pillow to hide.  Chanyeol couldn’t help but laugh.


“I had no idea you were so easily embarrassed!” he couldn’t stop himself from laughing, even though he knew he would probably regret it later.


“Stop laughing…”


“I…can’t…help…it…” Chanyeol felt like he was going to bust a gut.


He never knew how easy it was to embarrass the “Unapproachable” Byun Baekhyun, and he wasn’t about to stop now.


“I’m warning you…You won’t like what will happen if you continue…”


Even though he sounded deadly serious, Chanyeol still couldn’t control himself.  He discovered something that probably no one knew about Baekhyun, and it excited him.  Baekhyun was uncharted territory, so to speak.


“I’ll give you till the count of three.



Chanyeol was out of breath.




He finally began to calm his laugh, but not in time enough for Baekhyun.




Once he hit three, he did something so irrational that it surprised him and stopped Chanyeol’s life-sustaining bodily functions for the rest of the night.  He quickly flipped over and pressed his lips to Chanyeol’s.  The sensation was momentary, but it lasted long enough for Chanyeol to stop laughing…and pretty much every other life-sustaining process.


“Good night, Chanyeol.  We’ll talk again in the morning.”


Baekhyun rolled over and got under the covers, a smug smile on his face.


Man I’m EVIL.


Chanyeol stared at Baekhyun’s back, eyes wide, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.  He was too stunned to move; too stunned to even breathe…the last part didn’t last long.  He took a deep breath and tried to comprehend what just happened to him.


Byun…Baekhyun…kissed me….


His heart nearly jumped out of his chest as the reality of the situation sunk in.


We kissed…we…KISSED.


With an almost inaudible squeal, Chanyeol violently flipped onto his other side and began to fanboy into his pillow.


On the other side of the bed, Baekhyun smiled with satisfaction as he drifted into a peaceful sleep.

When Baekhyun woke up the next morning, the other side of the bed was empty.  He threw his feet over the side of the bed and groggily stood up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.  He looked at the wall clock; it read 8.30 a.m.


“Aish…it’s too early to be awake on a weekend…”


He fixed his bed-head in the mirror before he walked out into the main room.  The door to the bathroom was closed, and he could hear the sound of running water coming from behind it.  While Chanyeol was occupied with his shower, Baekhyun began to look around the apartment.  It didn’t look too different from the night before, but he didn’t see much else to do except snoop.  He went to the desk in the corner of the room and glanced at the neat stack of papers on top.  They were in a bin labeled “Graded,” so he leafed through them to find out that Chanyeol kept all of his graded papers just in case they would be used to study from.  All of the assignments had exemplary marks too; something Baekhyun didn’t expect.


So he’s book smart huh…


He heard the water in the bathroom shut off.  Baekhyun stopped looking through the past assignments and went to sit on the couch, trying to make himself looks as inconspicuous as possible.  Chanyeol emerged a few minutes later wearing only his pajama bottoms and a towel on his head.  He jumped in surprise when he noticed Baekhyun sitting on the couch.  Quickly, he covered his chest with his hands like he was a woman covering her s.


“W-w-what are you doing awake this early?” he sputtered.


An evil grin spread across Baekhyun’s lips.


“Oh, you know…I just figured it was time to wake up.  I didn’t expect to find a half- person emerge from the bathroom without a care in the world.”


Chanyeol turned bright red.


“Yah!  I thought you were still asleep…besides, this is MY apartment!”


Baekhyun let out a loud laugh.


Who knew picking on Chanyeol could be so fun.


“Are you still trying to get me back for last night?!”


Chanyeol walked up to the couch where Baekhyun was doubled over in a fit of giggles.




He looked up at Chanyeol and smiled mischievously.


“I’ll have to punish you if you don’t stop…”


“What are you going to do about it?”


Without even batting an eye, Chanyeol leaned down and kissed Baekhyun square on the mouth.  Baekhyun stared wide-eyed.


“Told you so.  Revenge for last night,” Chanyeol winked before running into his bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind him.


This time, it was Baekhyun’s turn to feel shocked.  He touched his lips, the heat of the moment still lingering.


Damn you…Park Chanyeol.

Inside his room, Chanyeol was celebrating his victory over Baekhyun while he changed into casual clothes.


That’s what you get for messing with me.


He quickly scrubbed his wet hair with the towel before throwing it into the dirty laundry.




He walked back into the main room.  Baekhyun was exactly where he left him on the couch.


“Do you want to take a shower?”


Baekhyun jumped at Chanyeol’s voice.


“Um…sure.  That would be nice.”


Chanyeol gave him the rundown on where everything was located and left him to shower in peace.  While he waited, he went to the kitchen and began cooking bacon and eggs for them to eat before he sent Baekhyun on his way.  Fifteen minutes later, Baekhyun emerged from the bathroom to the scent of delicious smelling food.  Chanyeol already set the table, and had his head in the refrigerator.


“What do you want to drink?  I have orange juice, milk, water, or I can brew coffee or tea.”


“I’ll take a cup of coffee.”


A few minutes later, Chanyeol placed a steaming cup of coffee in front of Baekhyun and poured himself one before sitting down to eat.  The two sat in comfortably awkward silence.  Neither of them could really think of anything to say, but they knew they didn’t have to say anything at all.  When they were both done, Chanyeol cleared the dishes and placed them in the sink.


“I’ll wash them later.  Now…are you ready to go home?”


Chanyeol tried to hide the tiny bit of disappointment in his voice.  He enjoyed Baekhyun’s company, and he was a little sad to see him go so soon.


“Yeah…I have homework I have to do.  I’ve been neglecting it for too long.”


Silently, they made their way to the bus stop.  Chanyeol wanted badly to break the silence, but he didn’t quite know what to say.  Baekhyun felt the same, but stayed silent anyway.


They finally reached the bus stop. 


Chanyeol knew he had one thing he really wanted to ask, but at that moment he faltered, unsure if he should say it or not, that is, until he saw the bus pulling up to the curb.  Baekhyun turned around before he stepped up through the open doors of the bus.


“Well…I guess I’ll see you around school…”


He turned to board.

Without hestitating, putting all the second-guessing behind him, Chanyeol blurted out,

“Will you be my boyfriend?!”

Author's Note: And it's finally done! ;-; I'm so sad, yet so happy that I've seen this fic to it's completion!  I'm even more happy that you guys have stayed on till the end as well!  Thank you so much for reading/subscribing/commenting.  I really love you all! <3 I've read every comment posted, and if I didn't reply on here, just know that I replied mentally! *gets bricked* if you think this story seems incomplete, that's because it is!  It will be continued in the sequel, "Inevitable," which I just posted the foreword to!  Please read if you would like :) I'm working on it right now, along with a few EXO oneshots that I'll get around to posting eventually.

Once again, thank you so much for your support!  I would be nothing without you, my lovelies! <3

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


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Okay update must wait till tomorrow :/ I have to study for my test.


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-quiescent #1
I love you author xD;; <3
I want the sequel now e____e
thank you so very much again <33

-quiescent #4
I love fluffy stuff, and this was good!
Baekyeol ftw <3
menikkey #5
Owwww... Wae so cute >//<
i dunno what to say anymore bcause i really want to read the sequel like right now...
And i love you for made this beautiful story... <3
t'aaaaaw, that was completely adorable<3
omg, i'm squealing and fangirling along with channie :3
how dare you end it like that! now i have to waaaait T_____T you're lucky i reeeeeaally like this story, otherwise I would have to come up with a mischievous plan like my adorable Bacon O.o except more to the evil side, of course.(:<
well, I'm anticipating the sequel!(:
awww this was so cute <3
jessgo #8
aww well this was a cute fic.
yay for finishing it~~
subbing to your other fic ^__^