The battle

The Chronicles of Neverland

 The sky was blue with not a single cloud on it, the weather was hot and sleepy. Everyone stayed inside or simply relaxed, being more lazy than ever. Calm before the storm, you could say.


The harbors were busy though. The pirates kept running around while carrying things, everyone was rushing. Two huge ships were set to take off soon, the cannons shining in the sunlight and the sails waving in the wind.


“Are you ready, my son?” Captain Mordney asked AJ, who just shrugged, knowing his feelings wouldn't change anything. They got on the ship as well.


There was a pair of eyes anxiously watching the ships leave, unnoticed by anyone else. Not for too long, because when its owner realized what she had been thinking of, she averted their eyes immediately and started cleaning in the inn she had a part-time job at. Her expression changed into an hostile one again as she pushed worry out of her mind and started cursing the now absent pirate silently again and convincing herself how great it was he was away for a while.


“Hyona-yah, one mug of beer here!” she heard and with this, she stopped thinking about it and started taking care of her own responsibilities.




After a few hours of sailing, another huge ship appeared on the horizon. Everyone started preparing. Soon they were closer to it and it was obvious the other ship's crew must have noticed them by now. There was no coming back. When they got in immediate proximity of it, they joined the two ships with small bridges. The first pirates got on the other board. The other Mordney's ship, that followed close, did the same on the other side of the enemy's one. But what they didn't expect was the amount of armed pirates the enemy had on the ship. The tough battle has began.


Eli didn't even need weapons to get rid of the weak pirates attacking him. His bare hands were enough. In the middle of dodging his enemies' attacks, he unconsciously gazed at the other ship. He stopped because of being surprised by something and got hit on the head. On the wooden gable of the ship, there were huge signs. There were three circles. The two on either side pictured a ship – and the middle one had the huge letter M in it. Eli recognized the same symbol that was on the pendant he had found in his father's cabin. What was this supposed to mean? Was it Captain Mordney's symbol? Eli had no time to think as he had been hit and he quickly stumbled further away to get some time to recover from the shock. However, another figure appeared in front of him. He looked up at his face. He had never seen it before, but he still knew who the man standing in front of him was.


AJ turned around to look at the cause of the noise he had heard behind him. He didn't need to think long to know who the new incomer was. The clothes and determined expression told enough. And there was also this special aura surrounding him. He couldn't put a finger on it, but there was something that made AJ sure of the other man's identity. The two of them stared at each other for a while. It seemed as if the time had stopped.


Suddenly they both woke up from the trance and started fighting with each other. They didn't know why they were fighting so hard, but they both wanted to win this little match no matter what. Both of them had found this battle quite easy to handle, but now none of them could tell whether he was the strongest one or otherwise. Their powers were strangely equal, seeming that the winner will be chosen by coincidence. They kept fighting for a while, when AJ spotted his father coming closer. He stopped paying attention for a split of second, but it was enough for Eli to steal his sword and stab him in his shoulder. AJ's eyes went to his father, who didn't show a slight reaction in his face. Eli looked back to follow his stare and was frozen at the moment by the captain's strong gaze. AJ took this chance to get away, dodging the enemies on the way back to his ship.


Shinmi was waiting in a relatively safe cabin deep inside the ship, occasionally healing injured pirates. As always, she was scared, but what could she do? The door opened and she stood up, as usual not sure whether to expect an enemy or another walking healing task for her. A familiar figure walked in in pain and she ran after him immediately.


“Young master!” she gasped in horror, seeing lots of blood flowing out of her young master's shoulder. His head was already spinning and he leaned on the tiny fairy for support. She helped him lie on the floor and started healing him. He was slowly getting back to his senses. He sat up and wanted to get up, but she stopped him.


“You have just healed, wait for a while.”


He reluctantly obeyed and started carefully stretching his arms. Suddenly the door burst open, two pirates belonging to the other crew rushing in. AJ shot up and fought one of them. It was a tiny bit more difficult for him because he had no sword and he also had been injured just a while ago. He knocked the pirate unconscious, but didn't get much rest as he heard a desperate scream behind his back. He looked back and found the other pirate grabbing Shinmi's arm, wondering whether to kill her or kidnap her. Before he could decide, he was knocked out by AJ. AJ sighed as he looked at the shocked, shivering fairy and he awkwardly put an arm around her. He however knew he had to return back. Shinmi felt disappointment when he withdrew, losing the feeling of safety. AJ dragged the two unconscious bodies far away and returned back.


“Come here,” he gestured her. She came over curiously and was given a sword, which AJ has stolen from one of the pirates he had knocked out. She didn't know much how to use it, so she looked at her young master in puzzlement.


“You just need to swing it like this,” he showed her. “I need to go now, but remember to swing it like this no matter what.” With this, he left. He felt a bit guilty leaving her alone, but he had no choice. I'll have to teach her how to defend herself, he thought. How can father not assign a guard to keep her safe when her healing powers are so important to us?




The battle went on for a few hours, but none of the sides seemed to be winning. The weather started to get worse and there was a risk that all the ships will sink if they keep it up a bit longer because there was a storm coming.


“We're withdrawing!” Captain Mordney signaled to everyone. Captain Hook didn't like it because he had wanted to crush Captain Mordney while he had the chance to. But all of Mordney's pirates jumped back to their original ships and they took off. No matter how hard Captain Hook's cannons fired, the ships were disappearing far away in the horizon.


Wow, I don't know what got into me, this kind of genre is not usually my style. I even think that fighting scenes in movies are the most boring thing there could be... That doesn't mean I hate my story or that I didn't like writing it, because, on contrary, I did. But that's what's weird. Not exactly the kind of plot I would expect of myself because of the fighting and the people wanting power. Strange, isn't it? I hope it still turned out well.

I also wonder how I will get Kevin into the story. Sorry he's not there by now. But he will be, I swear.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who subscribed or commented and please feel free to share your opinion on the plot or the style of writing or anything (politely... :D).

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Chapter 20: aj is really really reaaaaaallllly in love!
poor guy!!!!
Chapter 18: nice to see you again, lady :)
and welcome bad xD
Chapter 18: omo omo omo :D u've finally updated!!! :D authornim ur awesome. <3 and how's college life? hope its fine ^^ i'll be waiting for an update soon <3
Chapter 18: omo omo omo :D u've finally updated!!! :D authornim ur awesome. <3 and how's college life? hope its fine ^^ i'll be waiting for an update soon <3
All the best for ur college life!!! :D next time when u r totally free, I hope u can update cuz ur story is AWESOME :)
Chapter 17: good luck with college!!
Chapter 17: u moved to dorms?

and good luck with collages!! ^^b
Chapter 16: Woah!
I never realized that my comment was that huge! O.O"
Sorry! :3
Chapter 16: poor pirates... all three of them T.T
Now... What happens? :/
Hyuna is under lost boys's control now and soon, Aj will come to rescue, I hope...

Well *sheepish grin* hope u'll able to update soon! :3

And the last para caught off guard!! :3
I mean, the part chap ends and a/n starts! :3

It kinda make me crack up :P