Eli's conversion to the good side

The Chronicles of Neverland

Giyeon loved freedom. She had been held captive for many years and all that time the only thing she had wished for was to be free. And she now was. And she loved it. Her only troubles now were her best friend's uneasy behavior and everyone stressing over the the kidnapped princess. She did not even know her, but she somehow felt worried too. But there was nothing she could do, so at the moment, she just enjoyed her new life.


As she stepped out and breathed in the fresh air. It was nice. She would never again need to face a single... pirate. Except that there was one standing right in front of her. She screamed and punched him hard in the face.


“What's wrong?”


Everyone gathered and Giyeon backed up while pointing at the intruder.


“I'm not here as an enemy,” he said.


“You. How did you find your way back here?” Dongho asked.


“It took me a lot of effort,” the pirate answered. “I don't wanna fight. Really.”


“Throw all your weapons on the ground.” Eli did. “Now, let's go in.”


“What? It's a pirate!” Giyeon protested with her brother nodding to support her. However, they didn't succeed.


When they've taken him inside, they started an interrogation.


“What's your name and which crew do you come from?”


“I'm Ellison – I go by Eli though – and I'm from the Brave Crew.”


“That's a powerful one,” Dongho said.


“Okay, I'm going to tell the whole truth, but you have to trust me, I have no ill intentions,” Eli said, looking at everyone and continuing after having gotten a nod of approval. “I am the Captain's son.”




“I've escaped from home.”


The others exchanged looks.


“And we should trust you because...”


“...I don't know. I have nothing to prove myself. But-”


“What do you want anyway?”


“I want to join you!”


Another round of exchanging looks went on.


“I... I want to be on the good side...”


“Do you think we're so easy to fool? You better go away while you ca-” Hoon started, but Dongho raised his hand and shook his head to silence him.


“I can do stuff! I can fight! I'm pretty strong, I don't even need weapons!” Eli started counting things he could do, while the girls automatically stepped back from him a bit.


“Yah, okay, okay, okay, shut up. Let us think.”


“Hey guys, maybe he got kicked out by his father and now has nowhere to go,” Kiseop laughed a bit.


“I didn't!” Eli stood up abruptly, letting anger take over him. He hadn't been kicked out, he had left on his own free will!


“This is not helping, you know.”


“You don't know anything! My father wants to kill Dongho. He wants me to kill him! So I left! Do you know how much I risked by throwing away my comfortable life for this?”


And yet another round of exchanging looks.


“Let's let him stay here for the time being. I think we can trust him. If you agree, Soohyun,” Dongho said.


“Okay, I trust your opinion. But we'll have to keep an eye on him.”




“I'm sorry, but we need a plan and more information, and we are definitely not strong enough,” Dongho explained to Soohyun while discussing the case of the lost princess again. “Yet. We'll do something, definitely, but-”


“But when?”


“Hey, you have always been the most responsible one. Can't you see that in our state we won't help even if we try?”


“Fine, you're right, I was just...”


“What's the problem?”


Everyone turned around to see Eli innocently staring at them from the doorway.


“You can't be here,” Soohyun told him.


“Why? I want to help too, you said-”


“We said we were letting you stay here and keep an eye on you, not letting you entirely into all our secret plans.”


“Fine!” Eli shouted out and left the room. He went to the living room, where he found the three fairies and Hoon talking to each other. He sat on the couch, gaining weird looks from all of them except for the lost boy, who looked uninterested.


“Hey...” he whispered to Hoon. “What's wrong with them?” he nodded towards them.


“Fairies...” Hoon said. “Kevin lost his sister to the pirates and just found her recently. That's the girl who looks at you like she would like to cut you to pieces and throw to sharks.”


“You know we don't really do that, right?”


“But she would...” Eli shrugged at the thought. “The other girl, who looks really scared, has been born in the pirates' captivity. They all have been through a lot with the pirates, so you'd rather not interact with them much.”


“Fiiine, no one wants me here either, I won't get in your way here... Hey. I'll be back later,” Eli sighed and walked out of the door. It was true after all, being good was really hard.




“Why are you so grumpy recently?” Hyona asked AJ another question to which she did not really expect an answer anymore.


“Yah. I'm going to annoy you till you say something. You know, something else than 'shut up' or 'go away',” she continued after a while.


“Shut up and go away.”




AJ did feel a bit sorry for the girl. He knew she had feelings for him, but he thought he had made himself more than clear rejecting them. Still, she continued to believe she would be able to change his mind someday, somehow, and kept bothering him. Unfortunately, or fortunately, perhaps, she had no idea that the pirate was already in love with someone else, and was heartbroken because of it.


Although he knew all this and knew he was probably hurting her, he was too absorbed in his own pain to be considerate.


“Do you want to play something? Do you want me to get you something? Some food? I know this store-”


“Hyona. Seriously. Stop it. Go bother someone else.”


The girl finally gave up, at least for this time, and left. Am I ever going to make him see me? She kept walking and did not care where. She walked a really long way along the beach, till she tripped over something and fell.


“Yah!” that something talked. Well, someone, actually.


“Hey... are you okay?” the stranger stood up and approached Hyona, who was still on the ground. He grabbed her by her shoulders and pulled her on her feet forcibly.


“It's you... hey, are you crying?”


“I'm not!” Hyona shouted. “Oh! It's the thief!” she exclaimed, recognizing his face. “So this is the great place you were heading to?”


“No, it's-” Eli started explaining, but shook his head. “Nevermind. You won't understand.”


“Whatever. Give me back my bracelet!”


“Why would I?”


“You know, I seem to be pretty successful at annoying other people. I'll just bother you until you give it back!”


“I'm pretty good at pissing people off myself, so it seems,” Eli said. “It's getting late, you should go home, kid.”


“I'm not a kid!”


“You're stubborn like one.”


Eli set off and walked back to the lost boys' home. Little did he know, Hyona, stubborn just like he described her, was following him closely. I'll surprise him when he doesn't expect it and get my bracelet back, she thought.


“I'm back-” Eli was knocked over as soon as he opened the door and stepped inside.


“Where. Is. My. Bracelet?” Hyona questioned him while trying to keep him on the groung with her own weight.


“Are you insane? How can you jump on people just like that? Wait! You followed me?”


“You know what I want!”




The two fighting pirates looked up, seeing Soohyun, Hoon and Kiseop, who were raising their eyebrows. Eli threw Hyona off him and stood up.


“You have been here for one day only and you already bring another pirates here? You know we have been kind to you for just letting you here?”


“I know! I know! But... but I didn't bring her! She just came! I didn't know she was following me! Geez, I don't even really know her!”


“What's going on?” the fairies came out to see what was happening.


“Oh,” was everything Hyona could say when, to her surprise, she recognized the two girls. They recognized her, too, and panicked.


“Don't let her go away,” Soohyun ordered when he had understood what was going on.

Oh, hey. I'm just letting you know, I will probably get pretty busy now. I don't know if there will be hiatus, I hope not. But I'm going to college this year, school's starting soon, I have no freaking idea how hard it will be... I'm kind of scared, haha. But I will at least let you know. I should still be able to at least update now and then. Cause I love this story myself :D


And yeah, Captain Mordney is a jerk... well, he's a bad pirate and the main villain of the story. He has to be mean :D Bwahaha...


Edit: Oh, and by the way! I totally forgot, but... I have reached 20 subscribers on this story! It might not be very much, but it is to me, because it's the most I have ever had :D Thanks!

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Chapter 20: aj is really really reaaaaaallllly in love!
poor guy!!!!
Chapter 18: nice to see you again, lady :)
and welcome bad xD
Chapter 18: omo omo omo :D u've finally updated!!! :D authornim ur awesome. <3 and how's college life? hope its fine ^^ i'll be waiting for an update soon <3
Chapter 18: omo omo omo :D u've finally updated!!! :D authornim ur awesome. <3 and how's college life? hope its fine ^^ i'll be waiting for an update soon <3
All the best for ur college life!!! :D next time when u r totally free, I hope u can update cuz ur story is AWESOME :)
Chapter 17: good luck with college!!
Chapter 17: u moved to dorms?

and good luck with collages!! ^^b
Chapter 16: Woah!
I never realized that my comment was that huge! O.O"
Sorry! :3
Chapter 16: poor pirates... all three of them T.T
Now... What happens? :/
Hyuna is under lost boys's control now and soon, Aj will come to rescue, I hope...

Well *sheepish grin* hope u'll able to update soon! :3

And the last para caught off guard!! :3
I mean, the part chap ends and a/n starts! :3

It kinda make me crack up :P