An unexpected guest

The Chronicles of Neverland

It was a calm night and there was a total silence, disturbed only by the constant rustling of trees and bushes in the never-freezing garden of the Neverland palace and occasional sounds of the creatures that did not sleep at night. In this calmness there was a small figure sneaking through the garden, finding its way not inside, but out. It seemed that this person didn't have much experience in sneaking out, since their clothes made a rustling sound as they were moving and their shoes were clapping silently, but not silently enough. Screw this, the night traveler thought, and took off their shoes on high heels, rolled up their skirt and carried on.




“Your Majesty! Your Majesty!” a servant ran up to the king.


“What happened?”


“The princess... she's missing...”


“What? Impossible! She must have gone to check the kitchen or...”


“She's not anywhere, Your Majesty. Furthermore...” he was hesitant to go on, but did after a pause, “we found a letter.”


“A letter! Where is it?” the king was getting anxious.


Other servants brought him the letter. He nervously read it.


Dear grandfather,

You have given me another chance and I have to at least attempt to use it. I know well there are another ways – such as meeting with different princes from different countries – but I do not think it would work. I am sorry, but I would like to try to solve this my own way. Do not worry about me, I am sure I will be fine. I am going to come back in two months, whether I succeed or not. Please do not try to find me and do take care of Yourself well.


Your grand-daughter Namjung


This is not like Namjung, the king thought. For the sake of finding her true love, she is doing whatever she can, opposing me, running away from home. But will she be able to succeed?




Soohyun woke up the first as usual and got up lazily. He ruffled his hair and walked to the living room while yawning profoundly. His was still half-asleep and wasn't rushing on waking up.


“Wow... so this is the very place Dongho comes to so often,” he suddenly heard a voice. A voice that didn't belong to any of the lost boys. A girl's voice. He froze and his just a moment ago still half-closed eyes shot open wide. In front of him, there stood the very princess of Neverland, in her beautiful dress, a bit sweaty and dirty, probably from a long trip, but her beauty dazzling as always, the calm and composed aura surrounding her, as typical for her. And there he stood – half-awake, his face and eyes still swollen from sleep, his hair a major mess, sporting sweat pants and a tank top, which was halfway tucked in his pants, yawning loudly just a minute ago.




“Oh. Hello. You are... Soohyun, am I correct? We met in the palace the last time? You look... different.”


Soohyun was very pleasured to hear that she remembered him – and even his name. But he was now completely awake due to the embarrassment caused by greeting the very princess of Neverland in the condition he was in right now.


“I... yes, I am. N-nice to see you again. I-I am sorry I have to greet you in this state, I-”


“Oh...” she scanned his appearance more thoroughly and chuckled. Even Soohyun's ears went red from the embarrassment. “No, I am sorry, I just barged into here... please feel free to go change.”


“I... you won't mind if I leave you here by yourself for a minute then?”


“Oh, not at all, please go on.”


Soohyun managed to shower, change his clothes, comb his hair, brush his teeth, put on some cologne, wake the others up, go to the kitchen, clean the mess that was there, cook tea and make some decent breakfast in mere 6 minutes. It was like he was on a turbo-mode and Hoon, Kiseop and Kevin were just standing there, rubbing their sleepy eyes and wondering whether they were still sleeping or not because his pace was just unbelievable.


Soohyun lead Namjung to the kitchen and served the breakfast. The others also made themselves presentable and come to the kitchen as well, greeted the princess and joined them.


“So, my princess, what brings you here, if I can ask?” Soohyun asked curiously.


“He calls her 'my princess',” Kiseop whispered to Hoon and Kevin with a wink and they all chuckled. Soohyun shot them a glare while Namjung didn't notice at all.


“It is a very long story,” she said. “But-”


“What are you doing here?” she was interrupted by Dongho, who entered the kitchen. As always, he walks in as he pleases. The boys were surprised by how familiar Dongho was talking to Namjung.


“We are friends,” she explained because she understood. “You can also treat me like friends. And call me my name. I'm Namjung for everyone, understand?” They nodded.


“Anyways, I do not want to explain my situation in details, you could say I ran away from home, but it is only temporary and it is not because of any arguments. I just need to sort something out. And I wanted to ask you a favor. Could I stay here for at least a few days? I could not think of any other place to go.”


Soohyun hesitated because the thought of having the princess around all the time made him very nervous as he could not help but feel a bit uneasy around her, but he didn't need to consider it anymore, because the others were already welcoming her.




Shinmi was carrying out her tasks and bringing some plates to the kitchen. She was just passing by the captain's cabin, when she noticed the guards who were usually on either side of the door were gone. She thought it was weird, but carried on anyway, but a loud noise made her stop for a moment.


“That freaking con woman!” Shinmi recognized the Captain's voice and he continued talking less loudly, but with an obvious anger in his voice.


“I am going to punish her...”


“Captain, you know that fortune tellers never lie. You should wait-”


“How long does she want me to wait? So far it was nothing like what she said! Or have you seen my precious son being of any use? He's a freaking disobedient rascal and keeps doing only what he wants!”


Are they talking about young master? Did a fortune teller say something about him? Shinmi completely forgot what she was supposed to do.


“I believe we should not rush anything, Captain.”


“Alright, let's wait for now. But I'm running out of patience. If he doesn't start behaving soon, I might as well make him.”


Shinmi suddenly realized what she was doing and hurriedly went to the kitchen. She was a bit ashamed of herself for eavesdropping like this. She shouldn't be in the least interested in her masters' matters. As she shook her head, she went on to complete her next task – cleaning... young master's room. She sighed. After this... Why is it always me who gets assigned this task anyway? she wondered. She didn't really mind. Although sometimes the young master was a bit harsh, she felt he was not a bad person. She just thought it was a bit weird since the servants usually didn't have a fixed task and all of them were usually pretty much taking turns randomly in doing this and that.


When she mustered her courage and knocked on the door, she heard no response. Luckily he wasn't there.




As he was looking at the horizon and lost deep in his thoughts, a pair of hands that suddenly covered his eyes almost made AJ jump. Of course, he was able to guess who it could be.


“Hyona-yah, do you think I don't know it's you?”


“Got me,” she giggled and jumped in front of him. He remembered that she had confessed to him not a long time ago. But the fact she's able to act so confidently and smile in front of me should be a good sign. Maybe she's moving on, he hoped.


“I'm glad you're in a good mood.”


“Well, I figured out that crying because you don't like me back wouldn't change anything,” she stated. I was right, he thought. She has matured. “Instead, I'm just going to make you fall in love with me!” she blunted out. AJ mentally facepalmed. Scratch everything I've thought up to now.


“Yah. Listen. I don't like you. And I won't. Stop wasting your energy.”


“That's what you say now! Just wait and-”


“Did you not hear me?”


“I don't care what you say. I won't give up!”


“There's no point in trying to talk to you,” AJ realized it was useless and walked away, ignoring Hyona's objections.


He entered his room and smiled to himself when he found his favorite servant on her knees cleaning the floor. He was glad he had nonchalantly mentioned that he was particularly satisfied with how clean this particular fairy made his room to the butler, which, as he had intended, had later resulted in the butler always assigning her to do it without anyone suspecting anything.


“Greetings, young master,” Shinmi shot up on her feet as soon as she noticed him and bowed.


“Carry on,” he said.


Shinmi continued cleaning, but stole a glance at AJ. I wonder what they were talking about. But I hope things won't get hard on him later on. She observed his expression as he was seated at his desk, reading some papers. He was oblivious to his father's plans,whatever it was, but he seemed a bit tired, troubled, yet – somehow – happy at the moment.


“I'm finished,” she informed him as she stood up and gathered her tools.


“Wait...” escaped his lips before he knew it. “Umm, are you sure you dusted the items up there thoroughly?”


“I'll check it, young master,” she returned and began sliding a clean rag over the many items on the shelf again. AJ chuckled silently. Who cares if he was being immature. He was so happy to have her by his side that he started contemplating whether he should buy more useless stuff to put on that shelf.

I'm sorry it took me two weeks OTL But hey, I'm loving writing this story more and more :D

Grey_Storm, thanks :) I won't reveal any spoilers, but feel free to make your guesses about the plot, everyone~ 

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Chapter 20: aj is really really reaaaaaallllly in love!
poor guy!!!!
Chapter 18: nice to see you again, lady :)
and welcome bad xD
Chapter 18: omo omo omo :D u've finally updated!!! :D authornim ur awesome. <3 and how's college life? hope its fine ^^ i'll be waiting for an update soon <3
Chapter 18: omo omo omo :D u've finally updated!!! :D authornim ur awesome. <3 and how's college life? hope its fine ^^ i'll be waiting for an update soon <3
All the best for ur college life!!! :D next time when u r totally free, I hope u can update cuz ur story is AWESOME :)
Chapter 17: good luck with college!!
Chapter 17: u moved to dorms?

and good luck with collages!! ^^b
Chapter 16: Woah!
I never realized that my comment was that huge! O.O"
Sorry! :3
Chapter 16: poor pirates... all three of them T.T
Now... What happens? :/
Hyuna is under lost boys's control now and soon, Aj will come to rescue, I hope...

Well *sheepish grin* hope u'll able to update soon! :3

And the last para caught off guard!! :3
I mean, the part chap ends and a/n starts! :3

It kinda make me crack up :P