Chapter 4

Chances are?

Yeejin attend the wedding after the wedding ceremony. Yeejin immediately went to greet the newly weds.

"Congratulations Mr. Seo." Yeejin said.

"Ms. Cho. I'm so glad you made it." 

"Me too."

"I want you to meet my wife. Jung Yunhui."

"Annyeonghasayo. Cho Yeejin imnida."

"Annyeonghasayo. I'm glad to meet you too. Jun told me about you earlier. I'm so glad you're here."

"Thank you for inviting me here. Even if I just met Mr. Seo yesterday."

"ohhh.... Yeejinshii. Don't say that...."


"Just enjoy the party sweetie." Yunhui said.

"Neh. Thank you again." Yeejin said.


Jongwoon's POV

"Why does she have to change her mind?" Jongjin said while we're on our way to the new venue of my wedding.

Juyeon changes her mind and decided to have a garden wedding instead of church. Mom doesn't like the idea but ofcourse she  won't argue with Juyeon for my sake.

"Your fiance' is really something hyung. One day she likes this and the next day she change her mind and wants something else."

"Jongjin its her wedding so stop whining there."

"even if.... Mom doesn't like her idea. Do you know that? But she don't want to argue with her. Hyung she's not......"

"Jongjin! Stop! She's going to be your sister in law so stop saying things about her."

"I'm just saying that she's not....."


I know what he's going to say. Juyeon is not the girl for me. That mom doesn't like her but she's just not saying anything that Juyeon is so spoiled. I'm tired of hearing these things from Jongjin I know he don't like Juyeon too that mom, dad and Jongjn likes someone else for me. Juyeon is my fiance so I should marry her. Jongjin stays quiet until we arrived at the new location for  my wedding.

As we arrived there I notice that this is not the place I want to get married. But still Juyeon likes to get married her.

"Oh. There's wedding going on." Jongjin said then started to walk to see the wedding.

I got no choice but to follow him.

The wedding is simple yet a lot of people went. Then I saw the couple they look so happy with each other and I can tell that they are very much in love. They are dancing to the tune of an old savy song no wonder why because the couple seems to be same age as my mom and dad. I guess this is a wedding anniversary celebration not a wedding.

ring ring ring ring....

As I picked up my phone I saw Juyeon's number.

"Oppa..." She said.

"Neh. We're already here." I said.

"Ah Okay. I'm on my way. I'll see you in 10 minutes."


"I love you." she said.

"me too." I told her.

Then I looked for my brother who's probably still watching the couple dance....

"neh oppa. I'm fine." I heard a familiar voice as I turn around I saw her again.

I was about to approach her but Jongjin suddenly came then when I turn to see her again she's gone.

"Have you seen Yeejin?" I asks Jongjin.

"Yeejin? She's here?"

"yeah. I saw her."

"I didn't. Where?"

"she's here." I said as I look around and search for her.

"I don't see her hyung." Jongjin said.

"Hyung. It's impossible for her to be here." he added.


"let's just go hyung."

I saw her. I saw her. She's here. Yeejin is here.


Yeejin's POV

I went out because Kyuhyun Oppa is calling again.

"neh. I'm fine." I said.

"Well I heard something about you know?"


"About hyung? Jong-woon?"




"you okay?"

"I'm fine..."

"so want to hear about it or you already knew?"

"I was already informed by his mom and brother."

"owwww.... You okay?"

"I guess."

"See.... I should go there and pick you up. Or I will call noona instead."

"Oppa. I'm okay. Don't worry. I'm a big girl now so I can manage."

"You sure?"

"Yes. So don't call Ara Unnie and tries to tell her something or I will kill you when I get back there."

"I won't just don't do anything stupid. Okay?"

"I'm not going to kill myself if that's what you're thinking?"

"Just making sure."

"I have to go oppa."

"Okay. I won't keep you long. Do what you need to do there then come back here."

"yes. I will. Bye."


Sometimes I realize that even though we fought a lot. My brother still cares for me and it's kinda nice knowing that even if unnie is living far away from us I still have my big brother to help me through. Especially on times like this but I still miss my unnie. It's still different when its unnie.

I want to call her and tell her about Jongwoon but I'm sure I'm just going to make her worried so much about me that she might come home in an instant leaving her career in Austria. I don't want that to happen. She already did a lot for me.



"I knew it. It's you. What are you doing here?"

Oh Gosh... Don't tell me you're with Jongwoon. If you're here then he's also here.

"I-I went to a wedding..." I said.

"Oh... You were at the wedding? The old couple. You knew them?" he asks.

"apparently. I accidentally met the groom yesterday he said that it'll be nice if i attend his wedding so here I am."

"Then hyung really saw you there."

"Jongwoon? He saw me? He's here....."

"Yes. Actually his so called fiance' change her mind she wants a garden wedding now. So here we are.... I really don't like her."

Oh my. Jongwoon is here. Then the girl is here.

"hey.... You okay?"

"Yes.... I have to go. I still have a lot to do."

I have to get out of here fast. I can't see him. I can't see her. Both of them.

"ah okay."

"I really have to go."

"Okay. So are we going to see you before you go back to states?" he asks.

"I don't know.... I might get busy. But you can always visit us when you want to have a vacation in the states." I said.

"Okay. Good bye Yeejin."

"Good bye Jongjin." I said and offered my hand to him.

But he open his arms for me and I hug him.

"Be strong okay?"

"yes. I will."

"Don't worry I will kick my brother's sometime for doing this to you." He said.

"Don't do that. He's still your brother."

"yeah he is. But I still hate him for choosing a wrong girl." He said.

I let go before I start crying.

"I have to go now."


"Come back when you're ready to face him again." He said.

"'l'll try." I said then I turned around to leave.

I have to leave this place before I see him. But then I accidentally slip and broke my heels.

Damn this heels I knew I'm not for this kind of shoes. But because of him I want to wear them for him to like me.

I try to stand up but I feel pain on my ankle everytime I try to move it.

"Damn it."

I have to stand up. I have to.... Little by little I try to move to be able to stand and I did. I just have to walk....

"Are you okay Miss?" a guy from my back asks.

"I'm fine. Thank you."


As I turn around I saw the last guy that I wanted to see.


He quickly came to my side and help me.

"What happened to you?" he asks as he tries to put my arm on his shoulder.

"I'm okay." I said as refuse to put my arms on his.

"Did you hurt your feet?"

"No. I'm fine. Really?"

"Are you sure? I can take you to the nearest hospital to check it."

"I'm fine really." I said.

"Jongwoon-ah!!!!!" I saw a woman coming our way.

Then quickly hug Jongwoon.

"I'm here. Where's Jongjin-ah?"

"I don't know he must've take check the whole place or something."

"ah okay. Who is she?"

"Ah.... Juyeon-ah... This is Yeejin my friend. She's our childhood friend Jongjin and I. Yeejin-ah this is Juyeon my fiance'.

"Hi." Juyeon said.

"Hi. I'm Cho Yeejin."

"Jongwoon-ah. We have to find Jongjin-ah.... There's still a lot to do for our wedding." Juyeon said.

"I have to go." I told them.

"You sure? What about your feet?" He said.

"I'm fine. I can walk."

"Are you sur---"

"Jongwoon-ah.." Juyeon calls him again.

"I'm fine. It was nice to meeting you Juyeon." I said.

"me too." she said and smile.

"I have to go Oppa."


Is the last thing I heard from him when I started to walk away from them.

Even though I know that I injured my foot I can't feel pain from it. I can feel pain from inside. I thought I already accepted the fact that he's going to marry someone else. But I can't. I lied to my brother telling him that I'll be fine. But I'm not fine today. I reach for my phone and dial the number of the person that I needed the most at that time.




"Unnie. Can I go there? I don't what to go back home yet."

"Okay. I'll buy you a ticket now. Pack your things and go to airport. I'll send you your ticket number huh?"

"neh. Unnie. Gumowo."

"I'll tell mom that you're with me. Okay?"


"I'll pick you up at the airport tomorrow. Be safe okay?"


"I'll see you tomorrow. Unnie will see you."





"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

This what I like about my unnie. Whenever I say to her that I don't have anyone to go she will immediately make me come to her without asking any questions. Maybe because she's a girl like me that's why she understands. That's why I love her so much.

She's always the one who helps me on everything. And I think she can help me get through with this.






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Chapter 12: please update soon! you're writing it well!
Chapter 14: keep going!!
igh this is soo cute~ and ur chapters are totally not boring ^_^
Not boring at all, excited for the next chapter.
bianka1 #5
not boring at all!I love it :) and I love how often you update :))
omg i can so relate i love this story update soon!!!!!!!!!!!
where's my chapter 11? T_T I uploaded it. Then its gone... Have to re write it again...
SadisticSinner #8
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