chapter 3

Chances are?

Yeejin run fast as she could that she didnt notice that she already passed the subway station. She wanted to feel tired so that she won't have an energy left to cry neither energy to feel that she is hurt. After running for about 30 minutes she stopped and took a seat at the taxi stand. She realizes that she was all drench in wet. And thought about what would her brother would say to her if he sees her like that.

"what were you thinking?" she mumbled as she tries to talk like him. That somehow made her smile.

"Ring. ring. ring. ring". she gets her phone out of her bag and surprise to see her brother's name on the screen. Nervously she picks it up and try to act or to sound fine.


"Wae? Oppa."

"where are you?"

"as if you dont know." she answered trying to be as obnoxious as she can be just to pretend that everything is fine.

"i mean where are you now? are you finish with your project? And when are you coming home?"

"Oppa. I just arrived here yesterday. And don't worry i might come home sooner than i expected."

"why? did something happened to you?"

"ani. aniyo. I'm just thinking that i might be able to finish my project fast so i might come home sooner than I expected.."

"ah okay..... uhm Yeejin-ah. Have you met the Kims already?"

"The Kims..... Ah... Aniyo. I haven't met them. And I'm busy with my project. I dont' think I have a time to meet them."

"Okay. Good. It's better for you not to see them."

"huh? Waeyo?"

"Nothing. I have to go now. Bring me lots and lots of Soju and Makgolli huh?"

"You can buy them there."

"I don't like the taste of makgolli here. It doesn't taste good."



"Okay. Okay....."

"Okay. Be good there. Come back in one piece!"

"Yeah right."


Then she puts her phone back to her bag. Then a cab stops in front of her.

"Miss. You're waiting for a cab?" the old cab driver ask.

"yeah." she answered then quickly get inside the cab.

When she's inside the cab she just stay still and lean back and just watch people as the cab passed by.

"weird weather?" the driver says.


"the weather. One minute the sun is shining so brightly the next thing you know you're soaking wet because of the rain."

Yeejin looks down and sees that her clothes are all wet.

"Mianhe. You can stop here. I can take the subway."

"It's okay. Don't worry about that. Everyone has time when they are being poured by a cold hard rain."

Yeejin just smile.

"Heart ache?" 

"sort of..."

"you broke up?"

"aniyo. We never became lovers so there's no break up."

"I see......."

"Are you married?"



"But I had a girlfriend when I was same age like you."

"What happened?"

"She marry someone else."



"What did you do?"

"Nothing. When she says she don't love me anymore. I let her go."

"why? Don't you love her too?"

"I love her. I really do love her. I love her with all my heart."

"but why did you let her go?"

"because I love her."


"You see when you love someone you have to let them go and be happy for them. It hurts to see her go yeah. But I will do anything to make her happy and letting her go will make her happy."

"I don't get it. If you love someone you should fight for it not let it go."

"I fought for her for a long time. But I realizes she really wants to go and I promised her that I won't make her cry so I let her go."

"Maybe that's what I should do to. Stop loving him. Did you use any anecdote for your heart ache to forget about her?"

"My child. Scar heals but it'll leave a mark on your body even if you put a lot of medicine to it. It's like heart aches. It will soon heal but still it will leave a mark on your life."

"I just hope I could forget about him."

"Soon. You will see. It takes time."

"yeah. Do you know what happened to your ex girlfriend after she got married?

"They had 2 children. One boy one girl. Her husband died 5 years ago. And she's about to get married again tomorrow and this time to me.


"we're getting married tomorrow."

"Oh my gosh...... I mean congratulations..... You're getting married to her."

"Yup. I am. Tomorrow I will be out on the market."

"Yes. You are."

"Would you like to go to our wedding?"

"huh? me? ani....."

"it's okay... You can go.... I'll introduce you to my wife tomorrow."

"uh... I'm not sure if I can go."

"Please come. I'll wait for you Miss?"

"Yeejin... Cho Yeejin."

"Cho Yeejinshii.... Please come to my wedding tomorrow. It will be nice to have you on the day that I'll be marrying the love of my life."

"Oh.... uhm.... Okay. I will."


Hello.... Thank you for subscribing to this story. Hopefully you'll stay with me till the end.... Thanks. <3 <3 <3

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Chapter 12: please update soon! you're writing it well!
Chapter 14: keep going!!
igh this is soo cute~ and ur chapters are totally not boring ^_^
Not boring at all, excited for the next chapter.
bianka1 #5
not boring at all!I love it :) and I love how often you update :))
omg i can so relate i love this story update soon!!!!!!!!!!!
where's my chapter 11? T_T I uploaded it. Then its gone... Have to re write it again...
SadisticSinner #8
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