Chapter 11

Against All Odds

Eunhyuk pointed a fork at Hyoyeon and asked, “How about you?”

The two girls looked at each other & Hyoyeon had to quickly think of a lie because in reality, dancing is what she’s really in to—certainly not music. The blonde girl stuttered as her heart beats picked up its speed, “M-My family.. We’re j-just naturally inclined t-to m-music.”

“Aish, Hyoyeon-ah! You’re not a pretty good liar!” Tiffany screamed inside her head, throwing a subtle glance at her friend.

The two men nodded, completely fooled.

“I see,” Eunhyuk inaudibly mumbled before turning to Tiffany. He pried, “Tiffany, from what I heard, you were from the Dance Department..?” It was that type of statement that required Tiffany to tell more about herself.

Tiffany swallowed her bite before informing the two men, “Yes, I was originally enrolled in the Broadway Section of Dance Dep but I asked the registrar’s office for a transfer because of.. some reasons.”

“Wow! A double threat!” Donghae hooted comically.

A hint of redness found its way to Tiffany’s cheeks from Donghae’s compliment. She tried to change the topic, “Donghae you promised me a story, remember?”

“I did?” Donghae’s eyes widened.



“If it’s not too intrusive for me to ask, who were you on the phone with?” Donghae asked cautiously AFTER Tiffany got off the phone.

“A friend who recently came back from America.”

Tiffany’s answer flooded Donghae’s mind with memories of Sooyeon. Jung Sooyeon who was separated from him because she was sent to America.

“America,” Donghae muttered under his breath.

“What’s with it?” Tiffany noticed Donghae’s change in mood.

“I’ll tell you someday, I promise,” Donghae sat up straight.



“Ah! I remember now!” Donghae squeaked while he snapped his fingers.


Eunhyuk gently nudged Donghae’s shoulder and teased, “Yah! Don’t be selfish and tell us, too!”

Hyoyeon who was so absorbed by the two guy’s childishness just wordlessly tilted her head to the side in anticipation for Donghae’s next words.

Donghae cupped a hand over his mouth and whispered to Eunhyuk, “It’s about Sooyeon.”

Knowledgeable that this is a touchy and sensitive topic, Eunhyuk behaved like a little boy.

Starting, Donghae spoke, “I promised Tiffany that I’ll tell her a story.”

“About America,” Tiffany added enthusiastically.

“Well, not really,” Donghae said, half-smiling, “Three years ago, there was this girl..” He cleared his throat as it instantly dried, an indication that he still was not fully ready to open this topic up like he did not care for a tiny bit because in fact, he still does.

Hyoyeon politely and innocently asked Donghae, who was now the center of the other three’s attention. “What’s your relationship with her?”

After audibly drawing in a deep breath, Donghae answered, “She was my girlfriend.”

Eunhyuk, who already knew about this whole story just kept quiet as he finished his meal. “Was,” he silently chuckled.

After taking his last bite, Donghae elaborated, “We broke up because she left for America..” He bitterly laughed and continued, “Well, to be exact, she was forcefully sent to America by her parents. Sadly, a long distance relationship is out of the question at that time.”

“How sad,” Hyoyeon pouted, sincerely sympathetic of Donghae.

“That’s it? Have you talked to her since then?” Tiffany, who was also finished eating now, asked.

Eunhyuk butted in & answered for his friend, “No.”

Donghae wore a blank expression and mumbled, “Unfortunately..”

“Looks like someone has not moved on~” Hyoyeon teasingly sang, pointing at Donghae.

Eunhyuk, who was seating across the blonde girl did a high-five with her and laughed along.

“Fortunately for me,” Donghae said, “Someone’s been helping me to move on and forget her.” He absent mindedly played with a crumpled napkin he used to wipe his mouth.

Another faint blush found its way on Tiffany’s cheeks as the awkwardness of the situation overwhelmed her. “The bill, please!” she said as she raised a hand, signaling for the waiter to attend to them.

When the waiter had finally arrived with the bill, the two boys quickly took out their money and paid for their meal before Tiffany and Hyoyeon could bring out their wallets.

Hyoyeon quietly said, “We could’ve pitched in.”

“Ani! That’s nothing!” Eunhyuk pointed, reassuring the girls.

“But still..” Tiffany mumbled.

“Yah,” Donghae spoke up, “it’s bad enough that we rode in your car going here. It’ll be embarrassing to let you two pay, right, Eunhyuk?”



After a few minutes of walking around and window shopping, Hyoyeon asked, “What do you want to do next, guys?”

Tiffany who was clinging on to her friend’s arm added, “Since you two boys did us the favor of paying for our meals, you choose!”

Eunhyuk and Donghae looked at each other for a second as though they already have some kind of mutual agreement as to where they want to go next. “THE ARCADE!” they yelled with much enthusiasm.

“Aigoo, so childish,” Hyoyeon giggled, shaking her head.

“And sooo embarrassing,” Tiffany laughed with her friend.

As soon as they arrived to the boys’ paradise which is also called an arcade, Donghae and Eunhyuk quickly ran off to a Token Vending Booth after stating, “We’ll go buy the tokens!”

As the young men took their time, the two girls looked around.

“It’s so noisy here,” Tiffany complained in a whisper to Hyoyeon’s ear.

Hyoyeon playfully slapped her friend’s arm and pointed, “What do you expect? This is not a library, Miyoung-ah.”

Just then, the boys arrived.

“So, which one do you want to play first?” Eunhyuk giddily asked.

Donghae was quick to answer, “I’m gonna go play car racing there.” He pointed to one corner of the arcade as though he already knew what he wanted beforehand.

As soon as she heard Donghae’s statement, Tiffany clapped and agreed, “I want that, too!” Her phenomenal eye smile was showing, a treat for Donghae who was surprised and happy at the same time at Tiffany’s words.

Almost immediately, the two ran off to the corner where they will be playing the agreed on game.

“But--” Hyoyeon tried to get Tiffany’s attention but the girl has already gone with Donghae.

Suddenly, Eunhyuk grabbed her arm and yanked her towards a different game. “You’re coming with me,” Eunhyuk told her with a smile that showed his gums, as he pulled her along.

Hyoyeon, dazed, wordlessly allowed the man to do so.

“Now we,” Eunhyuk said as they stopped at their tracks, “are going to play this one!” He was pointing to a dance game.

“A dance game?!” Hyoyeon thought, “Great. Just great.” Playing a dance game will just give her a larger possibility of blowing her own cover.

As Eunhyuk stepped up on the dancing platform, he started selecting a song and called on Hyoyeon, “Come! Come!”

Hesitantly and nervously, Hyoyeon stepped up on it, too. “Oh, might as well have some fun, too,” she thought.

“It’s starting!” Eunhyuk screamed excitedly as slowly, an upbeat music amplified around them. He counted, “5-6-7-8!”



Tiffany bounced on her seat and squealed as she raced against Donghae, “Eomo! Eomona!”

“Bye~” Donghae teasingly sang as his car went past Tiffany’s.

“I’ll catch you,” the girl said in between her teeth as she stepped on the gas and zoomed on.

As Tiffany’s pink car in the game went ahead of his in a second, Donghae let out a defeated scream, “NOOOO!” He tried to catch up but the race has ended.

“I won! I won!” Tiffany jumped up and down as she stuck a tongue out to the loser Donghae. “You race like a girl,” she laughed, patting her tummy.

Donghae tried to force out a laugh after his defeat and said the ever so famous excuse, “I just went easy on you.”

“Then prove it!” Tiffany sat back & challenged Donghae.

“Oh, it’s on!” the man agreed, smiling confidently.


Somewhere on the other end of the arcade, a crowd was gathering around to watch two players compete in a game.

“They’re such good dancers,” complimented a random girl who watched who she thought was a couple, playing the only dance game inside the arcade.

Eunhyuk was sweating & Hyoyeon was almost out of breath.

“What?” Hyoyeon asked Eunhyuk while still looking at the screen when she noticed that the man kept on stealing glances of her during the course of the game.

Embarrassed, Eunhyuk shifted his gaze back to the game and stuttered, “N-Nothing.”

“My legs hurt,” Hyoyeon whined.

“Then give up!”

“Never!” Hyoyeon refused. She was having fun enough to endure the pain her legs were feeling. Too much fun, that is, as she had also forgotten her plot to keep her dancing abilities from Eunhyuk a secret.


“GYAHHHHH!” Tiffany celebrated for defeating Donghae the second time around. “I won again!”

“Aish!” Donghae complained. “Are you sure you’re a girl?” he asked her jokingly.

The gleeful girl giggled then answered, “You’re just lame! Now, you owe me one!”

“Mwoh?! We never made a bet! Who ever told you that I owed you?”

“I DID!” Tiffany said in a stubborn yet cute manner as she skipped away, forcing Donghae to run and catch up with her.

As they kept a steady pace, Donghae asked, “Where are the other two?”

Tiffany opened to answer but was interrupted when a familiar voice called on to her name—Hyoyeon’s.


Donghae and Tiffany turned around and saw their other companions running towards them.

As soon as the four of them were gathered, the two boys suddenly turned quieter than expected.

“I defeated him!” Tiffany pointed at Donghae.

“So did I!” Hyoyeon cheered.

Donghae asked, “Which game did you play?”

“A dance game!” Hyoyeon answered.

“YOU DEFEATED THE DANCING MACHINE EUNHYUK ON A DANCE GAME?!” Donghae gaped at Hyoyeon who still have a hangover from defeating Eunhyuk.

Naughtily, Hyoyeon nodded.

A few more minutes were spent as they submerged themselves in the carefree world offered by the arcade. It was only around 6:30PM that they had decided to call it a night and head back to their dorms.


The four people were obviously tired but the feeling of satisfaction and enjoyment dominated their hearts as they arrived back at their dorm building.

Hyoyeon bowed, “I really had fun today. Thanks, Eunhyuk-ah, Donghae-ah.”

“So did we,” Eunhyuk said, “Thank you for the time, too!” Bowing back, he flashed a sincere smile to the two girls who they can now call their newfound friends.

“Someone owes me a favor,” Tiffany butted in, rubbing her triumph on Donghae’s face.

The man whom Tiffany was pertaining to, laughed and said, “That was self-proclaimed, though.” Then he turned serious, “Anyhow, I had a great time, thanks you, ladies!”

“Same here,” Tiffany smiled.

The four people waved goodbye before going to their respective rooms. It had obviously been a tiring day for all of them.


“Things are getting better and I hope it will stay this way,” Donghae thought to himself as he lay on his bed with a smile on his face.


As she put on her pajamas, Tiffany whispered to herself, “I guess I was wrong about us. We can have fun while being around each other, after all.”


“I can’t comprehend how she can be an amateur but beat me in dancing,” Eunhyuk asked in his mind as he stared at the ceiling above him.


After splashing a good amount of water on her face, Hyoyeon sighed, “I can’t believe I let my guard down. But what scares me more is that no bad memories of Lee Junho entered my mind while I was dancing with him. Not even a single painful memory of him.”

I UPDATED! FINALLY! I’ve been waiting for myself to update this story, too! Teeheehee! :D Again, sorry for letting you guys wait so long for this one. This chappie has so much fluff in it and I hope you guy’s love it! All their feelings are gaining momentum! >:D By the way, if you guys have time, participate in the poll below, too, yes?  THANKS and YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! I can’t believe you’re enduring my slow updates.. Tell me what you think about the story, too, okay? SARANGHAEYO! ^^

Currently, I'm writing three (oh yes, three) stories all at the same time so, readers, i hope you'll continue to put up with my sloooooow updates. You, guys, are really really good at enduring me and my poor updates/writing. Teeheehe :D Anyway, if you have the time, feel free to check out my latest fanfic. It's a HaeFany minifanfic entitled Game Over, a prequel-sequel-special to another previous work of mine (Destiny's Game) and I still have not published it's first chappie.

Click HERE if you would like to have a preview of Game Over, the latest HaeFany minifanfic of yours truly :)


@PeekyWinnie. hihihihi! :D thank you and brace yourself, dear, because he'll be having more appearances than usual starting on the next chapter. SORRY ABOUT THAT! /evil laugh

@HeeSicaLin. kekeke~ don't worry! i love love love EunHae, too! it's not weird! :) but I also agree, HYOYHYUK FTW! right? /wink i hope you enjoyed this chapter!

@adindaoktvnr. here's what you've been waiting for, dearie!~ thanks for the compliment and leave a comment again, arasseoyo? no pressure! LOL :D

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AGAINST ALL ODDS: I locked then unlocked my last chapter update because I added a little something in the AUTHOR'S NOTE below.. Please do check it out!~ /wink


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Chapter 1: please update soon
Chapter 1: Waah you reply my comment. So happy kekeke~ I need another chapter so baaaad. I love this story^^
plushieplush #3
cute story! update soon~ hwaiting author unnie >.-
Chapter 11: It more complex than destiny's game. Uuugj I hate gyuri in here
XxKay-NiixX #5
Chapter 11: Unnie~ Guess who's ba-ack?? XD Hi unnie!! It's been a while huh? I was so glad that when I logged in I found that your story got updated!! TWICE!! Thanks for the updates unni Your writing is, and always will be JJANG!! ♥
daebaak. i'll wait for the next chapter^^
HeeSicaLin #7
OMG I really love EunHae!!!!!! It weird right but i still like them but still not as powerful as HYOHYUK is!!!!!!
PeekyWinnie #8
Is okay ^^ Wow.... JunHo appear le ehh -.-
PeekyWinnie #9
Gomawo for the update. ^^ Hwaiting!!! :D
HeeSicaLin #10
When will Eunhyuk realizes that his Hyosookie is already infront of him??? What a pabo he is!! kekekekeke... peace no war!!!