A fun day with Infinite (Part I)

Our Special one

Chapter 40: A fun day with Infinite (Part I)



(A/N: This is a long chapter Goooys! *Winks*)

Eventually, you are being drag by the Infinite members everywhere they go. You dont really understand your brothers because they let you to come everywhere Infinite is.

"Yah! Let go!." You said and struggled.

But seems they dont hear you because they are busy bickering each other. You just sighed and blow your bangs non-stop. Your not really in the mood today.

"So now, where are we going?." Myungsoo said and stop walking which all stop.

"Mall." Sungjong shrugged.

"Idiot, we are now in the mall." Dongwoo said and look at Sungjong.

"Okay! I'm sorry! So serious." Sungjong said sarcastly and rolled his eyes.

"Really? Why are we here?." You said.

"Nothing particular." Sungyeol said.

"Let's go to that store!" Woohyun said and drag all in the store.

"Let's go there Baemin-ah!." Sungjong said and drag you.

Now your in a clothing shop that is really known for dresses and clothes that are totally casual and it's famous in Paris and also famous in teenagers these days. While your passing in some girls, they would usually say that Sungjong is totally cute and they would say that you two are cute.

"Yaaah! There are many cute and handsome guys in that area!." Ont of them said and pointed at the other infinite members direction.

"Where?! Where?!." The girls starts to run and the other one bump into you and made you fall and the other one is the worst, the girl step on your finger accidentally but didnt notice that she step on your finger.

"OUCH!." You screamed and the other infinite became alarmed and run towards your direcetion.

"OMO! What happend?!." Sungyu said and bend towards you.

"AISH! Get out of my way." You said and stood up but cant stand properly. Woohyun helped you and look at the cashier and snap his hands.

"Mind if you clear this mall for only for this day?." Woohyun said.

"Arrasso Mr.Nam, anything else?." The cashier said.

"An Ice pack would be nice." He smiled and look at you.

"Are you okay?." Sungyeol said and came with an chair.

"I'm okay, It's just sting alittle." You said and sat down.

"Are you sure?." Dongwoo said and gave you the Ice pack.

"Yap. Anyways, Woohyun why did you clear the mall for this day?." You said and look at Woohyun.

"I own this mall." Woohyun said.

"Really?" You said.

"Impressed much?." Woohyun smirked.

"Not really." You smirked.

"But why?." Woohyun said.

"Nothing." You shrugged and remembered their family background.

"Let's go try some dress." Hoya said.

"PUAHAHA! Your gonna wear a dress?!." Myungsoo said and laugh.

"Mind if you shut up. BTW, Yes you changed but your still dumb." Hoya said rolled his eyes.

"Still meanie as ever." Myungsoo pouted and trailed at Hoya.

"YAH!" Sungjong starts to push you with many dress.

"This is going to be fun!." Sungjong said and put a dress in your hands and pushed you again in the dressing room.


While they're busy trying out clothes, suddenly Sungjong screamed.

"Yaah! You are sooo preetay!." Sungjong said.

You were glaring at Sungjong with pure hatred because he made you wear PINK!. Of all the colors, WHY PINK?!.

"I.HATE.YOU." You hissed.

You didn't notice that everyone was looking with you with an amuse face.

*I can believe this! Am I sick?!.*  Sungjong and secretly held his chest.

*! Stop staring! You can be noticed Idiot!* Sungyu thought and start to heat his head.

*DANG! This girl do know how to look y too?!.* Woohyun said and bit his lip and turn away.

*OMOOOOOO! (melts)* Dongwoo said and fanned himself.

*YAH! Lee Howon! What are you looking at?!?! Do you want to be called ert? Just look away like nothing has happend!* Hoya said to himself and sighed to control his self.

*AAAAAAAAISH! What is this BAEMIN DOING TO MEEE?! She's making me Insane!.* Myungsoo look at you with an unsure look.

"What the heck are you looking at?." Woohyung narrowed his eyes to Myungsoo.

"Nothing. Psh." Myungsoo said and turned away.

"So, I'll buy this dress just for you. " Sungjong said and took out his wallet.

"Oh! No need, I don't wear this kind of dress." You said and scratch you neck.

"No, you'll need it, we are going somewhere today." He winked.

"Yah, Don't you think I have to many pink in my body right now?." You said unsure.

"Nah! It's okay, It suits you anyways." Sungyu said and maid you look at the mirror.

"Damn. Who is that girl?." Dongwoo joked.

"Hey, By the way, Wear this. " Woohyun gave you a heels.

http://www.heelshield.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/BrianAtwoodmaniacpinkpatentPumps5805.jpg   http://www.nicolafinetti.com/eboutique/2622/curved-peplum-pink-dress.jpg


"Hey guys? Where are we going?." You said as you where being blindfold and go somewhere that you don't know.

"Shesh. We are almost there." Sungjong said and escorted you. You don't hear the others but you can hear the nighty sounds.

"Okay, I want you to take of the blindfold." Sungjong whispered, which tickles you alittle and you littly blush.

You took of the blindfold and stared in awe in the scenary. You covered your mouth because it was to beautiful. You could hear Sungjong chuckle.


"Yah, Who are you planning to take here?." You said and narrowed you eyes at Sungjong.

"Hmmm. I Don't know yet. I would just like you to have dinner with me." Sungjong awkwardly smiled.

"TSS. Are you planning to confess in here?." You said.

"Hmmm. Like I said, I still don't know. So do you wanna have dinner?." Sungjong said.

"Oh, Okay. But make it sure that this food is yummy, if not your dead." You said and both of you sat.

You look around while waiting for the foods. And you saw the side of the garden, It has an light there.


Hours passed, You enjot eating with Sungjong and Laughing with him.

"Oh. It's time." He smiled and stood up.

"What time?." You said.

"Nothing." He stood behind you and put the blindfold again.

"YAH. What was that for?." You said. You could sense that there wasn't anyone besides you.

"YAAAH! LE SUNGJONG!." You hissed. But you feel another presence next to you.

"Who are you?." You said.

"Hmmm. Can you guess?." You could remember that voice.

"Myungsoo?." You said

"EWWW. I wouldn't want to be that guy. EVER." He said and cringed of the thought.

"Well, Dongwoo?." You grinned.

"You guess it right. Would you like to come with me somewhere?." He said.

"Sure, but don't leave me there." You said.

~2o Minutes of walking~

"Are we there yet?." You panted.

"Yap, Here we go. " You could sense he was smiling.

"Okay okay! I'm gonna take this off now." He said and took of your blindfold.


You gaped at the scenario in front of you. You got really excited and pulled Dongwoo's hand and start to have fun.

After minutes of walking, you got tired and go to an food stand and start to order a bulgogi and a soda.

"Ah. That was fun." You said and strecth your hands.

"Fun, I was tired of walking." He panted but he notice you were rubbing your feet.

"Here's your order." The ahjumma smiled.

"Gomawo." You said and start to eat.

"Your not gonna eat?." You stare at Dongwoo.

"Sure, I'm gonna eat." He said and chew down the food.


"Ahh! So full!." You said and smiled.

"Yeah, so let's go before it's time." He said.

"Where are we going?." You tilted your head.

"Walking." He said.

"Ah." You nodded.

While walking, you could your feet is in deep sting, stop for a while and crouched alittle.

"What's wrong?." Dongwoo got worried at you. He had an bright idea.

"Baemin-ah, Come on." Dongwoo crouched down.

"Mwo?." You curiously said.

"Aish." He scoop you two legs on his arms and piggyback you.

"Are you happy today?" Dongwoo look at you.

"Yes, why?." You smiled and rested your head on Dongwoo's shoulder.

"Nothing, I thought your not happy." He smiled and walki even slower because he dosen't want this time would end.

"You? Are you happy?." You look at him.

"I'm always happy but when I met someone, I became more happy." He said and smiled at you.

You two had a long paused, until his phone ring, he look at it and got alittle dissapointed.

"It's time." He said and forcefully smiled.

"What time again?." You said.

"I'm gonna blindfold you again." He smiled sadly.


Okaaaaay guys! Sorry I havent been updating since last week, Sorry about that! *bows 90 degree* do you wanna hear my silly explination?

Because our laptop had a virus, so no one can use it because it's broken. POOOOOR LIFE! But today, my grandparents gave us new! :D YEAH! PARTEYYYY PARTEYYYY! *starts jumping up and down. Okay, enough with silliness and go to the main point.


Okay, bak to the story, do you like this chapter, well, I'm doing the others this moment. Sungjong and Dongwoo is done. 2 down, 5 to gooooooo! :D


Today's Gif time is sponsored by the main creator, so, this gifs dosent belong to me. CREDITS TO  THE RIGHTFUL AND THOUGHTFUL OWNER! WOHOOOOO! :D



(With the greasy NAMUUU)

(Flying Kiss! *o*)


(Cant help but to notice NAMUUU! XD CAMWHORE! XD Oh! Key! :D)



unf-initizing:  115 /∞ Dongwoo body

(Our optimistic Dongwooo)

(Oh Namu! In this Gif time, always around! TSK TSK!)




(Ohh How I wish this would land into my house! XD)

Okaaaay guys! This is it for this chapter! I hope you enjoy it! :D

I Melt you down like Ice cream! XD I'm so crazzzy! XD

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Don't worry, I don't bite! *Winks*




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Chapter 65 is out ! ~ :)


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