
Forever Yours

You were beaten again. Tears stained your rosy cheeks as you did you best to put yourself together again. This happened every night whenever my brother had a little too much to drink or wanted to express just how "mighty" he is as king You were one his most prized possessions. And yet, you were treated like dirt. There would be times he would send you to the dungeons to have your punished or you if you talked back at him. Your attitude wasn't like any other maidens that do their best to please him.

"Brother, calm down. You had too much to drink," I finally stepped in one night when he started biting your neck in front of me.

"Don't be jealous," he slurred, pulling your hair back as you whimpered in pain. There were still bruises around your wrists and neck from the night before. It hurt to see that my brother can be so full of violence. Our nation would be doomed if he spread this evil to the people. "Do you want a turn? Have her." He tossed you and your tattered silk dress to me like some doll.

Quickly, I gathered your dresses and covered your wounded body. I did my best not to make any eye contact with you, but I could feel the gratefulness and relief from your stare.

My head turned to the servants standing aside, "Send her to her room. Have the maids tend to her wounds."

"She doesn't need any pampering," my brother muttered to me as he took another bottle of sake and drank it whole.

Ignoring his temper, I signaled them to take you away immediately. You looked back at me one more time (this time, I did look) and witnessed your sad smile. It was beautifully painful. I wanted the pain in your expression to change; to stop. It ached my heart. I facade my feelings and tended to my brother.

"You know," he mumbled, "she doesn't love me."

"What do you mean? You're king. Any woman in her right mind would love you if they were in her position," it was odd to see him so hurt. I took a swig of sake.

"But she's different. I don't mean to hurt her, I just get aggravated because I don't know what she likes...what she wants. Would you ask for me? If she talks to someone else, maybe I can understand what she wants." My brother began to beg. It was completely unlike him to ask for a favor.

With a clear mind, I swore to myself that I would keep his favor clean and without any secrets. I wanted him to be happy.

"Alright, I'll do it." My smile was a promise to do my duty and nothing more.


Beads of sweat seeped down my forehead and to my neck. My heart was racing with adrenaline. It took a few minutes to calm down. The flashbacks were painful. The more I spend time with you, the more I remember. It's not like I've forgotten, but it's like my mind is replaying these scenes in my head so I wouldn't make any mistakes. There were so many.

My feet began to move on their own as I walked into the bathroom and washed up. Today was the day I was going to meet you at the café.

Pushing all the memories aside, I smiled at myself in the mirror and spent the rest of the morning picking out what to wear. I stayed casual. A pair of navy-colored jeans and a plaid shirt on top. I brushed my teeth at least five times and used the mouthwash thrice then I spent a good twenty minutes picking out what cologne to put on and what shoes to match with my outfit. It's been a long time since I cared about what I wear.

Ever since you came into my life, I wanted to appear approachable and handsome. In this life, I was given (apparently) a handsome body and gorgeous face (some women, I've come across, say).

Before I stepped out of the apartment, I took one good look at myself. Through the mirror, I see myself and many forms of myself from my past lives. From the early dynasties, to WWI (and II), to the '70s...and several inbetween. I cleared my thoughts. Everything was going to be alright. I was going to make you remember. Remember the several confessions for my love to you, the times I took a bullet for you, the times I spent with you, regardless. I smiled to myself, "This'll be a good day."


You finally spoke to me after I accompanied you to the garden.

"What do you want from me? Did the king send you to watch me?" You furrowed your brows at me, the fan covering your mysterious lips.

"You could say so, but it was also because I want to know more about you. You are my brother's favorite maiden. I must keep you happy." I gave you a small smile.

"Your smile does no justice. I cannot trust you," you turned away, frustrated.

"My fair maiden, I apologize," surprised by your response. "If my smile makes you unhappy then I will not smile."

"You appear more like the king's puppet than his brother. Why do you care so much about the barbaric king?"

You removed the fan away from your face. I finally get to see what you look like. My brother was right, you were a beauty. Like morning grass, you smelled sweet and succulent; like dark honey, your eyes burned a nebulous amber; like bloody roses, your lips were crimson. I can see the bruises around your neck, the cut on your lips, and the tears welled up in your eyes. Such a beautiful, yet excruciating sight.

"Be true to yourself. That is all that matters," you muttered before walking away.

My heart felt warm.


As I was making my way to the café, I saw you from around the corner. My heart told me to call you out from across the street, but my mind went blank when I saw you weren't alone.

There was a man you were walking along side with. You were smiling at him, talking to him, laughing with him. All of a sudden, pain rushed into my head and I grabbed hold of the streetlight pole. The two of you continued to walk towards the direction of the café.

And like he knew I was watching, he turned his head towards me. He was all in black, and just like his heart, he had dark intentions. He smiled at me with such disdain before he focused his attention on you. How did you know it was me? Reuniting so soon, you don't even know who he really is.

"Brother." I breathed out.

From that point on, it was going to take everything I had to protect you.


Author's Note: Third chapter, yay! I feel like I'm boring everyone. Maybe it was a bad idea to write stories...Ah, but I can't keep these imaginations bottled up. I might as well write. I hope you all like it. Please leave comments telling me what you think about this story so far. Also, subscribe if you like it! That'd be great! Thank you for reading! Until next time. (PS: The >>> indicate time and settin difference. This chapter continuously goes back and forth from the past to the present. Hope that clears up any confusion!)

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MindoverMatter #1
I'm quite interested in what's going to happen. I also love the way you write. Your style is easy to follow and comprehend.

As a reader I can appreciate that in an author. I'm officially captivated with the story and whatever that plot has to offer.
@pinkalicious: Thank you! Please do! (:
this sounds really interesting!!! haven't read it yet but i will do it tomorrow! :D