The Bird Man

Forever Yours

There isn't much I know about you.

Around three o'clock, you come by the café today with a book in your hand and a few other things (usually depends on how you're feeling and what day). In fact, you come by the café every day.

Mondays through Wednesdays, you usually bring your studies with you. From this distance, I assumed you to be an art major with the tattered shirts and messy paints all over your pants. Your hair is usually tied back into a messy bun and you have black, thick-rimmed glasses on. In the café, you take a seat in the corner by the glass window. While you're drawing or painting in your sketchbook, you order a cappuccino and a sugar cookie. You work hard on these days, ignoring your surroundings. There's this intense concentration from your eyes to the blank paper that you always have. I wonder all the time what you're imagining, what you put on the paper, what it took for you to notice me.

Thursdays are when you spend time with your friends. You seem to only have a few close ones; they were always the same bunch. Your hair would usually be in a loose pony tail and your outfit would be clean and appealing. You never try too hard to look noticeable. A glass of lemonade and a croissant was what you always order on Thursdays, sometimes a blueberry scone (but that's rare). Your makeup is light; natural. You're easy on the eyes when you're with your friends. When you laugh, I would want to know what it was that made you brighten the whole café.

Fridays and Saturdays are actually the days when you work at the café. From the start of the day to the end, always greeting the customers with a warm smile. I catch myself smiling sometimes across the street. I wonder why I haven't gone into the café yet to introduce myself. Maybe I was nervous. But it wasn't the first time I've met you. Your hair is braided neatly. Your uniform consists of a white dress shirt and a black skirt with matching black heels and bow tie. The café isn't much of an extravagant place, but it does give off a sophisticated vibe with the formally dressed waiters and waitresses. I'm seeing all sides of you.

And Sundays, like today, you're dressed up however you feel like you are with a book in your hand (sometimes you bring your camera) and you spend the rest of the day reading. I wish I knew what you read, to at least get a taste of what kind of person you are in this lifetime. I love you the most on Sundays. It's like seeing the real you. Natural, fresh, and crisp like morning dew. Your hair is down; bangs cascading your forehead with loose curls trailing behind your back, falling off your shoulders. Your eyes are soft and your lips readily become redder the more you bit them from either laughing at what you're reading or from suspense of what'll happens next in the novel.

What will our story be like, I wonder.

In this life there isn't much to say about me. Across the café is my place of business. I've had a fascination with birds, as long as I could remember (birds also took a liking to me). So I took the opportunity to become an entrepreneur and built a store that sells a variety of birds. Beautiful colors and excitement in each bird, I study their actions and focus on their wings as they stretch them every morning. It's not a popular business, I have; but it does enough to get me by.

My life only became more satisfying when I realized I found you.

It was about two years ago. When I was strolling around town to find a place for my store. I had a swallow on my shoulder, brightly red cheeks and black wings. With a few whispers, I told it my sweet secrets like succulent honey. My mind was so blank, so empty because I was missing you. It consumed me so much, I didn't watch were I was walking that I bumped into you in front of the store that I can call is now mine.

"Oomph!" I heard a voice below me as I took a step back from the impact.

Things fell to the ground. The swallow on my shoulder flew off. I stared at it until it disappeared into the sky. I yearned to feel that freedom from this horrible curse of mine. My thoughts finally collected together as I kneeled down to pick up the dirty paintbrushes off the pavement. That's when I felt the forever tight feeling in my chest let loose when my eyes met yours. It was you. I found you.

"I'm sorry," you apologized, "I don't know where I was looking. I hope I didn't ruin your suit."

There was a streak of a deep crimson paint on my shirt, I noticed. You saw it too and began to apologize again. I couldn't say a word to you, I just froze. You took the paintbrushes from my hand, your skin barely touching mine; it was electrifying. You proceeded to give me your handkerchief. I wasn't sure what you said, it was like my ears were deaf at the time. All I could hear was my heart beating louder and louder into my thoughts. Then you ran off, across the road and into the café.

That's when I knew, I had to take the empty store across from you. My guts told me hold onto this life a little longer. Because now I have you in my life and that's all that mattered. But since then, life has yet to give me an opportunity to talk to you.

The birds today were quiet. Silently watching me just as I am watching you. In any given perspective, I must look like some kind of stalker. I told myself if I ever do get the chance to explain that I would apologize for acting like some creep. But how was I supposed to act around you? I can't just tell you that I love you. I'm a complete stranger in your eyes. I have to make you remember. Remember all the times we've spent together. How we met, how we fell in love, how things will become more complicated once you remember.

I thought about times when I could "accidentally" bump into you again, but I know I'm unnatural when it comes to acting. It was no use. I would just have to wait for an opening.

It was about time to feed the birds. I went to the back to bring out the bag of bird seeds. I spread a layer of it onto the wooden table in the corner of the store then I walked over and opened each and every one of their cages. They were always cautious at first, but once I ushered them to come and eat they all began to spread their wings and fly. It was good for them to relieve their stresses; being cooped up in their cages.

Fly, I thought. It was always a fascinating sight to see.

My moment with the birds was ruined when I heard the door open. The room became quiet all of a sudden as I turned around, ready to tell the customer that now wasn't the time to browse around. But the sun's rays were in my eyes and all I could see was a silhouette. My eyes adjusted and my heart stopped simultaneously as my eyes focused. You were breathing heavily with your eyes widened with full of excitement and curiosity.

"Do you," you paused for a second, catching your breath, "do you usually feed your birds like this?"

This was the opportunity! I can't let it slip through my hands. As calm as possible, I took a minute to look at the ground before I stared into your eyes with want, "Yes."

You smiled, even giggled a little. "I'm sorry to barge in like this, you just caught my eye when I looked out the window for a second. I just had to ask."

My body began to feel a little warm as I tugged on my collared shirt, "Yeah, well. I just think it's nice for them to be out for a while, you know?"

To feel free, yeah," you agreed. "Can I watch? Maybe take a few pictures if that's alright."

"I would be offended if you didn't," I grinned at you. You were a little nervous around me, I could tell. You tucked your hair behind your ears as you brought out your camera. You did your best to focus on the birds. This gave me a moment to breathe. You were finally in front of me. We were having a conversation. I just wanted to hold you in my arms and kiss you. I knew I had to restrain myself though. It wasn't the right time to do so.

"Maybe," I leaned in beside you and pointed at a different direction, "if you took a picture from this angle you'll get better lighting and color in your pictures."

"Y-you're right," you mumbled, shuffling over to the side and taking a snap. "Thank you."

"No problem," I walked over to the table to bring out more bird seeds to them. "Want to feed them?"

You rushed over, ecstatic. I poured a few grains into your hands. You were scared at first, but I held onto your wrists gently and slowly pulled your cupped hands towards the gathering of birds, carefully watching our every move. "Stay calm, and look warmly into your eyes. Greet them. Don't show any fear." I whispered into your ear.

One by one, the birds picked out the seeds from your hands. Your smile widened, brightening the dull store with your airy aura. I couldn't help but smile with you. Even if this wasn't the first time I met you, I still get anxious and shy.

"You're that guy I bumped into about two years ago, right?" You asked me, looking from the corner of your eyes.

"Yeah. How'd you know?" I asked. My happiness continued to grow the more I talked to you.

"You're actually quite famous at my school." You beamed coyly at me. "You were always at the park around the corner feeding the pigeons. Sometimes you would have bluebirds and swallows around you too! You were titled 'The Bird Man' at my school." You laughed a little. "And I have to admit, I did take pictures of you at the park. It was just breathtaking to watch. Sorry, I sound like a stalker."

So you knew me before then, I thought to myself. You've noticed me before I ever noticed you. This only made my heart grow fonder of you.

"What's your name?" I asked. I don't know if you could tell my eyes were mesmerized by your beauty, but your cheeks immediately flushed into a beautiful shade of pink.

"Jisoo." You paused before you asked, "What's yours?"

I chuckled. I wasn't quite prepared to say my name just yet. I feel like if I did, I would give away my identity and just tell you everything. "We'll just stick to the Bird Man for now."

You told me it was unfair. You even frowned a little. You wanted to know more about me, just as I wanted to know more about you. But now that we've finally met in this life, all we have left was time. I was going to make sure that every hour and every minute of it would be spent with you. You realized at this point I was teasing you and it provoked you to come back again the next day and the day before that. I can only hope our meanings in life will become clearer so we can soar into the sky with love and freedom just like that swallow two years ago.


Author's Note: So, first chapter is done. I hope all like it so far. Please leave comments or subscribe to this fanfiction if you like it! I'd like some real support for this story (that's what gets me motivated to continue it). Thank you for taking your timing reading the first chapter. It's much appreciated!

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MindoverMatter #1
I'm quite interested in what's going to happen. I also love the way you write. Your style is easy to follow and comprehend.

As a reader I can appreciate that in an author. I'm officially captivated with the story and whatever that plot has to offer.
@pinkalicious: Thank you! Please do! (:
this sounds really interesting!!! haven't read it yet but i will do it tomorrow! :D