90 days

92 days

In the whole entire world, I only have one friend, and that’s Yoon Bora. When I entered Myunghae High School, I believed that I shouldn’t make any friends as I had an illness, Lukemenia. I never hanged out with anyone and I had no friends. In other words, a loner. To me, friends are unnecessary, they are a huge bother. They help each other, they sabotage each other, they console each other and they fight with each other. You can respect them, you can compare yourself with them, you can confide in them and you can become jealous in them. You can’t buy them but you can use them whenever you need to. Friends? Who needs them. That all changed when I met Bora. She kept on inviting me to her house and always wanted to have lunch with me. When I asked her why she kept on inviting me to her house she replied with,

“Because we’re friends!” But I would always walk away and ignore her. Soon, she grew to me. I began to open up to her and even told her my sickness. When I told her, she tried her best not to cry, but soon tears were falling and snot was running out her nose. Ever since then, my only friend was Bora. Now I’m scared of making new friends, as I would have to leave them….very soon. Like last time, he who left me because of my illness.

When Ji Ahn woke up that morning, she wanted to tell Bora that she was sorry that she left so quickly. Ji Ahn also had to tell Bora that there was about 3 months left for Ji Ahn to live. Although they both knew that she was going to die sometime, but they never knew it would be this close. Ji Ahn tried to look for her phone only to find it missing. She hopped out of bed and walked downstairs only to bump into her mum who was just at the bottom of the stairs.

“Ji Ahn?” Her mother called.
“Yes?” Ji Ahn replied. 
“Do you want some tea?” Her mother asked.
“No.” Came her stern reply. Ji Ahn’s mother nodded and walked to the living room and sat on the couch and turned the TV on. Dad, obviously at work had left some money for Ji Ahn. Ji Ahn shoved the money into her pocket and reach for the home phone. She dialled her number and someone picked up.
“Hello?” Ji Ahn asked.
“Hi.” Came the deep voice.
“You have my phone.” She straightforwardly said.
“I know.” He replied.
“Can you give it back?” She said.
“Sure, meet me at the playground you were at yesterday.” He said as he hung up. Ji Ahn scoffed and walked upstairs to change. Suddenly she remembered the kiss. She kept her posture and tried not to blush. Wearing thick layers of clothing, she left the house while bidding goodbye to her mum.

Ji Ahn slowly walked to the playground she was at yesterday to see a man wearing black jeans and a thick coat. She walked towards and noticed he was the person who kissed her yesterday.
“Ahem.” She coughed.
“Hi.” He replied.
“Remember me?” He questioned.
“Yes, the pedo who kissed me yesterday. Can I have my phone back?” She asked.
“That was mutual! And no.” He whined.
“Unless you have a date with me.” He said as he smirked and held her phone up. Ji Ahn scoffed and nodded her head. She wanted this to be over and done with so she snatched her phone and asked,
“Where do you want to go?” Woohyun’s eyes lit up and he dragged Ji Ahn towards the bus stop and randomly hopped on any bus. They paid for their bus tickets and Woohyun followed Ji Ahn who walked towards the back of the bus.
“You know, I have your number, and you have mine.” Woohyun nudged.
“Great.” She sighed.

Woohyun and Ji Ahn ended up strolling the streets of Hongdae with chocolate ice creams in their hands. Woohyun walked Ji Ahn home and hugged her surprisingly. Ji Ahn stood there dumbfounded as Woohyun left go and ran away. Ji Ahn walked home and went straight to her room. She took her daily pills and a glass of water. She lay in bed and then started to blush madly. She couldn’t help but think she liked him.

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I might come back with a new story^^


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Chapter 8: omg!!! author-nim!!! this is so sad huhuhu i'm can stop crying now huhuhu T^T
Glad you guys like it^^
*wipes tear* the last sentence killed me
T.T SOOOOOOOOOO SAD!!! I'm like crying!
Soo sad!! At least i know that Woohyun would love a girl even if she passes away ^^
@Wind_Flower: Sorry if it's so confusing! It was more like brother-sister love but nothing more(: Does that make sense? LOL
Wind_Flower #7
I don't get it? so Ji Ahn was in love in with zelo and woohyun at the same time???
watermelonmystery #8
watermelonmystery #9