91 Days

92 days

“How are you today?” Doctor Lee asked.
“Fine, thank you, and you?” She replied as she sat up on the bed.
“I’m doing just fine.” Doctor Lee smiled while he ticked off something on the clipboard.
“I think you should be able to get out of this hospital tomorrow.” He continued.
“Thank you.” She smiled as she clapped her palms together. The doctor laughed and he walked out of the rooms with two nurses wearing skirts just below their knees followed him while giving a small wave back.

“Ji Ahn?” Someone murmured as he walked in wearing the same clothing as her, opened the door and let himself in. She smiled back at him and gave a small wave.
“How are you doing today Zelo?” She spoke.
“I’m good!” He exclaimed as he skipped towards her and sat on her bed.
“I’m getting out tomorrow.” She whispered, but loud enough for him to hear. Zelo hesitated and finally managed to say some important words,
“I love you. These words that I can’t say, I can finally say them now.” He murmured.
“I love you too…” She replied.
“But not in that way…. I love you so so so much, but only as a brother.” She continued as she placed a small kiss on his cheek. They leaned their foreheads together and a small tear trickled down her eye.

Ji Ahn packed her bags, and her mother collected her from the hospital. Her father, who was running late, finally arrived in a sliver car and helped moving the luggage in the trunk.
“I already said bye to Zelo.” She said as she got into the car. Her parents nodded and sat in the car. It was a 30min ride home. It wasn’t boring as she had her phone and iPod with her. Her parents did not say a word as they knew what will happen to Ji Ahn. Ji Ahn and Doctor Lee have been really close ever since Ji Ahn first arrived at the hospital, when she was 10 years old. She is now turning 16, but her life is already ending. Due to her sickness, she cries everyday to sleep. She can’t do anything anymore. 

“Ji Ahn…?” Doctor Lee carefully called my name.
“Yes?” She replied.
“You have about 3 months.” He said.
“To live?” Ji Ahn asked.
“Yes, we can’t do anything anymore. So, you can leave the hospital and have some freedom for the rest of remaining life.” He said as he tried to hold back his tears. 

Finally, Ji Ahn arrived at her house. The smell of home and her mum’s cooking whiffed through the air as she walked in. Her dad, carrying her luggage from the hospital walked inside and placed her bags in the living room.
“It’s been a while.” Ji Ahn whispered.
“It has.” Her dad sniffed. Ji Ahn looked at her dad and they both started tearing up. Soon, her mum and they were hugging each other, crying.
“Live life to the fullest.” Her mum whispered in her ear.
“I will.” She replied as she gave both her parents a hug.

That night, Ji Ahn went to her bedroom upstairs and straight away unpacked her luggage. There were millions of photos of her and Zelo, mostly in the hospital as they could not leave the hospital. Sometimes they would sneak out, but to be caught eventually. She put one photo in a small frame and placed it on her brown smooth table. She finished unpacking and walked downstairs when she could smell bean paste soup her mum was making. Ji Ahn walked into the kitchen and gave her mum a back hug. Her mum giggled and motioned for her to sit down and get ready to have lunch.
“You’re going to school on Monday.” Ji Ahn’s mum said as she placed a bowl of rice on the table.
“Okay.” She answered as she took a bite of rice. Ji Ahn had time in the hospital, so she spent that time studying. I guess you could call her a study bug. With whatever time she had, she would spend it on studying. Ji Ahn finished her food and walked back upstairs after helping with the dishes.

She opened her mobile phone and began to call her best friend.
“Hi Bora.” She said over the phone.
“Oh my god, it’s Ji Ahn!” She shouted, which made Ji Ahn pull away from her phone.
“You don’t have to scream.” Ji Ahn teased.
“Sorry.” She replied trying to hide her excited voice.
“How are you feeling?” She continued. Bora was Ji Ahn’s best friend who knew about Ji Ahn’s sickness. She wasn’t over protective; neither she wasn’t those girls who party all the time. Just... normal.
“I’m feeling good. Can I come over?” Ji Ahn asked gently.
“Of course! Do you want me to pick you up?” Bora offered.
“No, I can get there myself.” She replied.
“Okay then. I’ll wait for you! Bye!” Bora answered as they both hung up. Ji Ahn walked downstairs after wearing blue jeans, a blue top and a warm cardigan. She told her parents she was going out and took her phone and purse with her. She wore her purple boots and walked out of the house. It was cold outside as winter just started. Ji Ahn walked past the playground while taking in the scenery.

She decided to buy some snacks to Bora’s house so she visited the convenience store. As she walked in, she bumped into someone.
“Ow.” She winced.
“Sorry, are you okay?” A deep male voice asked. He offered a hand to help pick her up, but she stood up and walked inside the convenience store, ignoring him which left the male dumbfounded. She left the man there dumbfounded. She collected some snacks and drinks and went to the counter to pay.
“Excuse me.” The man who she bumped into earlier said.
“Yes?” Ji Ahn answered and looked annoyed.
“I bumped into you just then.” He said as he pointed to the door.
“So?” She replied as she gave some money to the young women behind the counter. Once again, he was left dumbfounded.
“Well, I’m Woohyun and I’m sorry that I bumped into you earlier.” He said with grease drooling off at the end of his words. Ji Ahn grabbed her bags and left it hanging on her side. She gave him a blank look before replying,
“Firstly, I never asked for your name. Secondly, I don’t care. Now if you don’t mind, I have somewhere to get to.”
“Ouch.” Woohyun acted like he was hurt. But in fact he was. She was the only girl who rejected his greasy actions. He decided to follow her, and so he did.

Ji Ahn left and walked towards the park that was near the convenience store. With no surprise, Woohyun was right behind her.
“What do you want?” She asked with an annoyed voice.
“Your name.” Came the cheesy reply.
“You know, I hate guys who are cheesy.” She said as she dropped her bags next to the swing and played on the swing.
“Well, I love all girls.” Woohyun replied as she walked behind her and started to push her. Ji Ahn, not objecting just let him push her on the swing. Suddenly, his phone rang.
“Hello?” Woohyun answered as he walked to the front facing Ji Ahn.
“Nahh, not yet.” Came his reply. Then, Ji Ahn shouted,
And Woohyun looked up to see Ji Ahn falling on top of him. No one made a sound as they noticed that their lips were touching. Ji Ahn quickly stood up and wiped her lips. Woohyun also stood up and pulled her towards him. He stared into her eyes and somehow managed to kiss her again. Ji Ahn quickly let go and collected her bags and ran away towards a taxi that was approaching.

Woohyun, wondering why he did that, soon lost his thought as he heard someone’s phone ring that was not his. A meter away or so he saw a phone on the tanbark. He picked it up and the caller said, Bora~. He didn’t pick up the phone call, but instead shoved Ji Ahn’s phone in his pocket and walked away with a smirk on his face.

10 minutes later, Ji Ahn arrived at Bora’s mansion and knocked on the door with her face red as an apple. She gave Bora some snacks she bought and without mentioning it, Bora just invited Ji Ahn in her house. Somehow, without bringing the topic up, they managed to play games and have some fun. Soon Ji Ahn went home after some goodbye hugs. Ji Ahn once again took the taxi home and ran straight upstairs with her face still red as an apple. That day, Ji Ahn could not go to sleep, until it was 3AM in the morning.

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I might come back with a new story^^


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Chapter 8: omg!!! author-nim!!! this is so sad huhuhu i'm can stop crying now huhuhu T^T
Glad you guys like it^^
*wipes tear* the last sentence killed me
T.T SOOOOOOOOOO SAD!!! I'm like crying!
Soo sad!! At least i know that Woohyun would love a girl even if she passes away ^^
@Wind_Flower: Sorry if it's so confusing! It was more like brother-sister love but nothing more(: Does that make sense? LOL
Wind_Flower #7
I don't get it? so Ji Ahn was in love in with zelo and woohyun at the same time???
watermelonmystery #8
watermelonmystery #9