Death of two.

92 days

The next day, Ji Ahn had to be treated once again and she was moved next to Zelo. It’s been 12 days and Ji Ahn never left Zelo’s side and never talked to Woohyun the day when he called her, neither did he call. Both knowing, that they were going to die soon had not bothered them one bit. They were going to meet each other in the afterlife. But, Zelo had a turn for the worse. His condition dropped and he wasn’t breathing properly. Ji Ahn, crying and screaming for Zelo to hold on, didn’t work and he died.

Ji Ahn cried and cried and cried when someone walked by wearing leopard print shoes, top and hat with a pair of denim jeans.
“Ji Ahn?” Someone asked. She lifted her head to see Sunggyu looking at Ji Ahn with a worried expression. Ji Ahn stopped crying and quietly led him to her room. The first words that came out of was,
“So, are you and Sharon going out yet?”
“Yupp, we made it official yesterday.” Sunggyu smiled.
“That’s nice, tell her I said congratulation.” Ji Ahn smiled.
“So, what are you doing here?” Sungyu asked, his smile fading away.
“I have leukaemia.” She replied playing with her fingers, not looking up to him.
“Does Woohyun know?” He asked.
“Nope, what are you doing here?” Came her reply and question.
“My grandma fell sick.” He answered. Then Sunggyu had to leave and they bid their goodbyes. When Sunggyu left the hospital, he called Woohyun straight away,
“Come to Seoul Hospital and visit room 289.” He said and hung up.
"What?” Woohyun said dumbfounded. Woohyun knew that something was on so he left his house and took a taxi to Seoul Hospital.

Ji Ahn, staring at the sky from her room heard a knock on the door.
“Come in.” she said, still not adverting her eyes from the sky.
“Ji Ahn?” A voice asked. A voice she knew too well. She adverted her eyes away from the sky and saw Woohyun, standing in front of her door. She smiled and sighed,
“About time you knew… I guess.” Then Ji Ahn spilled everything and Woohyun calmly listened to her sad story.
“How long do you have left?” he asked.
“About 21 days.” She smiled.
"How can you be smiling?!” Woohyun shouted.
"You’re going to die soon and you’re smiling! What am I suppose to do without you then?! You’re up there while I’m down here.” He pointed to the sky.
“I like you. No, I love you.” He continued. Ji Ahn giggled and motioned for him to come close to her.
“I love you too.” She replied to a once again dumbfounded Woohyun. Then, Woohyun leaned in to kiss Ji Ahn.

For the past two weeks, Ji Ahn and Woohyun sticked to each other like glue. Ji Ahn, sometimes having to throw up due to her sickness, but Woohyun accepted it all. Then, Ji Ahn was in a critical condition. She couldn’t breathe, let alone move. The doctors did all they can to help Ji Ahn, but it was not working. With Woohyun standing outside of a plastic barrier around Ji Ahn, he began to cry. Ji Ahn gave Woohyun a small smile and closed her eyes when the life meter beeped. Ji Ahn was gone, and he would never be able to feel her warmth.

The next season arrived and Woohyun always looked at the sky. On days it was rainy, Woohyun would think that Ji Ahn is sad, and on days that it was Sunny, she was happy. On windy days, she was cold and on thunderstorms, she would be angry. Woohyun never managed to get her out of his mind and he liked it that way.

“Out of everyone in this world, I choose to love you.” Woohyun whispered to the sunny sky.

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I might come back with a new story^^


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Chapter 8: omg!!! author-nim!!! this is so sad huhuhu i'm can stop crying now huhuhu T^T
Glad you guys like it^^
*wipes tear* the last sentence killed me
T.T SOOOOOOOOOO SAD!!! I'm like crying!
Soo sad!! At least i know that Woohyun would love a girl even if she passes away ^^
@Wind_Flower: Sorry if it's so confusing! It was more like brother-sister love but nothing more(: Does that make sense? LOL
Wind_Flower #7
I don't get it? so Ji Ahn was in love in with zelo and woohyun at the same time???
watermelonmystery #8
watermelonmystery #9