✞Changing personalities✞

✞A change of heart✞

✞ Chapter 10~ Changing personalities 

A/N- When ____ is shown, replace it with your name or a name of your choice. Everything set in ____ [Your] POV is what you're saying/thinking, etc. I'm going to try writing in general POV because I prefer it a lot more than changing POV all the time and stopping the flow of the story.. Enjoy! Please comment, sub and add me as a friend!

General POV;

Soyoung quite liked her clothes and so, whilst packing decided to bring her whole closet and another whole new closet she had brought the day before. To her surprise, Jonghyun picked up two of her packed suitcases in one go without effort and dumped them on top of one of the single beds inside the room. She brushed her blonde hair off her shoulder and smiled at the dino boy, who smiled back causing her to blush a little. He walked back into the corridor where the others had already left and picked up Soyoung's remaining bags. Once all the bags were collected on the bed, Jonghyun turned and smiled.

"Jonghyun-ssi, you're pretty strong.." She stared in awe, letting the compliment slip right out of . Jonghyun blushed a little and continued to smile at her.

"They weren't that heavy!"

"R-really? Thank you.."

"No problem! Need any help?"


"Yeah, it's nothing~" He smiled sweetly at the girl. "So what should I start with?" 

"Uhm.." Soyoungs eyes scanned around the room, taking in the white sheets of the bed with matching curtains that hung onto the large windows. The view was stunning, a perfect view of Seoul! She eyed closely, seeing how many clothes shops she could go visit with Sunmi. "Would you mind unpacking this one?" She smiled and he nodded, complying with her. His long fingers fumbled with the box and opened the fabric suitcase.

"So, tell me about your self Soyoung-ssi~" Jonghyun cooed, not looking up from the suitcase he was unpacking. 

"Well.. what would Jonghyunnie-ssi like to know?"

"Jonghyunnie? Haha, cute~ Uhm.. When's your birthday?" Jonghyun knew exactly the purpose of asking this. He loved being called oppa.. 

"18th of April 1992~"

"Wah~ I'm exactly 2 years and 10 days older than you!"

"Ah, I forgot.. How would you like me to address you Jonghyun-ssi?" BINGO! Jonghyun internally, was jumping around and celebrating. 

"Would you call me oppa?" His voice going a little quieter towards the end of his sentence and going red.

"Oppa?~" Jonghyun's cheeks exploded a pink color, which Soyoung found adorable. "Jjong oppa~" Soyoung laughed.

"Yay! It sounds cute~" Jonghyun puffed his cheeks in celebration and Soyoung laughed. They continued to unpack Soyoung's stuff.

"So, where should I put my stuff oppa?" Soyoung was becoming used to the oppa address and smiled, lifting up some clothes in her hands. Jonghyun stood, a couple of inches taller than her, and opened two large, empty, cupboards containing only hangers.

"Here you go~" 

"Thanks! So your birthdays pretty soon, right?~" Soyoung smiled about getting him a present. Already, they felt like they've known each other for years and we indulged in friendly conversation. 

"Yours too! What should I get Soyoung-ssi for her birthday~" Jonghyun smiled, winking at her, leaving her cheeks stained a light, rosy pink color. 

"You don't have to get me anything! Well.. maybe one thing.." Her voice trailed off and Jonghyun's ears perked up like the little, attentive puppy he is. 

"What? Tell me~"

"Maybe.. drop the 'ssi'?" 

"I can do that now! What should I swap it for? Soyoungie-ah~"

"Yeah! That nick name is cute!~"

"Really, I can call you that?"

"Of course! As long as..."


"As I can call you Jongie oppa~!" Soyoung smiled at the older boy and they exchanged high fives. 

They continued unpacking Soyoung's clothes and had finally finished up. 

"So Jongie oppa, which bed is mine?" Soyoung's eyes were focused on the two single beds in the room, separated by a small bed side draw. She blushed thinking about the fact that her bias, Kim Jonghyun, would be sharing a room with her for who knows how long!

"The one on the left, nearest the window!~"

"Aing, aing~" She bounced over what she assumed was Jonghyun's bed and onto her newly claimed one. "So soft~" She laid flat out and stared at the ceiling. "So sick of love songs~ so tired of tears~" Soyoung hummed and sung quietly in the silence and Jonghyun stood in awe. Her voice was amazing.. even though she was singing to her self.. and not in total seriousness.. it was angelic. 

"Soyoung-ah.. your voice is beautiful.." 

"E-eh.. sorry.. was I singing?"

"Yeah.. Neyo right? It was amazing!"

"R-really? Thank you! I really like Neyo~"

"Me too! So sick is my favorite song from Neyo~"

"Mine too!~"

"Wah~ Oh! Should we go now?" 

"Sure! Where are we going?~"

"I don't know.. let's ask the others!" Jonghyun grabbed Soyoung's hand, taking both of them out the door. 



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this story is interesting :)
mysticgirl #2
I recently started reading your story it is very intresting if I must say so myself
Waiting to know how the story develops update soon
no probs .. hehehe .. ^^..
Triple update ;)
Thank you for reading and I will try my best! <3
wow !! double update .. liking this ff .. keep it up author-nim.. :))