
~ The Last Word ~

When I was little, I didn't know what the word 'trouble' meant. Now that I'm older, and I realized that my twin brother is DEFINITION of the word!



[ September 17, 2011 ]


My head feels very heavy and dizzy. just lying on my bed more than three hours makes me almost die of boredom. I tried to close my eyes and sleep but seems my dearest  brother who was busy making his secret experiment in the kitchen not let me sleep in peace. I sighed softly, I wonder what is he doing there? my body was about to get up but my brain refused.

"who care? I better rest" I murmured softly and reached for my favorite i-pod and then.....


a great explosion almost break down our house...... or maybe our little town.

"YAH!!! What is that?" I screamed and ran toward the source of the sound in the kitchen.... I mean the ruins of the kitchen.

"Hyung..." I froze when found our kitchen was destroyed.

"N-ne... kwangmin?" he said from under the desk while wearing a pot on his head and his right hand holding a spatula. his face is almost black with smoke. what is he doing? is he was playing military training in the kitchen?

"what happened?" I still stood motionless at my place.

"I'm...... c-cooking" he replied in the middle of his cough.


"Err...then....umm... t-then...BOOOMM!!!!! like that" He laughed awkwardly, I glares at him.

"actually what you cook until it makes our kitchen was destroyed? don't tell me if you cook kimchi with sliced of bomb in it!!"

I shouted irritably. Oh God, what's wrong with my brother's brain?

Arrgghhh!! I shouted to myself frustrated. I wanted to pull his blonde hair or hang him on the tree so he wouldn't go anywhere or not doing his crazy ideas!!!

"Kwangmin...." he poke my arm. I glanced towards him.


"I make pikachu porridge for you!!!! Tadaaa~~~" He grin and showed a bowl of porridge with pieces of corn and seaweed to make a Pikachu figure on it.

"OMO!! cute pikapika~~~" I giggled to see my favorite cute figure in the bowl. I stopped and held my childishness when I realized he was laugh at me.

"Cute..."  he laughed softly and pinched my cheeks made me blush

"N-no! i'm not!" I pouted and it made him laugh even harder

"Omo... how cute my little brother" He mess my hair crazily

"Hyung... You have not explained what had just happened" I brushed off his hands out of my head

"oh? I told you that I was cooking porridge for you"

"how did you cook it?" i tilt my head.

"with a great big fire!!!!!" he explained cheerfully.


"Ne! because if i doing so it will fast cooked, I don't want to make my dear brother die of hunger! ehehe.." he giggled innocently. I slapped my forehead didn't believe with what this dumb blonde had just done. God... how can I fall in love with this crazy twin!?

"Kwangminnie...~" he pinch my cheeks again

"Aish! what----" he fed me a spoonful of porridge into my mouth when my mouth is open.

"delicious?" he blinks cutely

"salty.." I say flatly

"YAH!!!! that's impossible! i cook according to recipe! plus I give a flavor of love while cooking!!!" he protested as he acted like his cooking was rejected by her loving husband. i rolled my eyes in annoyed.

"hyung.. you watch too much drama"

"EXACTLY!!!!" he said proudly as if watching drama is a hard work.

"yeah, whatever..." I sigh and walked to the fridge, trying to find a glass between the ruins of the kitchen.

! now even find a glass feels like I'm looking for a needle in the middle of hay. this blonde is really a troublemaker!!

"Minnie..~ finish your porridge first" asked youngmin.

"No, thanks but i'm not hungry" i said, still busy looking a glass. " moreover, the porridge was too salty" I added.

"This is not salty!" youngmin still stubborn.

"why don't you try it yourself?" I sighed and shook my head slowly. for some reason, i think you will need more energy every time you want to talk with this stubborn twin.

"Wuuuu...~ fine! I'll try it for myself!!!" youngmin shouted, I just nodded to hear it. I stopped and grinned when i found my cute pikachu mug.

"I found you pikapika.... now come to appa...~" I said cheerfully took my pikachu mug and  turn around but youngmin surprised me when he came back to feed his salty porridge into my mouth. I glared at him and was about to shout but my voice was caught as he pressed his soft lips to me. I froze and blinked over and over again tried to understand my situation right now.

1 second ......

2 seconds ......

3 seconds .......

................................................................................. *silence*


"Y-Youngmin Hyu--" I realize that now, at this time and in this place he was kissing me, I tried to push him but since I was sick and didn't have enough energy to push him away made it all useless. I could feel this blonde is much stronger than usual. the warm wetness of his tongue penetrated my tightly sealed lips when his two thumbs massaging my jaw managed to wrench my mouth open. after successfully entering my mouth he began to clean up porridge which still left in my tongue. my eyes widen and blush a lot see what he does. after a few minutes youngmin finally pulled away, with mouth open, letting a string connect our tongues untill it finally broke and fell onto my chin and neck.

"This is not salty but sweet" he his own lips and wink make me blush more.

"Y-you..uh..." I want to say something but suddenly an explosion was heard from the other room,

"W-what is that?" We looked at each other for a few seconds and quickly ran into the source of the explosion. We stopped when we got to the bathroom and find a washing machine that emit smoke. We both froze.... now our bathroom or almost the entire room in our house ruined. Youngmin even forgot to turn off the tap water so that our house flooded like a swimming pool. I took something from the washing machine and was surprised to find a broken remote tv.

"Youngmin....hyung...." I held back my anger.

"N-ne... dongsaeng..?" He trembled as if he knew his life was in danger now

"What is it?"

"Err... r-remote tv..?"

"and why is it here?"

"Ukh... I-i don't know... it seem i forget..."


"T-then? err... then..." he looked down to play with his fingers and trying to think a reason to save his life. "O-oh! I remember! today I have promise with Jeongmin hyung i'll go to his house! S-see you later kwangmin!!!" He ran with the speed of light, left me who still frozen standing here.... in my destroyed house.... and in the middle of this mess.....alone.....













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youngkwanghyunjo #1
Chapter 4: why are you not updating this? please!
Chapter 4: authour-nim....please update....i want to read this story more... :3
shahir #3
Chapter 4: please .. update it ..
HeeYoung13 #4
Chapter 4: Ahh! Youngmin 's so cute~ Waiting for your new chapter XD update soon, ok ???
Chapter 4: i think u didnt update for long time right?i want to read your story more..please22 update..i'm really like it.
please update this ^^
kohane #7
update please :3
youngminlove #8
update soon
whatever happens~
i'm more into youngkwang than kwangyoung, dongsaeng
i hope you can't change my youngkwang-fan-thing ._.
ahaha smexy <3