Forgive and Forget

The Aliens
Cherry then went to cook breakfast. Venus Story. Kai finally sat down and put Venus's head on his lapso she could rest comfortably. As he waited patiently for Venus to wake up, he put on a music. -- Teen Top - Girlsfriend -- Then Venus woke up. Kai said " Hi " but Venus was still in blur. She tried to focus ok Kai but she's not sure if it's him. So she said " Are you Kai? " Kai said, " Yes, and you're Venus! " He laughed. Venus felt embarrassed and she laughed along with him. So she sat down beside him and started chatting. He asked " Why did you kiss Himchan? " She answered, " I didn't know that Himchan kissed me. I was crying cus I missed you. " Kai was shocked because he didn't thin she would miss him. Kai then kissed her. Venus was shocked. He put his hand on her Cheek. " Yah~ Don't be embarrassed! No one is here. I can tell your cheeks are burning up! " Kai said while giving a little chuckle. Venus then tried relaxing her self. Himchan saw them kissing. Then he whispered " My wish came true " and he smiled because he was happy that his bestfriend is with her boyfriend again. Then it started to rain! Cherry's Story. So Cherry and D.O ate breakfast togetherand feeding each other. After they're done eating, Cherry washed the dishes while D.O hugged her from behind. Then they kissed quickly the she's back to the dishes. While the other members woke up, they asked " were is our breakfast? " Then Cherry answered, " Oh! We ran out of eggs. I'll go buy some in the store. And I'll include Kimchi too. " The members yelled " YAY! " out loud. While Cherry was going to the store, she passed Teen Top Fountain and saw Kai and Venus kissing and opened wide while her jaw dropped towards the floor. Then she saw Himchan smiling. She scratched her head cus she got confused and said " I am so confused. I thought Himchan liked her. If he liked her, why is he smiling? Well, I guess not! " Then she Skipped to the store to buy some eggs and kimchi then went back home to cook breakfast for the members. Venus story. So they stopped kissing and they smiled. After that, Kai saw Himchan. He was thinking " Why is he here? " but Kai didn't know that he said it out loud. Venus asked " Who? " She turned around to see who Kai was talking about. She saw Himchan and waved. Then He waved back. He asked " Let's all eat ramen noodles! My treat! " Kai was still thinking why was Himchan still here? but he replied Himchan's question " I Don't Know. "
Wahh~ Sorry I didn't update yesterday. Me sorry. Me too Lazy >.< Well I hope you liked this Chapter. Just saying, The girl beside Kai on the picture for this chapter is Venus. Just the pretend Venus ^_~ Hope you liked it smiley
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@nurul_athie Thank You So Much!
nurul_athie #3
I like it very much...
@BxRandom Yay! Glad You Liked it!!!
BxRandom #5
Thanks ! The first chapter is nice and the fact you wrote together this way is nice oo :)
And yeah, this is definitely easier to read with darker colors ;)
@BxRandom. There you go! There is a darker color as your request ^^ Hope you like it! Thank you!
BxRandom #7
Maybe you should use different colors, I mean darker, like gray and black, those are too 'clear' and it makes it hard to read, I didn't even try even though I would like. Because yeah, lights colors + a cursive font don't really make it easy and pleasant :(
Just use darker colors okay ? I really want to reat this ;)