Cause I'm cool like that.

Their Creation

Hi girls , sorry for not updating. Honestly , i keep thinking that im not fit to be an author.. but i dont want to disappoint my faithful subbers. So here it is. 

Your POV


"Oh dear , are you alright?' , whispered Victoria. I  took a deep breath & nodded. Victoria frowned,"You are so not convicing." I just lowered my head without uttering a single word. Victoria caught the hint that I do not want to talk about anything. She led me into the girl's lockers-room , unlocked her locker and passed me a spare set of uniform. "It might be a little loose on you. But I am the only with a spare set of uniform.", commented Victoria. I mumbled a 'Thanks' and left quietly towards the washroom.


I pushed the door open to meet Eun Min face-to-face. She looked me from head to toe  and smirked evilly. She nodded to her follwers and they pinned me to the wall. " Ugh , What are you doing?!', I shouted and glared at them. "Ooh Spi-ccccy.", drawled out Eun Min. I glared harder. One of the follower- Amanda or whatever slapped  me. " Gosh , I wonder what Joon sees in you. Oops ,sorry used to." " Is Orange juice on uniforms the new trend?", snickered Eun Min. My temper flared. I kicked the s holding me down to the wall, grabbed Eun Min by the neck. The others all shrinked back in fear of me. 

" Hey Amanda, at least I'm not ashamed of my name. Gisaeng!", I smirked evilly as i watched her hold back tears. I knew i hit a nerve, but this is barely a portion of what they had me gone through throughout the years. I looked at Eun Min and smiled a crooked smile , " Hey i would love to call you a betch , but it is insulting female dogs, to name you after them. You a Vixen! " I let go of her and glared. The clique of them rushed out of the washroom , not even Eun Min turned behind to show me a middle finger or something. " Wait!", I called out. They turned back with fear in their eyes. " Hey s, lengthen your skirts by the way." I imitated their signature move of flicking their hair over their shoulder and half-smiled. They glared at me before they walking off in anger.

I sighed. This is the first time I retaliated to them. I know i wont get into trouble because if they do file a complain , all their past bullying will come to light. I am safe from authorities pursuit at least.  I sighed and leaned towards the sinks.I felt my phone vibrate and saw an unread message, my hands trembled as I clicked open.


From : Lucifer Joon

To : Jin Min

"Jin Min , I would like you to apologise to Eun Min and Amanda." Joon.


I clicked the message close and deleted it. "Y ou are incorriguble, Lucifer!" I screamed to the empty room. I took a deep breath before going to change and left the washroom.

As I walked back to class , Krystal came running up to me and hugged me. "Jinnie , are you okay?" I gave a weak smile and nodded. Just then Joon came over. He nodded at Krystal and gave me a icy look, " Im waiting for your apology." 

I took a deep breathe and smiled icily. " Do you know who I am?", I gave an innocent look masked with hatred. Joon was taken aback with my expression. I smirked and slapped him. He held his cheek and looked up at me with shock, and growled out , " What . is . that . for?!" I smirked again and replied , " Because I am cool like that." I gave a cold smile and sauntered away. Krystal looked Joon up and down. " Your that jerk that didnt help her during the lunch  incindent just now.! Oh hey look scumbag,  SERVE YOU RIGHT!" and slapped him across the other cheek. I smiled The students around , all gasped in surpise. The school prince was slapped by the ice princesses twice in the role! Big deal.

Krystal ran up to me again , linked arms with me , turned aroun towards the students in the hallway and blew them a kiss before leading me out.


What an eventful day.


How was it girls? It , right? Sorry. you , Thanks for reading!  



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Hwoa... Update soon... ^^
chudo-Ned- #2
is the "angel" really an angel? or it's just a name???
i'm confuse @.@ well not really ^^ i like your story!!!
please update soon :)
U have no idea how excited I was when I saw "Their Creation" (your story) on my list of updated stories!!! :D
Nice first chapter so far... Your story is really unique... Nice plot, well developed character... And- And, I just love the way you've set up the story! Its so interesting to read :)
And now on to the story itself...
BWEHHH, wats up with all those mean girls?? Aish... I hate people like that. Especially Eun Min >< Homemade bags beat those expensive ones any day... They were made out of love <3
And yahoo!! Shinee!! <3 Shinee and Fx seem so nice <3
I wonder what will happen next. Will Jin Min make friends with ice princess? Will she change her mind and sit with her at lunch in the end? Hmm... Won't know until later...
And the line, "Why appreciate their jokes, when they treat you as their joke?" I found myself liking it... So true. :/
Anyways... Soo looking forward to your next update!
And I'm sorry if I get any information in your story wrong... There's so many different ideas and all like angels and ice princess and things such as that you have incorporated into your story that I might get confused :/ And I'm not really good with names, especailly since I'm not really familiar with fx but I'll try to catch on and be a good reader! Please correct me if I'm wrong about anything...
Anyways, thanks for updating the first chapter and good luck with your story!! ^^ :D Luv it soo much... The most unique type of story I've seen in who knows how long...