Mesmerizing eyes

Their Creation

A/N: I edited the foreword. Please take a look , it may give you a little more insight of the story. Thank you chocolateheartz for subbing!


Jin Min's POV

Finally , its lunch time! Kahsahaminda Krisus. Classes are really infuriating , Eun Min is in every single one of my classes!

Of course , she tried to make my life a living hell. During science class ,she pretended to be nice & offered to Mrs Kwon to be my lab partner. As usual , there was a catch, she purposely spilled the boiling water & pretended I tried to throw the beaker of water at her! As a result, I got a counselling session later this afternoon to discuss about my behaviour;the whole class threw me dirty glares during the whole practical. Worst of all , Joon was there , his expression was as hard as stone..During art class , she purposely spilled paint on my artpiece , just to get Mr Lee to give me a earful in front of the class for being so careless! During english, she stepped on my essay "accidentally" just to have Mrs Jung request me to write a new piece! That witch!

Okay, breath Jin Min , breathe , remember to just chill! Poker face : Check


I walked in to the school cafeteria, it was even quieter than usual & no one stared at me as I walked in , I wonder whats happening?

All eyes were on the centre right table , what so interes-, oh Krystal 's clique & ugh Eun Min. A s I scooted closer , I could hear their conversations.

Eun Min : "Annyeong everyone, Im Eun Min , TTS High's Queenka. Welcome to TTS High! " She smiled at everyone as they introduced themselves except Victoria & Min Ho as he ignored her entirely.

Eun Min glared & said: " Ugh , So your that annoying betch at the hallways this mor-"

Victoria sneered & interrupted ,: " Yeah , Im the perfect girl at the hallway this morning laughing at your pathetic follower sneering at Jin Min sshi." 

Eun Min:" You perfect ?! my as-" , Krystal cutted her mid sentence by slapping her. "No one talks to F(X) like that ,especially YOU!", shouted Krystal. The whole cafeteria went silent and Eun Min stood frozen to her spot. So they were the famous F(x) & SHINee from the burnt down school, "Better watch your back, and not step on their toes" were basically everyone thoughts.

You must be wondering who are  F(x)  and SHINee? And why were they so special? While you see , like every typical fanfics you read online. ( Yes , I read them , no big deal!) , there are the all-power Queenkas & Kingkaks. Well, they are exactly like those , each & every single one of them are from a prestigous background , with only one difference from those of  fanfics , they are living versions.


Wow , so now that Krystal Jung of F(X) slapped their Queenka , no one did anything , when I did nothing and i got trampled? Damn those idiots sitting in the cafeteria. I was basically on fire , not for Eun Min , but for myself! Why am I always the one being trampled on? What did I do to the crowd? Nothing! My mental rant was interruped by a voice.

"Jinnie!!! HERE!", shouted Krystal. I just stared at her , the whole room shifted their gaze on me , some with envy, some with distaste , some with curious looks. " Am I your lunch time entertainment? Just EAT!" , I announced angrily at the crowd.  (I was letting out some of my pent-up anger.) Everyone turned back to their own things but not with a curious glance at me once in a while. Mummerings could be heard.

I walked over bowed & replied " Krystal sshi , Thank you for your offer , but I prefer to spend my lunch time alone." and my heels. The table grew silent . Key dismissed it by saying :" Lee Eun Min ,you are allowed to scram now." Eun Min rushed out of the cafeteria and pushed past me, knocking me over , took a cup of juice from a nearby table and poured it at me. " This is what you get for that slap, your new friends gave me , just you wait betch , I will pay you double & your friends will soon turn away from you, just like Joon. " , she whispered in my ear & walked out followed by her follwers. I sat there staring dumbly at the ground, her words, "Just like Joon." " Why why , poor little ice princess... ", teased Joon as he & his friends walked by. The whole room was filled with laughter. Hot tears pricked my eyelids , threatening to fall.

Suddenly a hand reached out to me , I looked up to see the guy who ignored Eun Min at the table just now. I stared into his big brown warm eyes, i literally melted, immediately letting down my guard & took his hand. 

"Choi Minho iminda , Jin Min sshi , Im in your AP maths class, by the way I saw you encounter with Eun Min in the math class , its okay , I will protect you , I promise...", whispered Min Ho in my ear , as he guided me to the door where Victoria was waiting for me , Victoria took my hand , and said , " Poor girl , I will fix this mess on you , okay? Trust me." , as she smiled warmly. I nodded & followed her to wherever she was bringing me.

My mind was filled with Min Ho 's words "I will protect you , I promise..." , the exact words Joon said to me, I slowly let the tears fall........




A/N: How was it? *smiles* Please comment & yes the angel is Min Ho from chapter 1's A/N. Thank you for reading, you





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Hwoa... Update soon... ^^
chudo-Ned- #2
is the "angel" really an angel? or it's just a name???
i'm confuse @.@ well not really ^^ i like your story!!!
please update soon :)
U have no idea how excited I was when I saw "Their Creation" (your story) on my list of updated stories!!! :D
Nice first chapter so far... Your story is really unique... Nice plot, well developed character... And- And, I just love the way you've set up the story! Its so interesting to read :)
And now on to the story itself...
BWEHHH, wats up with all those mean girls?? Aish... I hate people like that. Especially Eun Min >< Homemade bags beat those expensive ones any day... They were made out of love <3
And yahoo!! Shinee!! <3 Shinee and Fx seem so nice <3
I wonder what will happen next. Will Jin Min make friends with ice princess? Will she change her mind and sit with her at lunch in the end? Hmm... Won't know until later...
And the line, "Why appreciate their jokes, when they treat you as their joke?" I found myself liking it... So true. :/
Anyways... Soo looking forward to your next update!
And I'm sorry if I get any information in your story wrong... There's so many different ideas and all like angels and ice princess and things such as that you have incorporated into your story that I might get confused :/ And I'm not really good with names, especailly since I'm not really familiar with fx but I'll try to catch on and be a good reader! Please correct me if I'm wrong about anything...
Anyways, thanks for updating the first chapter and good luck with your story!! ^^ :D Luv it soo much... The most unique type of story I've seen in who knows how long...