
She's That Girl!


She slowly traced his face with her hand meters away, as tears began to form in her eyes.

“Don’t think that you’re the cause of this, Haru. It’s my entire fault,” Taebin started with the explanation. “What your mother and I did, were to protect you. We were scared to lose you more than losing both our lives,” he added.

“Please do not hate your mother, because she hid this from you also. If you want to hate anyone, hate me. I was the one who sided along with that psycho woman, and drove you to grow up without your biological father,” Taebin continued on.

“I know this is all very shocking, but you see Haru. Your father was to marry that woman already, but he didn’t want to. It’s not both your parents’ fault for falling in love either, as fate had its own boundaries. Due to jealousy and misunderstandings, your mother then took you away, while everyone thought you were dead,” he explained more about the past with little details.

“It’s not that I don’t love you or your mother, Haru. I had planned to leave out of country with your mother, and raise you normally. I understand the feeling of receiving hatred from others, when they don’t know you, but you have to believe Taebin and I. Don’t let the past get to you, because I didn’t know myself that you were alive,” Yoon Sup joined in also.

“We all wanted to tell you when the time was right. However, it just came out to happen like this. We’re truly sorry, Haru. But please understand that we’re all here for you. Even though that wicked woman didn’t care or give a damn, we’re all here and we love you,” Taebin spoke up next.

“I want to be alone,” she huffed aloud, as she hadn’t face both men after the blood transfer. “Okay,” Yoon Sup replied, as he ushered Taebin out with him.

Thunder roared aloud outside, as lightening flashed inside the dark hospital room of Daehyun’s. Haru glanced away immediately, as a tear rolled down her eye.

“We’re not even related.”

The words stung Haru, as she remembered about what she had told Daehyun.

“If you were to find out something was hidden from you for so long, would you forgive the person whom hid it?”

Daehyun’s question kept repeating in Haru’s mind.

How could she not be the cause of this?

Why was the world only cruel to her?

What did she do to deserve this?

When will the lies and secrets just end?

The questions roamed in Haru’s head, as she wandered outside in the pouring rain.


Zelo yawned and stretched, as he had woken up from his nap. He noticed that he had fallen asleep with Himchan in Haru’s room, and turned his head over to face the bed.

“Noona,” he called to his sister, as the hospital room was pitch dark. “Noona?” Zelo called once again.

The sound of rain clattering outside Haru’s window crept Zelo out, and the lightening didn’t help ease the feeling either. Therefore, he held onto his crutches, and walked towards the switch to flip the light on.

The empty bed gave Zelo a surprise, as he saw a letter lying there with a pen on top of it. He walked back to the bed, and picked up the letter reading it. Zelo’s crutches fell to the side, as his balance became weak and plopped back down on his seat.

“Hey, what’s going?” Himchan had woken up from the sound, and rubbed his eyes slightly. “She’s gone,” Zelo swallowed hard, as his hand fell to the side.

Himchan was confused by what the young boy said, and noticed the bed being empty. He shrugged at the thought, thinking that maybe Haru was only out using the restroom instead.

“Have you checked the bathroom?” Himchan questioned. “No, hyung. Haru noona left,” Zelo’s voice didn’t crack or let out an utter cry, but it was soft and quiet. “What do you mean?” The older boy queried with wide eyes opened.

Zelo handed Himchan the letter, and soon fell into daze. Himchan’s hands trembled from reading the note left by Haru, and started shaking his head. Breathing became hard for him, and soon enough, Himchan stormed out with the letter.

“You say I’m not the cause, but I may have been the matter. You say you’re at fault, but why do I feel so burdened? You all knew who I was, and kept everything away from me.”

“Uncle, uncle!” Himchan shouted in the hallway, causing loud ruckus. “What’s wrong, son?” Jae Bong asked, as he lit up his head from Haru’s mother’s hospital bed. “Where are the others?” Himchan questioned about Yoon Sup and Taebin.

“You said it was to protect me, but why is that I don’t feel protected? I felt as if I’ve been stabbed deeply in the heart, as I was blinded by the kind words you all gave me. For a moment, everything seemed so faint and drawn out. However, it’s all real.”

“They should be in Daehyun’s room, or out buying late dinner,” Jae Bong answered. “Daehyun’s room,” Himchan muttered quietly, and then stormed to the unconscious kid’s room next.

“I won’t hate anyone of you, of course not. Forgiving would be quite difficult, since I don’t know how to cope with you all. As for love, love... I never once understood why love would hurt someone so much, but I now understand. I have no more to say. Please take care of yourselves, and don’t think of me anymore. Im Haru never existed. I was never born.”

Himchan pushed opened the door hoping to run into someone, but instead, found Daehyun still sleeping.

“After everything, and she just left,” Himchan muttered under his breath, knowing that Daehyun would wake up being upset.

“Himchan, Himchan-ssi!” The voices of Taebin and Yoon Sup snapped Himchan back to the realm, as he looked up to find the two elders panting before him. “Junhong had told us what happened. She couldn’t have gone far, right?” Yoon Sup questioned.

Without a word of exchange, Himchan handed the letter over to Yoon Sup and Taebin. Both men read the remaining words of Haru’s, and soon fell in shock.

“Just where will she go? She doesn’t know anyone!” Taebin shouted in frustration. “I suggest that we check her credit card. Track on that!” Yoon Sup suggested, in any case that Haru will be found.

“Noona just usually carries cash, because she doesn’t like to be traced…” Zelo spoke up from behind the group. “Aish, why is she so smart?” Taebin sighed. “I’ll call her friends,” Himchan said, and then slowly ditched the group.


“Excuse me, but who are you to look for Young Miss Eun Yi?” A maid asked Haru. “I am one of her classmates,” Haru answered quietly. “I’m sorry, but I can’t just let you in like this. You can be lying to me, and I wouldn’t know that,” the maid didn’t try to sound rude, but was just caring for Eun Yi’s safety.

“Haru-yah, what are you doing here in the middle of the night all drenched? Don’t you know how bad the rain is outside?” Eun Yi questioned as soon as she walked down the stairs, and spotted her friend.

“You really know her, Young Miss Eun Yi?” The maid questioned her master. “Yes, she is my friend! Go grab a set of dry clothes and a towel, please,” Eun Yi told the maid, and dashes down the stairs to greet Haru.

“Do you remember back when you offered to help me out if I was ever troubled with money?” Haru ignored Eun Yi’s questions, as she asked her own. “Of course! Isn’t that how we became friends?” Eun Yi grinned.

“Then can you help me out?” Haru queried. “Always! You’re my friend remember? C’mon, let’s go upstairs and get your dried first. Also, you have to tell me about what happened to you. Yong Guk freaked me out, and I was close enough to having a heart attack,” Eun Yi said, as she held onto Haru’s hand and led her upstairs.

“Eun Yi-ssi, what is with the loud ruckus?” Her father asked, as he stepped out of his room to check on his daughter. “Sorry dad, but my friend is over only. It’s okay if she sleeps over, right?” Eun Yi gave her father a cheeky smile.

Haru didn’t understand why Eun Yi’s father had a shocking look. Was she looking a bit too intimidating?

“Honey, come here! Our Eun Yi has a friend!” Eun Yi’s father called for her mother. “Dad!” Eun Yi pouted in embarrassment. “Oh my, she’s a beauty herself also!” Eun Yi’s mother complimented Haru.

“Uh…thanks? I am drenched with rain though,” Haru felt a bit queasy, since Eun Yi’s parents were being a bit too friendly. “Drenched wet or not, I can tell when a girl is beautiful,” Eun Yi’s mother replied, and Eun Yi faked a gag.

“Anyways, we’re going to my room,” Eun Yi said, and dragged Haru inside her bedroom. “Would you both like snacks? How about warm milk?” Both her parents questioned from outside. “Leave us alone,” Eun Yi requested, and Haru cackled.

“They’re quite fun,” Haru giggled, and Eun Yi shook her head. “Not if you live with them everyday,” Eun Yi mumbled, and Haru continued on laughing. “Anyways, tell me what happened,” Eun Yi changed back to the old subject.

Haru became silent once more, and then heaved a loud sigh. Eun Yi raised an eyebrow at her friend, and watched Haru’s stiff body looking uncomfortable.

“Young Miss, I’ve brought the clothes and towel you had requested,” the maid knocked finally. “How about you tell me when you’re ready, yeah?” Eun Yi asked Haru, and Haru nodded her head. “Go take a warm shower,” she then pushed Haru inside her bathroom, after grabbing the set of dried clothes.

“You lied to me. You knew my mother, and you pretended that you didn’t,” Haru’s voice cracked a bit. “I’m sorry to have lied. If I didn’t, your mother wouldn’t have been too happy,” Yoon Sup replied.

“You did it for my mother, and not for me? You helped them cover the story up some more? I’m supposed to be your daughter, and yet, you lied about not knowing whom my mother is, or that you were my father? No wonder you offered me that ride. No wonder,” Haru’s tears flowed slowly, as she didn’t dare face her biological father.

“I’m sorry, Haru,” her father apologized.

Haru hugged her knees, as she sat in the filled up tub of warm water. She didn’t feel like having any strength to do anything. After being truthful to everyone, and giving her family faith, Haru was lied to.

They say it was to protect her, but Haru didn’t know what to believe.

Haru was confused, but deeply hurt.

“And this is why I’ve been so scared to trust the surrounding people around me, Eun Yi-ssi. The thought of betrayal or secrets being unfold, it’s both painful and crucial,” Haru said lastly, after explaining the story to Eun Yi.

“Don’t think so much, Haru. I’m sure that your mother and coach were afraid of this to happen, which is they hid everything from you. As for your father, I wouldn’t know what to say from his point of view. But to how I see it, he does sound like he loves you,” Eun Yi comforted Haru, whilst brushing her friend’s hair.

“I don’t know,” Haru muttered quietly, and sighed once more. “Well, have you ever thought about their feelings?” Eun Yi asked. “Why should I? No one thought about mine,” Haru exhaled deeply.

“You can’t say that. I’m sure of it that they did. Think about it, Haru. You saved Daehyun’s life, which is your half brother. He knew of the mishaps, and made sure to be by your side to save you,” Eun Yi explained, and used Daehyun as an example.

“What makes you think that he’s saving me?” Haru questioned. “You see Haru, his mother may hate you, and planned on killing you. But from your story of telling me whereas Daehyun wasn’t willing to hand you over, he was saving you. He was protecting his older sister,” Eun Yi detailed out her explanation.

Haru sat in silence, as she let Eun Yi’s words roam inside her head.

“If no one thought about your feelings, you wouldn’t have been saved by your father, Coach Taebin, Himchan, and including your kick boxing group of buddies,” Eun Yi added.

“Yes, you’re right about that. However, I’ve been lied my entire life. Also, I didn’t mean to meet my biological father like this, not with my stepmother attempting on killing me. Eun Yi-ah, I really need your help for a getaway,” Haru replied, and pleaded.

“Getaway? You’re planning to runaway?” Eun Yi was in bitter shock. “I thought about it long and hard, after the truth was spilled out less than a minute. Everything happened so fast, and I don’t even seem to know who I am anymore,” Haru answered.

Eun Yi saw the desperation in Haru’s eyes, and understood what had to be done.

“I will help you in everyway, but what about Himchan, huh? You know that he wishes you as his future bride,” Eun Yi was trying her best to convince Haru to stay.

“Because of the love interactions, I was put in this state. I can’t let love get in my way. I’ve made a decision,” Haru was in no way out of her plan, and Eun Yi sighed giving up.

“Well, if I’m helping you, I get to keep in touch with you, right?” Eun Yi asked. “Only you though,” Haru answered, as she knows that Eun Yi’s the only one to help her. “I promise that it’d only be me,” Eun Yi smiled, assuring that Haru can trust her.

As the morning came for Haru’s departure of Seoul, Eun Yi stood alone by the train station with her only friend. Haru was feeling nervous about her leave, but didn’t step back.

“You don’t have to leave, Haru,” Eun Yi was close to tears, as she heard the train whistle from afar. “I’m sorry, Eun Yi. But I must go,” Haru responded with a tiny smile.

“It would be quiet in class without you,” Eun Yi whined some more. “You have Yong Guk now,” Haru cackled. “Aish, I’m going to miss you,” Eun Yi finally broke into tears, as she hugged Haru tightly.

“Would you stop acting as if I’m your boyfriend going to war?” Haru joked, and Eun Yi shook her head. “Then let me practice,” Eun Yi replied, and Haru pushed her friend back.

“Please do me a favor?” Haru asked, before the train came to its stop. “What is it?” Eun Yi wondered, as Haru placed a piece of jewelry on her hand.


Eun Yi placed the solid friendship ring into the palm of Himchan’s, and patted his shoulder.

“Haru had fallen in love with you also, Himchan. Actually, she had taken the liking into you since the day you had accidentally kissed her. However, she wants you to move on, and don’t hang onto this dream of being with her. Haru says that she may not return to Seoul again,” Eun Yi explained quietly over at Himchan’s desk.

Himchan was lost in thoughts, when he remembered getting this friendship ring with Haru. He recalled it like yesterday, when Haru was upset about not getting to visit Zelo.

Therefore, before returning back to his place, the two stopped by the tiny markets in downtown. Seeing that Haru looked more lively and was having fun by trying on random jewelries, Himchan thought it would be great to buy him and Haru each a ring.

It must’ve been his real lucky day, as Haru actually agreed to it too. Himchan thought that perhaps his dream with Haru was getting closer each day.

“She loves me,” Himchan rolled his eyes, as he’s trying to hold back the tears that were about to fall. “She’s crazy about you,” Eun Yi replied. “Did Haru tell you where she was going?” Himchan asked with desperate eyes.

Eun Yi’s heart cried at the expression of Himchan’s. She needn’t give him a long stare, as a quick glance already read that Himchan hadn’t been sleeping well.

“No,” Eun Yi lied. “Of course. She wouldn’t tell anyone,” Himchan muttered, and then excused himself out of homeroom.


Daehyun sat alone in his bedroom, as he requested to be discharged from the hospital immediately, when he awoken to Haru’s news of disappearance. Daehyun too, blamed himself for not informing Haru from the beginning.

“Hyung,” Zelo called to his stepbrother, as he knocked on Daehyun’s door. “Daehyun hyung,” Zelo knocked on the door again. “I just want to be alone, please,” Daehyun replied from inside.

“You know, I miss her too,” Zelo spoke from outside. “I know you do. You had the bond with her,” Daehyun was beginning to choke on his words. “You can too, if you please open this door and eat something,” Zelo pleaded.

Daehyun then creaked his bedroom door open a little, and saw his giant little stepbrother already bawling his eyes out. The two laughed at each other’s silly crying faces, and hugged one another.

“We’ll find her. We must,” Zelo said, as he couldn’t control the tears. “Yeah, we will,” Daehyun nodded his head, and pats Zelo’s back, slowly shushing him.



































ONLY ONE SHOT, ONLY ONE SHOT~~~!!! omfg, my heart still hurts from Youngjae's betrayal, which is why I haven't updated yet. LMAO!


My favorite song from the album is COMA! :) I love the music video so much, I can't wait to use it and make a trailer out of it for my new B.A.P. fic. GAHHH!

I love you all. MUAHS MUAHS.

This story is CLOSE to ending. 

Probably a bit too close. >_>



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Chapter 27: please update
Autumnaree #2
Chapter 27: Great read! Can't wait for an update
Chapter 5: please update i like your story.. please
Chapter 27: I thought it had ended!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for next chapter!!!!!! Love this!!!!!!
Chapter 27: I love this story! The THE END scared the crap outta me! Update soon :) pwitty pwitty pwweeeaaasseee! (Me hoping my aegyo powers will work :p) *buing buing* ;p
Halimalikesrice #6
Chapter 27: Lol I actually thought it ended for a second but I had to keep scrolling and thought nah can't end like that! Such a troll! Oh gosh this made me cry!!
Chapter 27: ...you didn't fool me, I knew what you were up to xD (I'm a troll myself :P)
Chapter 27: Epic trollness XD hahahaha , i tought that was the end T^T
Raveness #9
Chapter 27: Haru why~? I was like "No way..." when I saw it said "The End"! I'm happy there's still going to be more ^.^

I LOVE THE COMEBACK! Which ending of ONE SHOT do you prefer?