
She's That Girl!


Daehyun rushed inside his home, after ignoring the maids and butlers greetings. He was just about to run up to his bedroom, when his mother’s voice stopped him.

“Daehyun-ah,” she called to him, and his hand twitched. “Jung Daehyun,” she called once more through the diningroom door.

He turned towards her direction, and was confused at this sight. His mother is home, and she’s sitting down eating her salad.

“I’m glad to see you home early. Why were you such in a rush?” She gave Daehyun a smile, in which he found repulsive. “Don’t worry about it,” he muttered quietly, and continued on ahead.

“I know that girl,” Daehyun came to a stop again, when his mother spoke once more. “What girl?” He tried to play dumb, and questioned his mother back.

She gave him a slight smirk, and pushed her empty dish up front. Daehyun’s mother then stood up from her seat, walked around the dining table, and towards his frozen posture.

"How long did you think that you and your father could hide this from me?" His mother questioned, and stood right upfront. "I don't know who you're speaking of," Daehyun tried to stay calm.

Leaning in close to Daehyun, she whispered, “your father’s mistress’ daughter.”

“She’s nothing like that!” Daehyun yelled, and pushed his mother aside. “Then how is she, huh? Is that girl the reason why you despise of me?” His mother queried on about his hate.

“Why are you asking me questions of Haru noona? Do you have her?” Daehyun shot back angrily, with both hands forming into fists. “Why does it matter if I have her or not? She’s not your sister, not your family, and nothing to us!” His mother irately remarked.

“Haru noona is my sister, my family, and part of the Jung bloodline,” he mutters furiously, with his cold eyes piercing his mother’s.

“You don’t say that, because none of it is true! You’re the only bloodline, and last of it, until you get married and have children of your own. Don’t go spitting out things you do not know. That girl will be dominate over your life, if you don’t stop this!” Daehyun’s mother fired back twice as harsh, as she yelled.

“I don’t care if she becomes queen of the Jung family. What you did to Haru noona and her mother was wrong! Come to your senses, because father doesn’t love you!” Daehyun shouted back, but soon received a hard slap across the face.

"I won't let you hurt her," Daehyun mumbled, as he stared at his mother with hatred. "We'll see about that," she smirked at him, and let out a small sigh.

“Cho and Song, take Daehyun away,” she called out for the butlers. “Down the basement along with her?” Butler Cho questioned.

Daehyun’s eyes widened at this, as he looked at his mother. She turned to face him also, but with more of a demeaning look.

“Yes,” his mother replied.

Before Daehyun can escape, the butlers and guards around caught the boy. They too, used the same tactic of knocking Haru out, on Daehyun.


Himchan left to the hospital of where Zelo stood, after he told Yong Guk and Young Jae about what happened. When he reached inside and saw Haru’s parents chatting with Zelo, Himchan grew afraid.

How was he supposed to tell everyone that Haru is kidnapped?

“Oh, Himchan hyung!” Zelo cheerily called over to the older guy. “Hey buddy,” Himchan greeted the boy with a dim tone of voice. “Haru isn’t here, is she?” Her father questioned with anger, and Himchan lowered his head and shook it.

“Yeobo, stop it already,” Haru’s mother scolded her husband, and then pushed Himchan out. “How is my Haru?” She asked with a sweet smile, in which Himchan didn’t know how to take.

“First of all, I want to apologize,” Himchan replied, and bowed. “Wait, apologize for what?” Haru’s mother was confused, as to not understanding why Himchan is being apologetic.

“On our way home from school, we both stopped at a food stand. It was my stupid idea to eat, because I got hungry. Before we even left, some men in black suits came and took Haru away,” Himchan tried his best to explain, as he was still trying to gather up pieces bit by bit.

“Wait, is this some kind of joke?” Haru’s mother questioned, and cackled. “Haru will not joke around like this. Don’t you see the visible bruises on my face?” Himchan showed evidence, and soon enough, Haru’s mother jaw dropped.

“My baby!” She cried audibly, and covered . “I’m very sorry, auntie. But I promise you that I will get Haru back,” Himchan tried comforting her. “Oh my god, oh my god,” after a willful cry, she fell faint.

“Help, help!” Himchan called for some guidance.

Not before long, Daehyun’s father showed up with Haru’s gym coach, and helped Himchan out. Zelo’s father came to check the loud commotion, and also faced the two men along with Himchan.

As Haru’s mother rested, the four men stared at each other with awkwardness. It wasn’t easy hanging out in such a time like this, but in all of the three adult men, they love Haru’s mother.

“Haru, Haru…my baby,” Haru’s mother kept calling for Haru through her sleep, though she is unconscious. “I’m sorry, auntie,” Himchan muttered, and hid his face behind both hands.

“What happened, boy?” Yoon Sup asked first, as he is Haru’s biological father. “Haru,” Himchan paused for a second, as he wasn’t sure to tell them all or not.

The three adults stared at Himchan for an answer, but he didn’t want another one fainting along with Haru’s mother.

“What happened to Haru?” Taebin carried the question next. “Promise not to faint,” Himchan requested first, and they all nodded their heads. “Haru was kidnapped on our way home,” he answered, in which all three adults stood frozen in shock.

“Kidnapped by who?”

“Did you see these people?”

“Why would they take Haru?”

Questions came roaring at Himchan, and he didn’t know how to answer them all at once. Truth is, he couldn’t answer the questions, because he didn’t know why, how, or who wanted to kidnap Haru.

“All I’ve got is a license plate number. These men were dressed in black, and had dark shades on. They took Haru, and left me beaten by the street. I swear!” Himchan explained what he knew, as that’s all he knows.

“Well then, show us the license plate number,” Taebin said. “Ah, yeh,” Himchan nodded, and quickly took out his notebook.

Yoon Sup gasped at the license plate number, as he recognized it immediately.

“Though it was a white van that Haru was thrown inside, there was a woman who glared at me, as a black rich looking vehicle drove passed,” Himchan explained.

“I know who it is,” Yoon Sup spoke up. “Mi Sun?” Taebin questioned. “No doubt,” he replied, and let out a sigh. “I’m going to end this,” Yoon Sup said, as he grabbed his coat and walked out.

“Yah, Yah! Yoon Sup!” Taebin shouted after his friend, and followed him out. “Take care of auntie. We’ll be back soon, uncle,” Himchan bowed, and then followed the other two elder men.

“Just where and what do you think you’re doing?” Taebin stopped Yoon Sup halfway towards the elevators. “That’s my daughter she has. Someone must’ve told her, because I myself didn’t know that Haru was mine, until that young boy Jun Hong got hurt,” Yoon Sup answered.

“And you think that by going home to your wife, she’ll give you Haru? Think for once, Yoon Sup,” Taebin scolded his friend. “I can’t think right now when my daughter is in danger!” Yoon Sup raised his voice.

Himchan watched the two men bicker back and forth, and soon came to stop them both. It was causing quite an embarrassing scene, and Himchan just wanted to hurry and save Haru.


Droplets of water were being heard again, as Haru finally opened her weak eyes once more. Her vision became clear, but the room was pretty dark. She could barely see what’s inside the room, as there weren’t much light.

Slowly gaining a tiny bit strength, though she felt sore and pain circulating inside her body, Haru tried to free herself. Just then, she kicked something next to her.

“Uhh…” the thing moaned aloud, as it scared Haru. “Hey, who’s there?” She quietly calls out. “Mmm…” the groaning continued, and Haru tried scooting away from it, although she couldn’t tell where it’s clearly at.

“Ha…ru…” the thing spoke, and Haru’s finger cringed. “Who are you?” She questioned, trying to seek out this person. “Dae…hyun,” the person responded weakly, and Haru scooted back to her spot again.

“Daehyun? They captured you too?” Haru asked, as she tried to free herself from the ropes, which had tied both hands to her back. “You must…escape, Haru. You must,” Daehyun mumbled.

“Yah, stop acting weak and help me here. We’ll escape together,” Haru whispered into the dark, as she kept moving both her tied feet to where she remembered kicking Daehyun.

“You must leave. I’ll be okay,” he coughed, and tried picking himself up from the cold concrete floor. “I’m not going to leave without you, idiot. You helped me once, and it’s nice to return the favor,” Haru replied, as she kept trying to reach out for him using her legs.

“What are you doing?” Daehyun asked, as he kept hearing Haru shuffle around. “I’m trying to reach to you, but I can’t,” she answered, whilst groaning with frustration. “Then follow my voice?” He suggested. “Oh my, why didn’t I think of that?” She sarcastically replied, and Daehyun chuckled.

Finally, Haru had reached to where Daehyun was laying down at, and luckily touched his back. Quickly, she used her best instinct and untied Daehyun first.

“Where did you learn to do this?” Daehyun queried, as he immediately sits up, and helps untie Haru. “My guy friend Zico and I were trained back in Japan,” Haru answered with confidence. “It became useful,” Daehyun said, and Haru cackled.

“Oh man, it feels good to finally be free,” Haru spoke up, after Daehyun untied the ropes. “Let’s find the light switch,” Daehyun suggested, as he held one of Haru’s arm over his shoulder.

“I am not that weak,” she replied, and tried to move away, but almost fell too. “I know that the people had hurt you. So stop trying to act tough, and let me help you,” Daehyun said, and placed Haru back in the same position.

“If you know that I am hurt, then you must know who our captors are, correct?” Haru questioned, and Daehyun fell silent. “Uh…” he was speechless, and didn’t know how to explain.

“If you don’t know who they are, it’s fine. Needn’t be quiet for so long,” Haru said instead, as she noticed how Daehyun didn’t answer. “I’m sorry,” he muttered, and Haru chortled.

“Hey, I noticed that the dumb captors didn’t take my watch,” Daehyun said with delight, as he felt his watch sliding on his wrist. “What about it?” She asked, not understanding why he was so happy.

“I can call for help,” Daehyun answered, and gently places Haru down on the ground. “What are you, a spy kid?” Haru joked. “You can so,” Daehyun responded, and then switched the light on his watch.

It gave him a tiny light to help him look for a light switch, and when he found it, Daehyun flipped it up. The lights were white and bright, as it almost blinded Haru for a second.

Daehyun messed around on his watch again, and then gave her a smile. Haru found it odd and weird, but a bit interesting also. She’d never thought that this kid would know how to touch these kinds of toys.

“All I remembered hearing was basement, before I knocked out. This looks like no basement to me, but a broken warehouse,” Daehyun spoke up, as his eyes searched around the place. “How cheesy,” Haru spat out, and Daehyun raised a brow.

“How so?” He asked. “Why can’t our captors at least throw us inside a boat, or possibly a room with food?” Haru joked, and Daehyun shook his head gurgling.

Suddenly, the doorknob started shaking. Haru and Daehyun looked at each other, and both nodded their heads. Standing on each side of the door, both Haru and Daehyun held a weapon.


“Who is this?” Jae Bong asked over the phone, as he looked at his unconscious wife lying on the hospital bed. “This is your wife’s old friend,” a woman’s voice replied with poise.

“I know all her friends. So which old friend are you?” Jae Bong’s voice became stern. “Don’t tell me that you’re the man she decided to move on to, because she didn’t get my husband?” The woman’s voice became intimidating, and Jae Bong snickered.

“Are you responsible for kidnapping Haru?” Jae Bong asked. “Why should it matter? She’s not your daughter anyways,” the woman then laughed evilly on the side. “I raised her as my own,” he replied sharply.

“Is that so? How did you come to love this girl, when she’s not your flesh and blood? Aren’t you afraid that she’ll steal your belongings, inheritance, or perhaps, life?” The woman questioned.

“It doesn’t matter to me if Haru isn’t my flesh. When I married her mother, I made a promise to take care of her as my own. At least I know that I’m not a person with greed for money,” Jae Bong snapped, and the phone line died.

Immediately, Jae Bong contacted Taebin on Se Young’s contact list. He told everything that the woman and he had chatted about, and for them to be careful.

“I’ll drop you both off here, and you two follow whatever leaves the house. I’ll find my wife, and try to get things out of her,” Yoon Sup insisted, as he parked the car a few blocks away from his house.

“Wait, I’ll stay here and call up some friends. You both can go ahead, incase if you need help,” Himchan insisted, and the elder men looked back at the young boy. “I will be fine,” Himchan assured them both, and stepped out of the car.

“Zico?” Himchan dialed up his number. “Hey, how’s it going with Haru?” Zico cackled, when he answered. “If you want to know, you and your boys should join with me right now,” Himchan replied, and continued on with the story.


OH MAN, ACTIONS WILL START SOON, and I think someone is going to die. >_> LOL

SHOULD I MAKE SOMEONE DIE!? XDD I mean, someone WILL PERHAPS die....OR JUST DIE. hahahahahhaah



I am excited that they're coming back, but I kind of don't want them to come back too. they need rest. they need sleep. THEY JUST NEED A HIATUS. please TS.

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Chapter 27: please update
Autumnaree #2
Chapter 27: Great read! Can't wait for an update
Chapter 5: please update i like your story.. please
Chapter 27: I thought it had ended!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for next chapter!!!!!! Love this!!!!!!
Chapter 27: I love this story! The THE END scared the crap outta me! Update soon :) pwitty pwitty pwweeeaaasseee! (Me hoping my aegyo powers will work :p) *buing buing* ;p
Halimalikesrice #6
Chapter 27: Lol I actually thought it ended for a second but I had to keep scrolling and thought nah can't end like that! Such a troll! Oh gosh this made me cry!!
Chapter 27: ...you didn't fool me, I knew what you were up to xD (I'm a troll myself :P)
Chapter 27: Epic trollness XD hahahaha , i tought that was the end T^T
Raveness #9
Chapter 27: Haru why~? I was like "No way..." when I saw it said "The End"! I'm happy there's still going to be more ^.^

I LOVE THE COMEBACK! Which ending of ONE SHOT do you prefer?