
She's That Girl!


Haru kicked the ground, as she and Eun Yi waited in line to buy the movie tickets.

“Eun Yi-ssi!” Yong Guk shouted for her, and both Haru and Eun Yi turned to his direction. To Haru’s surprise, she saw Himchan too. “You didn’t tell me that they were joining us,” Haru whispered to Eun Yi. “You didn’t ask who was coming along,” Eun Yi replied and gave Haru a smile.

Haru snickered, as she looked away.

“Evening, Haru,” Yong Guk greeted her. “Sup,” Haru plainly greeted back. “Hi Haru, I didn’t know that you were going to be here,” Himchan said excitedly. “Yeah, I didn’t know either,” she replied, rolling her eyes away.

“I’ll buy the tickets,” Yong Guk offered, as he broke the awkward tension around them. “It’s okay, I can get the tickets. I’ve been waiting in line,” Eun Yi suggested, but Yong Guk shook his head. “I wouldn’t be a gentleman if I didn’t buy them, when I personally asked you to come watch this movie with me,” Yong Guk replied, and Eun Yi smiled at him.

Maybe Yong Guk wasn’t so much of a creep after all, Eun Yi thought in her head.

“Are you excited?” Himchan asked Haru, whom both stood out of line. “Sort of, since Abraham Lincoln is one of my favorite presidents. I’ve studied about him once,” Haru answered. “Nice, I’m excited too,” Himchan replied, and Haru nodded her head in silent.

“Got the tickets,” Yong Guk said, as he waved it at Himchan and Haru. He handed Eun Yi’s ticket to her, walked up to the theater door opening it.

Yong Guk opened the door for Eun Yi, and when she walked inside, he closed it. Himchan who was shocked at having the door closed on him, fought by pushing it open. Yong Guk kept pushing it to close, but Himchan fought back.

While fighting back and forth, Haru rolled her eyes and pushed the other door open and entered inside. Yong Guk laughed audibly, as he ran to Eun Yi’s post. Himchan lowered his head in embarrassment, and Haru giggled silently.

“Popcorn?” Himchan asked, but Haru shook her head. “I don’t like to eat popcorn while watching a movie,” she answered, as she decided to find the movie room. “Oh, then I won’t buy it,” Himchan replied, as he followed after Haru.

“You can get the popcorn if you want,” Haru told him, annoyed that Himchan is following her. “It’s fine, I’m not even hungry,” Himchan replied, as he still follows her.

When they both found the theater room, Himchan entered inside first, and Haru followed after. The two found seats that weren’t too far or too close to the screen, and sat down next to each other.

Yong Guk and Eun Yi followed inside after grabbing their snacks, and Eun Yi sat down next to Haru’s empty left side. Yong Guk sat next to Eun Yi, as he smiled at her.

“Enjoy,” he said, and Eun Yi nodded her head.


Working on his homework, Daehyun stood up from his chair and stretched a bit when he finally finished. A knock came to his door, as it creaked open a bit.

“Young master, your father would like to see you in his office,” a maid said frighteningly. “Yeah, I’ll be down there in a minute,” Daehyun replied, as he drank the water in the glass cup sitting on his computer desk.

Everyone in the house was afraid of Daehyun. Not his parents of course, but the maids and butlers were. To them all, Daehyun was like a monster, a demon, a devil, whatever you name it.

However, what can the servants do anyways? They all work under the household, and will have to deal with Daehyun.

“Maid Sue said you wanted to see me,” Daehyun spoke from his father’s office door, as he stared at his father.

Jung Yoon Sup, whom is Daehyun’s father and is the CEO of a rich shopping mall, has lots of power and not much time on his hands. When he does have time though, he’ll have talks with Daehyun here and there about life, and to maintain his temper around his very own mother.

“Come in and close the door behind you. Have a seat, and we’ll talk,” Yoon Sup stiffened up his back, as he faced directly at his son. Obediently, Daehyun closed his father’s office door, and sat down on the chair in front of his father’s desk.

“Are we going to talk about business?” Daehyun asked, as he lifts a couple of papers on the table up. “No, we’ll be talking about your mother,” Yoon Sup replied, and Daehyun dropped the papers down and slumped back on his chair.

“What’s so good about her, that needs to be discussed?” Daehyun asked with a hatred attitude. “Daehyun, she is your mother,” Yoon Sup said, and Daehyun cackled. “I don’t feel like she’s mother,” he replied, not facing his father.

“Daehyun-ah, where are you picking up this kind of attitude? Haven’t I taught you to be a loving person at a young age?” Yoon Sup asked, and Daehyun turned to look at his father this time.

“You did, dad. You taught me to love the ones who are genuine and caring about everyone around. About the ones who despise of the poor and bully the weak, you had me ignored them. That’s what I’m doing,” Daehyun answered, and his father rubbed his own temples.

“Your mother is not that kind of person,” Yoon Sup said, and Daehyun glared at him. “My mother, is a witch,” Daehyun flat answered.

“Yah, you dare talk like that about your mother?” Daehyun’s father fired up. “Father, you know her more than I do, yet you act like as if you don’t know what she did. I feel sorry for you,” Daehyun said, and then stands up from his chair.

“Alright then, what did she do to make you hate her so much? She brought you to this world safely, you should love her!” Yoon Sup raised his voice audibly.

“What she did broke my heart. I could have the love like everyone else does, but I don’t. I’m treated, as I’m just a stranger around them. Being brought to this world shouldn’t have ever happened,” Daehyun replied raising his voice back at his father.

“I don’t understand,” Yoon Sup said, shaking his head. “You’ll never understand, until someone gets hurt,” Daehyun responded with a tiny laugh, and then exits out of his father’s office.

Shaking his head, Daehyun wept a bit as he closed his bedroom door behind him. He jumped onto his bed, and pulled the blanket on top of him as he let out tiny cries. All Daehyun ever wanted was to be happy with everyone.


“Wahhh, the movie was so amazing!” Yong Guk audibly shouted, as he slurped his noodles. “Yeah, it was slightly different from the book though,” Eun Yi disappointedly said, as she took a bite out of her dumplings.

“I liked it. The action was great, and Abraham Lincoln looked pretty badass,” Haru added her opinion, and drank her water. “I agree with Haru,” Himchan said, and Haru rolled her eyes.

“What was your favorite part, Eun Yi-ssi?” Yong Guk asked her, as he gave her his regular gummy smile. Eun Yi pursed her lips together and tilted her head to the side, as she thought for a moment. “When he proposed to Mary. I think it was the sweetest thing ever that a man like Abraham ever did for a woman,” Eun Yi answered.

“Really? I think it was cute when he chased after her with the basket to her home. They were such a cute couple,” Yong Guk replied, and Eun Yi nodded her head with agreement. “Abraham Lincoln is a sweetheart,” Eun Yi said, and Yong Guk cackled.

“Do you consider me as a sweetheart?” Yong Guk asked, and Eun Yi raised an eyebrow at him. “You’re a gentleman, if that’s what you mean,” she replied, and Himchan choked on his drink while chuckling.

Yong Guk nudged Himchan on the arm, whilst Haru giggled.

“I’ll walk Eun Yi home to make sure she’s safe. See you both,” Yong Guk said, as he and Eun Yi part ways from Himchan and Haru. “See you tomorrow,” Haru said, and Eun Yi waved goodbye.

Making their way to Haru’s home, the walk was silent. Haru was biting her bottom lip from time to time, as Himchan played with his fingers.


They both started out at the same time, and then chuckled.

“You go first,” Haru said to Himchan. “Nah, you should,” Himchan replied, as he scratched the back of his head. “Just say what you gotta say,” Haru said with annoyance, and Himchan nodded his head immediately.

“So how’s Zelo?” Himchan finally asked. “He’s doing fine, why?” Haru answered, and looks at Himchan. “Nothing, it’s just… Zelo’s very worried about you, that he got very pale when I took him home,” Himchan replied, and Haru smiled a small one.

“That silly boy,” Haru mumbled shaking her head.

Himchan looked at Haru, and smiled at her as he stood by her side. Never to this day, have Himchan ever thought about being this close with Haru. Knowing that she has a younger brother, both their mothers are old friends, and walking Haru home.

It was always just a dream to kiss Haru, but with what happened earlier today, Himchan couldn’t have asked for more. Everything Himchan wished for, were somehow coming true.

“So when is the school’s next basketball game? Zelo’s been pestering me about it,” Haru broke the tiny silence between them. “Ahh, it’s next week. We’re facing against Cube High,” Himchan answered, and Haru nodded her head.

“Well, you better win so that Zelo will like you more,” Haru said, and Himchan chortled. “Don’t you mean that you’ll like me more?” Himchan asked, and Haru gave him a serious look. “No,” she answered with a straight face.

Himchan bit his upper lip and cupped it up with his bottom lip, and Haru gurgled at him.

“Haru-yah,” Himchan stopped her before she entered inside her house gate. “Hm?” Haru looked at him. “Have a goodnight,” he said with a sincere smile, and Haru gave him a small smile. “You too,” she replied back.

With Haru opening the gates to enter inside, Himchan quickly spun Haru around and hugged her. Zelo who was staring out the window for Haru to return home safely, gasped in glee when he saw the tiny action.

Haru shockingly opened her eyes widened, and Himchan pushed her away in embarrassment. “Sorry,” he quickly apologized, and Haru just froze. “Goodnight, again,” Himchan said, and pecked Haru’s right cheek and sped off.

“Y-y-yah!” Haru stuttered, as she rose up her schoolbag at him. “See you tomorrow, and don’t kill me!” Himchan shouted, and continued on running.

Haru found laughter building up from inside her, and she soon enough, she started laughing. Haru touched her cheek, and shook her head. As she entered inside her house, Haru found Zelo smiling with his eyes smiling at her.

“What’s wrong?” Haru asked him. “Nothing, I just saw a romantic movie,” Zelo cheekily said, and hugged Haru. “Oh okay…” Haru confusedly replied. “You and Himchan hyung should make more movies,” Zelo whispered, and then ran to his room.

“CHOI JUN HONG!” Haru yelled.


Subin met up with the EXID ladies again, and this time she was alone.

“What’s up, was the work not done enough?” A member asked. Subin scoffed, as she handed the girl a thick yellow envelope. “500 dollars more to embarrass Haru at TS High,” Subin said, and the EXID ladies laughed.

“First you tell us to hide, but now you want us to embarrass her in her own school?” Another girl asked, and Subin sighed. “She’s taking my man, and I have no other choice,” Subin answered.

“Tch, typical es. ‘She’s taking my man. Get her kicked out of school. Blah, blah, blah.’ Hahaha,” the EXID girls mimicked. “Will you destroy her or not?” Subin asked, still flashing the envelope filled with money inside.

“Destroy her? What Haru had the other night was just the beginning, Miss Park Subin. You think you’re the only one who has hatred towards her?” The EXID member with black sunglasses asked.

“I’m guessing that you and Haru go way back?” Subin asked, and the girl smirked. “Oh, we go far back,” the girl in dark sunglasses, replied.


“Give me your money, kid!” A braided brown hair girl yelled at a little boy.

“I don’t have any money,” the boy cried, as he was just a kindergarten kid.

“No money? Don’t lie to us! We’re you’re noonas,” a long straight black hair girl said.

“No you are not! My noona is not a bully,” the kindergarten child cried harder.

“Ahn Hyo Jin, let him go!” A ponytail girl yelled, as she threw her backpack on the ground.

“Hmph, well, well, if it isn’t anyone other than Im Haru,” the braided brown hair girl, Ahn Hyo Jin said.

“Just who do you think you are to bully my little brother?” Haru asked angrily, as she swung her backpack at Hyo Jin.

“You think you’re tough and that I’m scared of you?” Hyo Jin asked infuriated, as she took off her shoe and threw it at Haru.

“I will kill you, if you bully my little brother!” Haru roared with anger, as she tackled Hyo Jin to the ground, and started choking her.

The little girl Hyo Jin who tried to fight back, was losing and trying to gasp for air. Haru stared at the little girl with angry eyes flaming with fire, as she will kill anyone who bullies Jun Hong.

“Yah, let go of Hyo Jin!” The long straight black hair girl spoke, as she pushed and kicked Haru off of Hyo Jin. “You want to die too? So be it!” Haru screamed.

Jun Hong who was crying with not being able to help, he tried to stop Haru from fighting.

“Let me go, Jun Hong!” Haru shouted, as her brother held her leg. “Don’t do it, noona!” Jun Hong cried louder, as he was wiping his tears. Hyo Jin was coughing hard, as she held onto .

“I will destroy you, Im Haru,” Hyo Jin groaned. “Let me get her!” The straight black hair girl said, as she charged towards Jun Hong instead. With eyes widened in shock, Haru hugged Jun Hong in her arms, as she shielded Jun Hong.

Three little girls started to kick and beat Haru, as she was all alone holding Jun Hong in her arms. Crying still, Jun Hong felt his older sister’s arms around him tightening more.

“Noona, noona,” Jun Hong’s voice trembled, as the three little girls took running with Hyo Jin. “Noona!” Jun Hong shouted, when Haru’s little weak body fell back.



Haru opened her eyes instantly. Breathing hard, as she tried to catch her breath. “Aish,” she mumbled, as she felt sweat arose from her forehead. Haru sat up on her bed, and checked the time.

It read 3:50 a.m.

Haru hopped off of bed at once, and slowly walked over to the bathroom and washed the sweat off of her face. While returning back to her room, she stopped at her door, and peeked out of the hallway to Zelo’s room upstairs.

With a silent sigh, Haru walked up to Zelo’s room, and peeked inside. Zelo was sound asleep, as he held his stuffed up robot toy that Haru had won for him from a vending machine game.

Haru giggled at the sight of her little brother, and walked towards his bed. She fixed his blanket, as she tucked him in. Haru slowly pet Zelo’s hair, as she brushed it back a few times.

“Thank you, Jun Hong-yah. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have learnt how to fight and protect you. Noona loves you a lot,” Haru whispered, and pecked Zelo’s forehead.

“Robot… I’m a robot…” Zelo spoke in his dreams, and Haru giggled walking out.


Okay, is just you guys, or me too? AFF's update box thingy is different, and I can't find the line thingy... I had to copy it from my previous chapter and place it here... >_>

Anyways... I UPDATED! :DD I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! ^-^ 

More interesting stuff will come up that will WOO you readers. XDD

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Chapter 27: please update
Autumnaree #2
Chapter 27: Great read! Can't wait for an update
Chapter 5: please update i like your story.. please
Chapter 27: I thought it had ended!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for next chapter!!!!!! Love this!!!!!!
Chapter 27: I love this story! The THE END scared the crap outta me! Update soon :) pwitty pwitty pwweeeaaasseee! (Me hoping my aegyo powers will work :p) *buing buing* ;p
Halimalikesrice #6
Chapter 27: Lol I actually thought it ended for a second but I had to keep scrolling and thought nah can't end like that! Such a troll! Oh gosh this made me cry!!
Chapter 27: ...you didn't fool me, I knew what you were up to xD (I'm a troll myself :P)
Chapter 27: Epic trollness XD hahahaha , i tought that was the end T^T
Raveness #9
Chapter 27: Haru why~? I was like "No way..." when I saw it said "The End"! I'm happy there's still going to be more ^.^

I LOVE THE COMEBACK! Which ending of ONE SHOT do you prefer?