Chapter 2


Ladies and gentlemen, this is Hyuuga Mier and I’m your chief flight attendant. On behalf of Captain Fujimura Ritsuka and the entire crew, welcome aboard!

At this time, make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Also make sure your seat belt is correctly fastened. Also, we advise you that as of this moment, any electronic equipment must be turned off. Thank you.

Flight attendants, prepare for take-off please.

Cabin crew, please take your seats for take-off.


“Min Eun?” A guy with glasses wearing a knotted t-shirt and blue jeans spoke to me. “Are you alright? Feeling sick?


“Wae?” I muttered looking at the person asking not really hearing what he just said to me. I am in an out of this world state.


That's right. I’m sick, in shock and my eyes is still wide open. All the things that had happened to me only in the past 6 hours are hard to believe. I was just wishing yesterday but now @_@......


“Hahaha! You really are funny Min Eun. You look like a cute nervous kitten now. Is that already the pre-effect of living in South Korea in just a few more hours?” The man said teasingly while letting out a soft chuckle.


Well wouldn't?! Any kpop fanatic would get crazy, I swear.


“Don’t tease me you Mr. Representative of SMent. This is really sudden! My little heart can’t take it all at once.” I said, looking away hiding my nervousness and embarrassment.


OK Min Eun….Inhale Exhale. Inhale Exhale.


Then, all of a sudden my head is starting to have a flashback thingy......that crazy thing that happened earlier.



Classes have ended and students are already making their way out of the campus. Me as well.

“Min Eun! Hey!” A raspy girl’s voice suddenly tapped me at the back.

“Chuna!” I said with delight. She’s one of my Kpop buddies here in the university and my best friend as well. She’s half-Japanese, half-Korean.

“I’ve been looking for you the whole day. OMO OMO! EXO-K High Cut Magazine has been released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aigooooooooo we need to have that!” She excitedly said while grabbing both my shoulders. “I wanna see how hot and derpy my Chanyeol looks in the magazine!!!” She added with conviction.

I looked at her. She looked at me. . . . . . . . . . . . . We looked at each other.

“Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~!!!!!!!” We both shouted at the top of our lungs. The people around eyed at us. Yeah we’re crazies and we know it!

“What are we waiting for Min Eun?! Lezzz go buy now. You don’t wanna miss seeing Kai topless, aren’t you? Keke. Those abs of a young boy! ” Chuna said with her eyes sparkling.

“Chuna…. As much as I really want to, I can’t. You see my sister and I have a fight yesterday. She won’t go on easy on me if she found out I bought a new Kpop magazine.” I said with so much disappointment.

“She criticized you….us Kpop fanatics again?! That hag! I told you just live with me. I’m sure my mom won’t mind! You’re like a part of our family.” She said.

“You know I can’t do that. My dad will surely come back soon.” I explained even if it’s been already ages since he last visited. “So really I’m fine just go now there first. I can buy it some other time.” I said while pushing her back and putting up a smile. “You need to hurry up or else it might get sold out.”

“You sure Min Eun? Alright then, I’ll call you when I’ve bought it. We’ll read it together ok?” She said with worry in her eyes. Chuna is a really good friend.

“Of course!” I said while doing thumbs up. “Bye bye.”

We hugged each other and parted ways.

I really want to buy that magazine. Haist. Wanna see Baekhyun, leader Suho, D.O., Chanyeol, maknae Sehun, and of course……….


I fell into my knees. Someone just bumped into me.”That hurts.” I painfully voiced out while rubbing my stumbled knee.

I half-opened my eyes and saw a middle-aged lady around her 30’s I think, in front of me….panicking.

“Are… are you alright Ma’am?” I asked her worried. She looks like she was running for her life.

“I HAD ENOUGH. I DON’T WANT TO BE TREATED LIKE THAT ANYMORE! HE’S A CRUEL MONSTER! No! No! Don’t want to return anymore.” This woman said still panicking like crazy, sweating… shaking her head….scared. Then, she suddenly stood up, looked at me and said “Don’t tell where I went.”

I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t even know this lady in front of me. But out of confusion and fright I nodded. She then ran as fast as she could away, leaving me frozen in the street.

That was crazy.

All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my right shoulder. “Hey…” A man’s voice said.

Instinct kicked in and because I think I already have an adrenaline rush throughout my body, I grab the hand behind me and forcefully twist it. I heard a loud cry. Then, I did a hard elbow knocking move on the person’s chest. Knock down.

“Take that you badass!! My ultimate fighting style!” I shouted at the person lying on the floor. I feel like I’m the main character in my fave Japanese movie, Gokusen.

But the guy…he’s wearing a black suit and dark shades. Oh no if this is what I think it is and according to those action movies I've watched…this guy has some buddies!

Time to run, Min Eun!

“Hey you! Hold it.” I heard someone shouted at me from behind.

Min Eun, don’t look and just run.

But before I could do that my front was blocked by four men wearing the same as the one I knocked on the floor. This is bad. I knew it they’re gangsters! Then, one of them started moving towards me. Oh no. I’ll be kidnapped then be sold to some foreigners…. or become a gangster’s slave or worst….chopped me into pieces then sell my organs at the black market!!!

“Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!! “ I shouted at the top of my lungs. Not because I’ve seen a picture of Kai’s abs but because I know I’ll be dead meat at any second! “Someone help me!!!!”

Then, someone grabbed both of my hands. I have nowhere to run. Goodbye world. Goodbye life.

“Aigoooooooooo you’re elbow is like a heavy stone.” I heard a voice saying.

I looked. Then the man lying on the floor earlier is now coming towards me. “Please just let me go. I’m not a healthy girl. I’ve….I’ve some kind of disease. Hmmm its…what do they call that…Diabetes! Yeah you can’t sell my organs you see? So please I’m begging you.” I pleaded with my eyes closed.

“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!” I heard voices laughing everywhere. I opened my eyes and look confused because almost of these black suited guys are laughing even the guy talking to me was snickering. He removed his shades then I noticed that he was also a Korean like me, so the others as well?

“Pffffffffffft. You’re funny you know that?” He said while trying not to laugh. “We’re not going sell you young lady or your organs haha so relax. And we’re not gangsters; we’re from an entertainment company.” He calmly said to me.

 But I think he noticed that I don’t believe him, that’s why he pulled something in the pocket of his suit and handed it to me. It was a small white card with something written on it.

“I’m Lee Jun Mun, a representative from SMent of South Korea. Heard of it?” He said.

Wait what? Did I hear it correctly?!

“SM….sment?” I mumbled, eyes widening.

“Yes, the one and only who produced famous K-pop groups internationally like TVXQ, SNSD, Super Junior…” He started explaining.

“and EXO.” I added. I.cannot.believe.this.

“Yes, the new rookie group of SMent, EXO. I see so you’re a fan of Kpop. That’s great.” He said while giving me warm smile.

I just elbow kicked a person that I thought was a gangster and worst he’s from SMent. Someone is playing a joke on me.

“Wait, then why are you here in Japan?” I asked. I haven’t heard of any announcements, tweets, blogs that SMent will be coming to Japan or even in here already.

“Well, you see the woman that I think you saw earlier, is an employee of SMent. But because of issues, she ran off, making us worried sick. We followed her here in Japan and try to get her back again. But I guess that won’t be happening.” Lee Jun Mun said with dismay.

“Oh I see…so she must really be a great employee for you people to follow her here?” I commented.

“Ahmmm well you see...we have a hard time finding people that uhmm can deal well with that person. We thought that woman would be able to handle him.” He replied.

“Really? He must be a person with high standards.” I said. They just nodded. Oh shoot. I almost forgot what I disrespectfully did to them. “Hmmmm Mr. Lee Jun Mun? Everyone? I’m really really sorry.” I sincerely said while bowing my head 90 degrees. Me and my Gokusen moves ~_~!

“Oh…there’s no need to do that. We’re the ones that should apologize for scaring you earlier. Jesonghapnida” Mr. Lee Jun Mun apologizes.

“Aniyo Aniyo…I still did an inappropriate thing. I’m sorry. I hope I can help you in any way that I can.” I earnestly replied. But how can a simple girl like me help SMent. Ridiculous Min Eun. Ridiculous.

“There is…Yah you can!” He suddenly said with excitement. “What’s your name young lady?” He asked.

“Hmmmm Min Eun.” I replied, not knowing how on earth I can help them.

“Yes yes Min Eun. You can really be a great help.” He suddenly smirked. Oh no what the hell is this man thinking. Then, he whispered something in my ear.

“You can be the substitute.”


*End of Flashback*


Flight attendants, prepare for landing please.

Cabin crew, please take your seats for landing.


The pilot's announcement made me come back to my senses.


“Min Eun? Hey...relax! You’ll have fun, that’s a promise.” Mr. Lee Min Jun said with a smile. He must have seen my face gone pale all of a sudden. “Everything is alright now ok? Your sisters and your mother have already agreed in you temporarily living with us.”


Yeah and it’s because of money. They won’t even flinch in agreeing to let me go if Mr. Lee Min Jun didn’t offer something.


“I’ve even talked to the university you’ve been studying up till now. There’s nothing to worry about anymore.” He added. “But Min Eun just do your best ne? Don’t make an even small chance to make that person dislike you.” His tone suddenly got serious.


“Ha? Why is that? Who’s that person I’ll be working to anyways?” I ask with a puzzled look. I just want to make the most out of my stay in Korea, satisfying my kpop addiction! No matter who he is; I won’t get intimidated.


“Oh. Haven’t I told you earlier? Well…that darn brat, Kim Jong-In.”


And I’m sure my face went like this O_O


“MWUH?!!!!” I blurt out.


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Incheon International Airport. Local time is 7:00 KST. I’d like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice stay!




Thank you for those who commented, viewed, and subscribed~~~~! because of you I got really excited and started writing at once Chapter 2! heart

Look forward ot the next chappie 'coz EXO will be appearing at long last!!!!!! cool


*airline annoucements in the chapter has been edited by me which I got from most original announcements heard on different airlines... credits not mine.

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aishani146 #1
Chapter 4: Please comple it... It's a really good story... Great job... :)))
You know I've been waiting forever for your update :')
But thanks for updating anyway <3
crazyfantassii #3
Bwahahaha MinEun is so lucky. I wonder what Kai did to the former staff. What is she going to be? Sort of like a baby sitter? Hmmm. Can't wait for the next update :)
can't wait for this since you mention comedy..update soon! XOXO