The Sister.

After Every Storm, There's Always A Rainbow

"Finally! Unnie, did you buy the rame-" Eun Jung stopped in her tracks when she saw Sunggyu standing in the middle of the living room. Sunggyu gave a little wave and smiled awkwardly at her. She waved back and quickly made her way in the kitchen where I was unpacking the stuff I bought to cook the past-midnight dinner.
"Unnie, why is he here?" At that moment, Sunggyu cleared his throat indicating that he could hear what she said. Eun Jung turned around and smile, at the same time pulling me into our room. 

"Yah, let go. I have to cook." I shook her hands off me and was about to open the door when she quickly went around me to block my way. "Not before you answer my question. What is he doing here Unnie?" This time she was crossing her arms over her chest and gave me the look that mothers give to their daughters whenever they've seen them with a random guy. "Yah, if you wanna know why, why not ask him yourself. Now excuse me, I shall continue with my cooking." I pushed her away and went out the room before she could protest. I didn't really want to answer that question. I don't know how to. I thought that by asking her to ask Sunggyu instead would at least get them closer and know more about each other.


Outside, Sunggyu was already making himself comfortable. As though it was his own house, he already took out all the ingredients we bought from the supermarket and was already boiling some water in the pot for the ramen. I cleared my throat and he spun around and looked as though he was caught doing something bad. " looked busy so I thought I'd start first." His hand rubbed the back of his neck. "Aish~Thank you oppa." I said and playfully nudged his shoulders. He then started to pinch my cheeks and the both of us started laughing in that small kitchen. 


"Ahem, I'm still here you know." The both of us stood still with our eyes wide open. It seems as though we have forgotten Eun Jung was with us. She was standing at the entrance of the kitchen with her hands on her hips. Both me and Sunggyu took a step away from each other and cleared our throats. "Err, Eun Jung ah, why not you wait at the living room while I prepare the ramen, neh?" I smiled at her. She just rolled her eyes and headed to the living room. "Oppa, now's your chance. Talk to her. Please! I can't stand this awkwardness!" I whispered desperately and faced him. Sure enough, Sunggyu looked helpless too. He just stood there and telling me that he doesn't want to be alone with Eun Jung. Sigh, he was the one who self-invited himself over. "Oppa, hwaiting!" I punched my fist up in the air and pushed him into the living room.

Once he was out from the kitchen, I let out a long sigh. It's going to be a long night. Hell, it's already past midnight.


| Sunggyu's P.O.V |


"Oppa, hwaiting!" and she pushed me out from the kitchen. How could she? Can't she see I'm struggling too? Argh, it was a bad idea to come here after all. But I really wanted to spend more time with her. "Ahem." It's 'mini' Min Jung again. "Ajusshi, are you just gonna stand there or what?" She was sitting with her legs crossed on the couch. And, "Ajusshi?!" Do I really look that old to her? I wanted to protest but I held my tongue. This is Min Jung's sister. And she really loves her sister. So I shall have to try and love her too. Sigh. Why can't her younger sibling be a baby? I managed a small smile and sat down on the floor beside the couch. Some part of me just doesn't want to sit beside her. "Ajusshi, what are you doing? Can't you see there's a couch over here?" I looked up to see her patting the empty space beside her on the couch. "Gwaenchanhnya, I'll just sit here." "Ajusshi, if my sister sees you sitting there she'll gonna blame me for it. And I don't want her to get angry at me." She wasn't looking at me but was looking at the floor instead. Seems like she was avoiding eye contact with me for some reason.


"Ouh, neh." I gave a slight nod and sat awkwardly beside her on the couch. Okay, she clearly doesn't like me. But at least she's speaking to me formally. Hmm, how should I get close to her? "Um, I haven't really introduce myself have I? Annyeong, Kim Sunggyu imnida." I gave her the most friendliest smile I can manage but she had that blank expression on her face. "I already know who you are and I'm certain you already know who I am." Okay, so maybe my 'friendly' smile didn't work. "Um, I heard a lot about you from your sister." "Really? Like what?" Now she seems interested. But there's another problem, Min Jung doesn't really talks about her sister. Except, well, when she has to rush home early to cook dinner for her. "U-um, like, you're really nice and cute?" I hope that works.


"Ouh okay." And she turned away to look away from me. Okay that didn't work but I could see a small smile forming on her lips. Even though I lied about Min Jung telling me that, I really find her cute. Cause she looks just like her sister, only a mini version. There was an awkward silence in the room. After what it seems like a minute of silence or so, I decided to ask another random question, but this time, she asked me "Sunggyu-sshi, don't mind me asking, how old are you exactly?" I almost fell off the couch when she asked that. Do I really look that old to her? I cleared my throat, " Um, I'm born in 1989." She just nodded. "Why? Did you expect me to be younger?" "Ani, but don't you think you're too old for Unnie? She's just 17 you know." Why is she asking all this? It seems as though she....hates me being with Min Jung. Before I could answer, Min Jung came into the living with a pot filled with ramen. 


"Jjang! All done!" She was still wearing her apron and had the kitchen gloves on. We all ate in silence after that. The only sounds that we could hear was the ticking of the clock on the wall, the low hum coming from the tv and the sounds of the three of us slurping the hot ramen from the pot. Somehow, I didn't really have any appetite. Eun Jung's question was still ringing in my ears...don't you think you're too old for Unnie?.... Min Jung was happily eating her ramen and kept patting Eun Jung's head. She really does love her sister, a lot. Then I started wondering, if Eun Jung doesn't like me and tells Min Jung to leave me, would she really leave me? "Oppa, why aren't you eating anymore? Didn't you say you were hungry?


"Min Jung ah, it's getting late, I should get going." I quickly stood up and made my way towards the door. "N-neh. I'll send you out." Outside, I put on my shoes, but somehow my hands were trembling and it was hard to put them on. ...Get a grip Sunggyu...what's wrong with you?..."Oppa, are you okay?" Min Jung looked worried. "I'll walk home with you." She offered, but I couldn't bear to face her right now. Eun Jung's question was ringing even louder in my head, ...Don't you think you're too old for Unnie?... "A-ani, gwaenchanhnya Min Jung ah, it's dark and dangerous for you to be out this late." "O-ouh, okay. See you tomorrow then Oppa. Have a safe trip home. Call me once your home." I just gave a slight nod and hurried myself down the stairs, out to the empty street. 


It was dead silent. My breathing was becoming heavier and louder. It's good that I'm out from that house. If I were to stay there longer, especially beside Eun Jung, I think I would have exploded. And that would worry Min Jung more. But right then, I saw something move from the corner of my eyes. I turned to look but nothing was there. Just an empty street with parked cars. Was it my imagination? Hmm, maybe I'm tired, and after what happened back there, I'm don't feel so well. Better get home and get some sleep.


|Min Jung's P.O.V|


I can hear them, Sunggyu and my sister, talking. Can't really make up what they're talking about but I just feel happy that they're talking to each other. Does this mean Eun Jung is okay with the idea of me and Sunggyu going out? I hope so. I turned around just to see them and sure enough, Sunggyu was sitting beside Eun Jung on the couch and the both of them are talking. 


"Alright, time to eat!" I put on the kitchen gloves and carried the pot full of ramen and headed to the living room. But something seemed strange. Sunggyu. Something about his expression is bothering me. Was it something Eun Jung said when they were talking to each other? Wait, did Eun Jung called him the delivery guy again? She better not. I came into the living room and placed the pot on the table. "Let's eat!" Eun Jung shouted. Sigh, Eun Jung wouldn't say anything mean to Sunggyu right? I patted her head and smiled. We were all eating quietly and that was when I noticed Sunggyu placing his chopsticks on the table. He looks distracted. Or is it because the ramen tested weird? Eun Jung seems fine eating it thought. "Oppa, why aren't you eating anymore? Didn't you say you were hungry?


To my surprise, he suddenly got up and collected his things. He said it was getting late and he has to go home. I offered to go with him but he said it was dangerous cause it's dark out. Doesn't he knows that I'm worried for him? That I want him to talk about what's been bothering him? Cause something definitely is bothering him. Instead I just nodded and told him to call me once he reached home. I turned to see Eun Jung still eating. Maybe she said something. It has to be. I walked up to where she was sitting and put my hands on my hips. "Eun Jung ah, what did you and Sunggyu oppa talk about just now?" Instead, Eun Jung just gave me a confused expression. "We talked about normal stuff. Why?"...Normal stuff..."What kind of normal stuff?" I slowly approached her, "Just about school and work. Why? did he say anything?" Hmm, maybe it wasn't about what she said then. So what else could be bothering him? It couldn't be my cooking right? "Ani, nevermind. Forget about it. Hurry finish up and go to sleep okay?"


Maybe he's just tired. Well, he'll call me once he reaches home and then I can ask him. But I was wrong. He didn't call me eventhough I waited for an hour. Where can he be? He doesn't live that far from us. Maybe he's too tired. Well, at least sending me a goodnight text would help. After checking my phone for the hundreth time, I shut it off and head to sleep. But I couldn't. Because I'm worried about him. Is he still outside? Did he go somewhere? Is he safe? Suddenly there was a flash and a loud thunder. It's raining? Somehow, I have a feeling that something is going to happen. Something bad.




Wooh!! I'm back!! Done with my tests which I know I'm so gonna screw up...gah, but that's okay. I still have one more major exam at the end of the year.
For now, it's the holidays and it's the time for me to relax!! ANYWAY, I'M EXTREMELY HAPPY!!! WANT TO KNOW WHY? These boys, these very good-looking and dorky boys, made my day. Who am I referring to? Well, it's none other than the POWARRIORS B.A.P!!


Especially this dork, 

Because he said my name!!!! It was during the live streaming event on AllKpop. I sent in some questions and I really hoped that they'd answer at least one and they did! It was the one about Singapore! RIGHT NOW I AM SO PROUD TO BE A SINGAPOREAN. And it's really nice to see them getting excited when Singapore's being mentioned too! I really spazzed yesterday when I heard Himchan say my name cause he's like my bias. OMG, IT WAS THE HAPPIEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE. Eventhough they don't know who I am, at last they knwo I exist! hahahEventhough I'm certain they would forget about it afterwards but really, I'm still on my fangirling mode. And I'll always rewatch the video and skip to the part where he said my name and I'll be like 

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Thanks guys! Ooh and here's the link to my newest fic! > Thanks guys! Ooh and here's the link to my newest fic! >
Hope you guys can give this as much support and love that you have done for my first one :) The sequel is still in the making though so you'll have to wait a little longer ;)
Hope you guys can give this as much support and love that you have done for my first one :) The sequel is still in the making though so you'll have to wait a little longer ;)
heehee sequel~ xD u could make sungjong come back to life... haha juz kidding! ^^ looking forward to the sequel and ur new fanfic( praying tat its a myungsoo fic >.<)
I love the ending ^^ I will definately read the sequel =)
Haha, like I said, the idea just popped in my head. And I thought of Sungjong to play the character lolol.
OMO. FINALLY, SUNGGY MAKE A RIGHT MOVE. GOOD JOB, SUNGGYU. AND LIKE WHAT TAEMIN SAID, I SHOULD BE THANKING HIM TO MAKE SUNGGYU COME BACK TO MINJUNG. HOHOHO. and.....WHY IS IT TO BE SUNGJONG?? T_T I should've been better if it's fictional character.. hahaha. cant wait waiting for the update~~~~~~~~~
No problem! Idk why I had Sungjong die actually. The idea just popped in my head lol.
omggg sunggyu is coming back!!! ^^ but why did sungjong have to die :'( thanks for updating xD
Update soon, author-nim~~~ :) I want Sunggyu to be back. T_T Poor Minjung. :(