When You Wish Upon A Star...

Operation: Wallflower (Discontinued)





This song is from LED Apple's Park KeonU he composed this whole song ^.^ I listened to this while writting and words just poured out...I'm sorry for not updating... I don't know if I told you guys I'm going to be getting really really busy now but I will update weekly if not bi weekly

Jin Ah's POV: 

I rested my head on the pillow while looking at the ceiling. I sighed as I closed my eyes thinking about what happened at Gabriel’s guest house in the outskirts of Moscow. Sookyung unnie attacked me with her make up kit. I love unnie to death and all but she is seriously intent on giving me a permanent make over. I hate how everyone sides with her too. Sae Rin did NOTHING to stop this from happening because frankly she wants to give me a makeover too but she knows her limits since I’m her unnie. My actual sister even wants to take me shopping. She subtly hints at wanting me to change by buying me the latest fashion trends. Gabriel no matter how much the kid adores me he still wants a pretty future wife.

Sookyung unnie however is older than me so I can’t be a disrespectful dongsae. I complied to her wishes and she made my face over. After she was done I didn’t even take time to take a picture or anything. Thankfully her husband Ryungsoo oppa handed me a full length face mask when unnie was done. He uh distracted her so I could go to the limo outside.

So what if I don’t want to be perfect and pretty? Do I have to be? I don’t really care about being pretty because at the end of the day I wouldn’t know who really cared for me or not. I have trust issues and each of them knows it.

I rolled over in my bed and went to locket that was on my bedside table. I clicked it open. It was the only picture I had of myself and Jung Jin. It was back when we were kids. Back when he told me it didn’t matter the way I looked because I was fun to be around. What happened to him? Even Sae Rin was shocked he’d acted the way he did at his birthday party. It was too unlike him. My eyes felt wet and warm. Knowing that my tears were going to fall out soon I kept blinking in order to hold them back.

No use because I still felt hot tears roll down my face. The crushing feeling in my chest that I had been ignoring suddenly came back. I hugged my knees. The more I looked at the picture the worse the pain got so I set it aside. My head hurt so I closed my eyes and thought about the past.

It was one of those stupid dinner parties that my parents always held when they were in Korea. Sae Rin and her family was there, so was Min Seok, Jung Jin, Gabriel, and a few others.

Sae Rin was probably the fiercest two year old I’ve ever met. Even at five and having somewhat bad memory I can remember the stuff she did. Man… it was funny now but back then it scared me kind of. Sae Rin once took a bottle of wine and hit one of the guests in the face for trying to pick her up. Yup she was a handful.

Yunhwa oppa, her older brother, got the worst end of the stick. After years of being tortured by his baby sister he travels the world in order avoid having to deal with her. He even made a deal with her once that if he won the game that she’d have to stop pranking him. But it didn’t work in his favor and Sae Rin asked for the most ridiculous prize. She wanted him to hand over his first born son. But that was when she was five. It’s funny how they made that deal and they forgot about it but Sae Rin has custody over Mason since Yunhwa has to travel.

Gilbert let’s say his life is a little complicated he had always been a good friend of my sister but he never loved her. He’d always had his eyes on Ha Neul. Gil had weird taste falling for a bipolar farm girl who when she was having one of her mood swings would look like Sadako. But Gil is nut who tattooed a phrase about the sky on his arm just so he could have her name with him forever. When she was kid she was more quiet than I was which was sort of creepy.

Back at that time it was Gilbert’s mother’s baby shower because she was pregnant with Gabriel. I was playing tag with Min Hyeok, Sun Mi, and Jung Jin since Sae Rin was busy pulling her brother’s hair and biting him while my sister was trying to pull her off Yunhwa oppa. Gil was teasing Ha Neul trying to get her attention.

“We’re going to get you two!” Min Hyeok yelled as he chased after us.

“Yah! Slow down!” Sun Mi (in case you guys forgot that’s Min Hyeok GF in the future anyways) yelled trying to catch up to him in her dress shoes. She made it a firm point to look good no matter what you do.

“Hurry up Jin Jin!” Jung Jin grabbed my hand and my cheeks flushed as he pulled me along.

We ran even after we saw Sun Mi trip and fall right onto Min Heok. Jung Jin took me out up to the roof. Both of us laughed at the sheer thrill of being chased.

“That idiot is never going to catch up to me,” Jung Jin puffed his chest out proudly and I laughed. Yes. I found his narcissism adorable. Even now…

“Don’t talk about your cousin that way,” I chided and he puffed his cheeks out.

“I still won…,” he grumbled. I knew that there was no winner in tag and that it was and endless game but his expression made me feed his ego.

“Yes you did,” I smiled at him. He grinned goofily right back at me and then we heard a helicopter pass by. But that’s not what caught Jung Jin’s attention.

“Look Jin Ah do you see that!” he pointed toward what looked like a falling star. “Make a wish!” he told me as he closed his eyes and concentrated. I looked at him for a moment before closing my eyes and following his example.

At that time I didn’t know what to wish for. It was so sudden but I wished the first thing that came to mind.  It was lame and cheesy yes but my sister read me shoujo manga as bed time stories and I loved watching those stupid princess movies.

 With that in mind I knew what I wanted.

‘I want to be with my prince and have a happily ever after’ I smiled as I peeked over at Jung Jin, who was still looking up at the stars with delight.

It was a stupid wish but honestly what was I going to wish for as a kid? I want to grow up to be this or that but having parents like mine my future career wasn’t mine to decide and I knew it.

I opened my eyes and saw the night sky outside. Grabbing the locket I snuck out of my room. The boys had left thank god. Went up to the roof and looked up at the stars.

With a click I opened the locket in my hands.

“Won Jung Jin… I really thought you were my prince,” I looked down at the picture. Fury built up inside me and I wanted to toss that necklace as far as I could throw it. But I something inside me told me to stop and think. That necklace meant something to me and I shouldn’t be an idiot and throw it away. If all things maybe I should thank Jung Jin. Because it left me wondering as I looked into the sea of stars.

If Jung Jin isn’t my prince…

















Who is?

Woo hoo!!! Another chappie ^.^ Did you like it? 

The whole Russia chapter is going to end next chapter BTW just giving you guys a heads up. I just watched The Legend of Korra Season finale and I swear I think I'm in love guys


Yup there is just something special about a Fire Prince in ripped up clothing firebending the hell out of someone *Q* 



I could so see this being a real life situation XD


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chinguyah #1
hhahhaa LOL @ D.O's picture XD He's so.. cute <3 I really want to know what website you get the pictures from :) I love the story so far <3 Update <3 <3 <3 ^-^
LOL at the d.o pic the bottom XD
I bookmarked this ages ago...but I've only finished reading it today ^_^'
This is a great fic~
I love all those little moments Jin-ah has with the exo members~ :D:D (I see lots of moments with Suho/Kai/Chanyeol/Lay) >;]
I wonder who she'll end up with >>

Sorry I was spazzing again >.<

Update update! I remember Ki Wook... :( I miss him so much <\3
ohhhhhh~ kai has a crush on Jin Ah!!!! This is too cute!!! BTW I love the pictures LOL! Also I can't believe that you replied to me!!! <3 <3 <3 I wish that you can make this to 100 chapters :D FIGHTING/HWAITING!!!
@SIWON~! oh my shisus~! i can't~~~
LOVED THIS UPDATE~! Slowly voting for kai here!! author-ssi why u do this to me?!?!!?!

OMG I love this so... much update more please!!! <3 <3
lamppost358 #8
luc ur gifs but i luv ur story more!! update pwease!!
YES BACON AND SAE RIN! LOL they seem so cute! =]
omoomomomo! i wonder who it'll be!!
im so freakin excited for exo in to the beautiful you!! ♥
my heart!